Google AI can spot advanced breast cancer more effectively than humans

Google has delivered further evidence that AI could become a valuable ally in detecting cancer. The company's researchers have developed a deep learning tool that can spot metastatic (advanced) breast cancer with a greater accuracy than pathologists...

Researchers develop a computer that’s fooled by optical illusions

Say you're staring at the image of a small circle in the center of a larger circle: The larger one looks green, but the smaller one appears gray. Except your friend looks at the same image and sees another green circle. So is it green or gray? It can...

AI can identify objects based on verbal descriptions

Modern speech recognition is clunky and often requires massive amounts of annotations and transcriptions to help understand what you're referencing. There might, however, be a more natural way: teaching the algorithms to recognize things much like yo...

Google offers AI toolkit to report child sex abuse images

Numerous organizations have taken on the noble task of reporting pedophilic images, but it's both technically difficult and emotionally challenging to review vast amounts of the horrific content. Google is promising to make this process easier. It'...

Spear-toting robot can guard coral reefs against invasive lionfish

Lionfish are threats to not only fragile coral reef ecosystems, but the divers who keep them in check. They not only take advantage of unsuspecting fish populations, but carry poisonous spines that make them challenging to catch. Student researcher...

Fox AI predicts a movie’s audience based on its trailer

Modern movie trailers are already cynical exercises in attention grabbing (such as the social media-friendly burst of imagery at the start of many clips), but they might be even more calculated in the future. Researchers at 20th Century Fox have prod...

Iris scanner AI can tell the difference between the living and the dead

It's possible to use a dead person's fingerprints to unlock a device, but could you get away with exploiting the dead using an iris scanner? Not if a team of Polish researchers have their way. They've developed a machine learning algorithm that can...