The Lunch Feeder Rube Goldberg Machine Feeds You a Meal

You know how it is. You’re working hard at the office, and then you get hungry. But if you stop your work to get some food, your productivity will suffer. What can you do? You either go hungry or fall behind on your tasks. Well, that’s not the case if you have The Lunch Feeder.

This Rube Goldberg machine is genius. It was built by Joseph of Joseph’s Machines and feeds him a four-course meal. Specifically a brussel sprout, hotdog with ketchup, asparagus spear, and soup. Now, this guy can work and eat at the same time like a productive worker ant.

Never forget to feed yourself again. And since we don’t have robots that will take care of that task for us, this is the next best thing. I mean, yeah, it’s a lot of work to put into something just to avoid falling behind in your work but nevermind that. It’s a machine that feeds you and that’s all that matters. Great job Joseph. Hopefully, that asparagus spear doesn’t poke you in the eye though.

[via Laughing Squid via Geekologie]

This LEGO Machine Blows Soap Bubbles

Great. Now I hear that “Tiny Bubbles” song in my head. All because of this LEGO bubble blowing machine built by Sariel of Sariel’s LEGO Workshop. I like it. Bubbles make the world a happier place, and I’m not just talking about that guy from Trailer Park Boys.

This sweet LEGO machine uses soap to blow bubbles. So basically, this thing blows. Get it? He built it on top of a LEGO boat hull, and powered the track-style drive mechanism with a Power Functions motor, and an off-the shelf motor for the blower fan. Seriously, it’s pretty cool. Though as the video goes on, it pops bubbles way too often instead of releasing them into the air. Maybe he was using the wrong kind of soap.

LEGO should really market one of these so that kids can build it and then enjoy blowing some bubbles with their creation. Because as it stands right now kids can’t make bubbles and play with LEGO at the same time, and that’s sad. This is the 21st century. Let kids build their own bubble blowing machines. They have fun and it gets them out of the parent’s hair for a bit. Of course them parents have to clean up all of the spilled bubble formula and clean slippery bubble residue off of everything.

[via The Awesomer via Geekologie]

This Rube Goldberg Machine Takes 9 Minutes to Pour a Glass of Lemonade

When you could just walk over to the fridge, nine minutes seems like a long time to wait for a glass of lemonade. In this case, it’s totally worth it. What you are looking at is a ridiculously long Rube Goldberg machine that spans the entire house just to pour a few glasses of lemonade. I mean, I would have poured you a glass if you just asked. There’s no need to build a huge machine. Geesh.

This overly-complicated contraption was built by a team of talented machine builders: Sprice MachinesDoodleChaosTheInvention11Hevesh55MadMovieMakersDrComplicated, and SmileyPeaceFun. Needless to say, they really, really like lemonade. This was their first ever house-wide machine project and probably their last if anyone’s wife lives in this house. The machine travels through the kitchen, a kid’s room, bathroom, office, parent’s room, living room, patio, and backyard while using everyday objects to eventually achieve its goal.

This machine is one of the cooler ones I’ve seen in some time and superbly designed, except for, you know, the fact that you have to wait nine minutes to get a drink. This must have taken a long time to set up, and lots of trial and error. But the promise of that sweet and tart lemon drink must have driven them forward. Minute Maid? Meh. We can beat that with Nine-Minute Made lemonade!

[via The Awesomer via Geekologie]

AK-47 maker Kalashnikov has built a retro-styled EV

Russian weapons manufacturer Kalashnikov may be best known for making the AK-47 machine gun, but it's also got serious aspirations in the electric vehicle field, too. This week it unveiled a fleet of electric and hybrid cars, buggies and bikes in a m...

This LEGO Technic Farm Machines Rake Hay

Who says farming has to be boring? The Brick Wall built this cool piece of LEGO Technic farm equipment, adding it to his already impressive collection of machines. He actually created two hay rakes. One is a modern-day farm implement, and one is inspired by the rakes of yesteryear. Both are completely functional, so they can actually collect your cut grass for you if you need a robot for such things.

It looks like both machines are driven by a standard LEGO Technic Claas Xerion 5000 tractor. The modern machine looks really cool, with a V-shaped rig and eight spinning rake wheels.

It seems like it does a good enough job collecting grass, but the old style version seems to do a more thorough job with its big grass catcher design. So, see, newer isn’t always better.

