This instant noodle’s water-soluble packaging becomes its sauce!

The very concept of packaging instant noodles in plastic is baffling to me. The noodles take barely 5 minutes to cook, and another 5 minutes to eat… but the plastic packaging takes nearly a century to biodegrade. Sounds really odd, doesn’t it? Well, for Holly Grounds, a product design graduate from Ravensbourne University London, it seemed like a problem that definitely deserved fixing. Grounds’ clever little solution eliminates plastic and replaces it with something much more sensible… an edible, water-soluble gelatinous skin that actually turns into the noodle broth when dipped in water.

The Dissolvable Noodle Packaging finds a unique, no-waste packaging solution for instant-ramen. Instead of wrapping the noodles in layers of plastic (with an extra plastic sachet filled with the tastemaker powder), Holly decided to develop an edible, spice-infused biofilm to package the noodles in. When you want to cook yourself some ramen, just insert the pre-packaged noodle-cake into hot water and the biofilm dissolves in the water, turning it into a flavored broth! “The packaging becomes the sauce”, says Holly, who managed to design and develop her solution right in her own kitchen! The biofilm uses simple, edible ingredients like potato starch, glycerin, and water. “The ingredients are blended and heated until the mixture is at the right thickness. At this point, I add the spices and flavorings before pouring it into a mold to set for 24 hours”, Holly mentions.

Designer: Holly Grounds

Here’s a look at the biofilm that’s been pre-seasoned with spices and garnishes. In its pliable state, the film can easily be wrapped around a cake of noodles, allowing it to set and harden as the film dries out.

It’s worth noting that this solution translates perfectly onto packaging for other products like rice or even pasta! The biofilm can easily be seasoned with spices and powders, sort of turning the packaging into the product’s flavoring. In a way, it also replaces the need to use labels and graphics on product packaging. With Holly’s Dissolvable Noodle Packaging, you can quite literally see the ingredients like sesame seeds, chili flakes, and seaweed strips in the packaging, allowing you to visually judge and differentiate between different flavors!

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Chef Cui Robot Slices Noodles in China, Noodle Slicers Union Revolts

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to slice all of those noodles in China, and Chef Cui is taking on the task. This noodle-slicing robot was developed by Cui Runguan, a Chinese restaurateur and it is now being mass-produced and sold in China.
chinese noodle robot
He slices noodles into boiling water and that’s it. The robot has no fancy bells and whistles. Although it does light up for some reason. Maybe to slice noodles at night. This might actually be cheaper for restaurants to purchase instead of employing humans – assuming that there’s some worker standing around whose only job is to cut up noodles all day.

These robots cost about $2,000(USD), while the average worker makes about $4,700 a year. Too bad for the workers. There goes another job that humans used to do.

[via Eater via Geekosystem]