Minecraft Creeper Jack-o-Lanterns are Halloween Perfection

Not too long ago, I stopped by a farmer’s market. The variety of pumpkins they had was astounding. I didn’t see any green pumpkins though, and I really need one if I’m going to carve myself a Creeper pumpkin.


Creepers are one of the bad guys from Minecraft and the blocky design wouldn’t be hard to carve at all. Brenda over at AlphaMom carved up a couple of Creeper pumpkins, as well as some acorn squash and eight ball zucchini. That latter vegetable is something I have never heard of.


If you can’t find green pumpkins, I suppose you could always use paint and cover your plain orange pumpkin in green.

McDonalds Japan Rolls out Pumpkin Chocolate Fries

Literally, the day September rolled around, I started to hear advertisements for pumpkin spice this and pumpkin spice that on the radio. I can only assume this means that on college campuses everywhere girls are now wearing vests, tights, and Ugg boots while they sip their mocha crappuccino pumpkin spice lattes. Apparently, Japan has a pumpkin spice all the things problem too.


McDonalds Japan will be slathering their perfect French fries with unnecessary chocolate and pumpkin flavored goo for Halloween. It has the requisite orange and black color needed for anything fall themed.

These not all that great sounding fries will be available in Japan starting on September 28. All I want in my McDonalds fries is for the fry chef to add the right amount of salt. Low sodium fries suck.

[via Kotaku]

Moonwalk Pumpkin is the Most Awesome Jack-o-Lantern

There are many different ways to carve a pumpkin for Halloween. You can actually cut into it old school style and carve your own face. Those not wanting to mess with gross guts can simply paint the pumpkin, or use those plastic parts you ram into the sides of the pumpkin Mr. Potato Head style. Some of the coolest pumpkin art is when the carver intricately etches the outer skin of the pumpkin.

This moonwalk pumpkin is one of the most impressive carving jobs I’ve seen.

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The details achieved with nothing but different depth cuts is astounding. This almost looks like an image printed in orange tones rather than black and white. The pumpkin was carved by Edward Cabral, and you can check out more of his cool pumpkin designs on his website.

[via Reddit]

Jack-o-Lantern Spouts Freaky Green Flames

This may be the coolest jack-o-lantern I have seen so far this year. It comes from Imgur user Mikepants, who carved it like a normal Halloween pumpkin with a super creepy grin and eyes. He then used chemistry to take things a step further using fire.

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Beavis and Butthead would be so proud. The green flames and are made using boric acid and some gas line antifreeze and water remover. About.com provided all the details on how to make your own green flame.

Keep in mind that since this is a real fire, your pumpkin will die and you may too if you light it in your home, so you’ve been warned.

Marvel Pumpkin Push-In Kit: Gourds Assemble!

If you want to up your Marvel game this Halloween, you need to make some superhero-inspired pumpkins. But maybe you aren’t very good at carving. ThinkGeek has you covered with this Marvel Pumpkin Push-In Kit.

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All you need are some pumpkins and this kit, and in seconds you’ll have some fun Marvel pumpkins for the witching season – Iron Man and The Hulk to be specific. Each piece has a plastic peg on the back to stick into the pumpkin and they work on foam or real pumpkins.

This means that if anyone wants to smash your pumpkins, Hulk is gonna smash them with some help from Iron Man. The set is only $19.99(USD) from ThinkGeek.

Star Wars Pumpkins: An Elegant Squash for a More Civilized Age

Do yourself a favor and get these Star Wars pumpkins this Halloween. You won’t have to carve it open, or scoop any slimy pumpkin guts, or carve your design in them. These are already done. It’s like you used the Force to summon them.

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Why go through all of that work when these pumpkins are already perfect? You can choose from Darth Vader or Yoda. These pumpkins are black with an “etched” orange design that glows when lit.

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These things are going to look amazing and very spooky at night. That black background will really make them look extra creepy and cool.

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You can use these indoors or outdoors, and either place will look completely awesome.

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Get yours for $19.99(USD) each from ThinkGeek. Best Halloween decorations ever.

Stick n’ Carve Sheets: Knives out

Each Halloween, I get these grand ideas of making an awesome jack-o-lantern. The problem is that I am not particularly good at carving pumpkins. That has led me to try all sorts of tools and patterns with little success.

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The problem with the patterns I get from Wal-Mart is that they never stick very well with tape, making them hard to trace onto the pumpkin. These self-adhesive pumpkin pattern sheets are available just in time for carving season. You put them into your printer, output one of the free patterns, then stick it directly to your pumpkin and carve.

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You don’t have to fiddle with tape or use a poker to make little holes in your pumpkin that will be impossible to see when you remove the pattern. Three sheets will cost you $3.99(USD) at ThinkGeek. Then head on over to ZombiePumpkins.com to download some sweet designs.

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R2-D2 Remote Controlled Pumpkin: The Pumpkin You’re Looking for

Star Wars themed pumpkins are cool, but Star Wars themed remote-controlled droid pumpkins are even better. Greg Aronowitz from BarnyardFX has created this cool R2-D2 pumpkin for Halloween.


To create the pumpkin droid, he started with a nice cylindrical shaped pumpkin. Then he built the legs from plywood and lightweight Sintra PVC board. The front foot has a remote control car in it, while the back feet have matchbox cars giving them wheels. After that he took care of all of the sculpting of details. This droid’s dome even swivels like the real droid.

He made the legs look like chocolate and added some real candy details too. Great job, Greg!

[via Geeks Are Sexy]

Check out These Awesome Halloween Pumpkins!

Halloween is here, and tonight kids across the country (and more than a few adults) will be out trick-or-treating and partying. One of our favorite things around here each Halloween is looking at the cool pumpkins that people carve up, and we have already seen some cool pumpkins in 2014.

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Check out our latest round of pumpkins for Halloween 2014. One of my favorite is the pumpkin with the Oculus Rift on its face and pumpkin guts puked all over the floor. There are also some very complex pumpkins; my favorite is the Predator head. I also really like the Minecraft pumpkin, it’s simple but really, really cool.

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I also like the one the dude is holding in the air by the stem, it looks like a severed head. Which of these is your favorite pumpkin?

[via Kotaku]