Dalek Christmas Tree: Decorate! Decorate!

This Dalek Christmas tree is ready to deck the halls and exterminate the Doctor this holiday season. The only gift this tree wants below its limbs is the Doctor’s body. Well, that and death, death, death to everyone.
dalek treemagnify

This Dalek Christmas tree looks even better than last year’s specimen. The red skirting around the base really sells it. Those candy canes are probably bombs too.

Too bad an unsuspecting Santa will probably end up dead, disappointing kids around the world. Then again, that is probably the Daleks’ master plan this year. Kill our Christmas spirit and soon after, we will lose the will to fight.

Silly Daleks. The Doctor always wins – especially during the Christmas special.

[via Nerd Approved]

Elizabeth Banks Lights World’s Largest LEGO Christmas Tree

Hollywood actress Elizabeth Banks helped Santa light the world's largest LEGO Christmas tree at LEGOLAND California Resort at the 11th annual Tree Lighting Ceremony in Carlsbad, California.Banks...

One… Two… Tree!

With the holiday season right around the corner, here’s a sculptural take on the Christmas tree for anyone who doesn’t like the idea of chopping down trees for short term decoration. One Two Tree is produced from sustainably grown Australian hoop pine plywood. It’s also shipped flat-packed, ready to assemble in seconds. The user can move the adjustable branches to create their own design or give them a spin for a random look!

Designers: Lucy and Antony Aris

one two tree – our story from One Two Tree on Vimeo.

Yanko Design
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(One… Two… Tree! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. TV Tree!
  3. The Tree of Tea


Christmas Tree Rocket is Like a Large and Festive Lawn Dart of Death

Did your Christmas tree take off like a rocket? No, I didn’t think so. If it did, you would have a hole in your roof and a large cleanup bill. Anyway, I’m sure that your tree was lovely, but here’s the thing. What do you do with the tree when Christmas is over?

Well, you could throw it by the curb with the trash or just keep it up all year and decorate all year round as it drops all of its needles on the rug. Here’s a better idea. Put some rocket engines on your tree and launch it into the air.
rocket tree
I’m sure your neighbors won’t mind. Unless it ends up sticking out of their roof after touchdown. Anyway, the awesome folks in this video made their tree into a rocket (dubbed the XMS Mistletoe) and it looks like they had a literal blast putting their tree out of its misery.


Let the annual launching of our trees commence next January 1st! Rocket-tree is fun and easy!

[via Obvious Winner]

Give Your Christmas Tree the Old Heave-Ho to Outer Space

Rocket Tree

Christmas has passed and we’re well into the first week of the new year. It’s time to take down the holiday decorations, finish the leftovers from various family dinners, and get back to work. The biggest holiday clean-up hassle of all, though, is the tree. It’s huge, it’s bulky, and it’s probably the most tedious to take care of.

Several folks probably felt the same way, so they did something you probably wanted to do but never did with your tree: send it to outer space.

Well, almost-outer space anyway, since the tree rose over 120 feet before making its descent. The Christmas tree rocket was propelled upward by 32 rocket engines powered by a car battery. An on-board tree cam provided amazing views of the entire flight, as you can see in the clip above.

VIA [ The Daily Mail ]

Geeky Christmas Trees Through the Ages

Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of fun and inspired Christmas trees based on video games, science fiction and other pop culture memes. So I figured that this holiday season, I’d put together a compilation of some of my favorites of all time.

Pac Man Christmas Tree - Madrid, Spain - Wocka, Wocka, Wocka!

Pac Man Christmas Tree – Madrid, Spain – Wocka, Wocka, Wocka!


Godzilla Christmas Tree – Tokyo, Japan: Shoppers, run for your lives!


Cthulhu Christmas Tree: I’m H.P. Lovecrafting it!


Portal Christmas Tree: Fruitcake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test.

Robots Build a Christmas Tree - Only Nieman Marcus could afford this rig.

Robots Build a Christmas Tree – Only Nieman Marcus could afford this rig.


Dalek Christmas Tree: Your presents have been exterminated.