Both are very impressive builds and I wouldn’t mind having either in my yard to make my job easier. I continue to be blown away by what talented people can build with LEGO. One day we may all have LEGO robots doing our yard work for us. At least until the odd one blows up here and there and then we are all stepping on LEGO bricks hidden in the grass. That’s when it will end because, at that point, your lawn just becomes a minefield to anyone with bare feet.

[via designboom via Mike Shouts]

This elaborate machine automatically prepares and builds burgers!


Well, the future is finally here… Not just because Uber is giving us the promise of flying cars, but because San Francisco based firm Creator is finally giving us the completely automated burger making machine, a contraption that puts together a juicy, delicious burger together from start to end in a precisely self-replicating, consistent way that would put McDonald’s to shame.

8 years in the making, the machine comes with individual tubes and receptacles that hold everything from buns to pickles to veggies to even condiments. An individual patty-cooking area freshly seasons and prepares the meat patty to perfection (even with cheese on top) before assembling the burger bit by bit via a conveyor (even slicing the veggies on the spot for unbeatable freshness) and finally encapsulating magic between two buns before sending the perfectly juicy, freshly prepared cheeseburger into the packaging unit that stores your delicious meal in a nice paper container that can then be conveniently carried to you and served up with some fries and soda.

Assembly Line Machines are usually reserved for labor-intensive tasks that require precision and repetition… so if a machine can assemble a car better and faster than a man can, would that logic apply to the consistent preparation and assembly of a burger too? I really don’t know, but I urge our readers in San Francisco to give the world’s first automated burger a taste!

Designer: Creator



Robotic LEGO Car-Building Factory Puts Minifigs out of Work

Imagine a LEGO car factory where, like the real world, the workers have been replaced by robots. Did this make LEGO cars cheaper for the people of LEGOLand? Probably so. The factory is faster than ever with no minifigs working the line, making mistakes and getting the occasional limb chopped off. Safety is up 100% and so are profits.

Daniele Benedettelli created this fully autonomous LEGO car factory, which even lets customers choose from several color options before their vehicle rolls off the assembly line. It’s great. It is the pinnacle of LEGO technology.

But tell that to Charles Legolas, who recently got laid off from the factory after 40 years of service. Now working at a LEGO gas station, Charles has to take care of his wife and disabled daughter. His daughter was born with a factory misprint that left her with a boy’s torso with a bow tie as well as a head stud that is undersized. Times are tough. Especially when you have a LEGO mortgage and a LEGO college loan that still need to be paid off. Is this progress? I don’t know. Maybe we should all ask Charles what he thinks.

[via The Awesomer via Sploid]

I Need This LEGO Breakfast Machine

Who feels like making breakfast when you’re still half asleep? Not me. That’s why I have to build a breakfast-making robot like this one. This breakfast-making machine is amazing. It will make you bacon and eggs using two custom-built LEGO robots.

One is a huge scaffold that delivers bacon and eggs to your frying pan and even cracks the eggs open. The other is a vehicle that can move things around and flip and serve the food with a spatula. YouTuber The Brick Wall built this for his father, who usually makes breakfast every weekend. It took him a week to get the egg cracking unit working perfectly. That was probably the trickiest part of this whole build. You know what they say if you want to build a LEGO robot you have to break a few eggs.

This just proves that LEGO is the future of home robotics. We can make any robot we want to serve us, clean our homes, shovel our walkways, and more. We might as well use LEGO since we don’t have the robotic servants that we were promised.

[via Laughing Squid]

This Crazy Rube Goldberg Machine Is a Tape Dispenser

What if I told you that it takes a full five minutes to get a single piece of tape out of this insane Rube Goldberg machine? Hey, it’s about the journey, not the tape. At least that’s what I would keep telling myself if I had to wait on this machine to get said tape.

This overly complicated machine was built by Youtuber DaksDominos. It took him two months to put it together, and he had to get through 187 failed attempts before finally getting this video of a success. The amount of stuff happening on this machine is crazy. Remember, he had to set everything up again each time. That’s crazy. Isn’t this the definition of insanity? How does anyone have that much patience? Or maybe he just really needed a piece of tape that badly.

Anyway, you can watch the whole process right here without having to invest two months and 187 failed attempts. That’s the benefit of letting someone else do all of the work for you. It just goes to show you that with enough SOLO cups, ping pong balls, Hot Wheels tracks, and tape, you can do almost anything, as long as you don’t mind that it takes forever to do.

[via The Awesomer via Sploid]