Minecraft Christmas Tree: Unfortunately, the boxes are filled with creepers.

Minecraft Christmas Tree: Unfortunately, the boxes are filled with creepers.


Tesla Coil Christmas Tree: Santa in his jolly red Faraday suit.

Super Mario Bros. 2 Christmas Tree: What ever happened to King Wart anyhow?

Super Mario Bros. 2 Christmas Tree: What ever happened to King Wart anyhow?


Katamari Christmas Tree: Deck the Balls!

Pretty great, eh? Can you guys think of other geeky Christmas trees you’ve seen? If so, post them in the comments below and spread the joy this holiday season.

Christmas Tree with Individually-Controlled LEDs: OCD Lightsystem

We see geeky Christmas trees every year – in fact I became a fan of Technabob because of a Christmas tree post! – and 2012 is no different. But this Christmas tree’s nerd side isn’t obvious. At least not until it lights up.

led christmas tree

While Olivier St-Martin Cormier has committed the mortal sin of taking a vertical video, we’ll forgive him for that because a) he has an awesome name  and b) his Christmas tree is equipped with 404 LEDs that are individually-controlled by an STM32 microcontroller. Olivier chose to make the LEDs blink in sync with Christmas music: “The computer plays the music and processes the sync track for the lights and send the state of the tree to the stm32 over Bluetooth. The PC-side controller has a web interface, so the whole tree can be controlled from any browser (PC/phone/tablet).”

Sadly his video won’t play on mobile devices, so you’ll have to use your imagination. Imagine a desktop computer then play the video on that one.

Olivier’s not yet done with the lights and says he’ll add more animations. He should just create animations for every holiday.

[via Hacked Gadgets]

Death Star Tree Topper: Silent Night (on Alderaan)

Check out this sparkly Death Star tree topper. It makes for a very merry and geeky Christmas – unless, of course, you happen to live on Alderaan. This DIY Death Star puts the ultimate power in the universe at the top of your tree.

Deathstar tree topperIf you check out the instructions, you’ll see that it’s not all so hard to build either. In fact, after seeing how easy it is, I’m surprised the Empire couldn’t finish their second Death Star in the Endor system before Wedge and Lando had a chance to blow it up.

death star tree topper 2

Basically, you just need some black acrylic paint, painter’s tape, glue, glitter, and a plastic round ornament thing. Your death-dealing space station will be fully operational after that – until an X-wing ornament on a lower branch flies up and gets a lucky shot at it.

[via Neatorama]

9-Volt Christmas Tree Makes Decorating Easy

Christmas is fun, but it is also can be a lot of work. First you have to get that tree out of storage, then you have to put lights on it. Then ornaments. Man, I’m getting tired just thinking about it. And that doesn’t even include the shopping. If you want to make Christmas much easier, just make yourself a tiny tree with a 9-volt battery.

9 volt Christmas Tree

That’s what redditor jingle_balls123 did, and this is how he decorated his cubicle. All it took was a 9-volt battery, 10 LEDs, three resistors, and a few drops of solder to pull this thing off. This is the perfect solution for those bachelors who don’t want to make a big thing out of the holidays, but still want a tree.

Heck, it beats cutting down a real tree and killing it dead, just so you can make it look god-awful with your ornaments for a few weeks.

[via Neatorama]

Skyrim Dragonborn Nord Christmas Tree Could Probably Handle the Cold Outside

These days Christmas trees come in all shapes and sizes. For Skyrim fans, this life-sized Dragonborn Nord tree (actually a statue decorated like a tree) is all they need.
skyrim christmas tree
This crazy statue/tree comes from Redditor Lanarchy, who spends way too much time running around in Skyrim and needed more of it in real life. In the future they will say, “I used to decorate my Dragonborn tree every year. Until I took an arrow to the knee.”

This Skyrim tree is the perfect centerpiece for a geeky Christmas. The little Yoda on his shoulder is a nice touch, despite having nothing to do with The Elder Scrolls. Or does he?

[via Obvious Winner]