Artist Crafts a Chicken Leg Knife: Cock-A-Doodle-Dagger

Proving that art isn’t dead, it’s just gotten extremely esoteric, Berlin, Germany-based artist and inventor Uri Tuchman crafted a beautiful wood and metal dagger inspired by the shape of a chicken leg. Now you can carve your chicken with a chicken! What a time to be alive and not a chicken.

The video details the entire chicken dagger-making process from beginning to end, including meticulously cutting and carving the wooden thigh sheath, then shaping and grinding the leg bone dagger portion. I think it goes without saying, but KFC really missed out not asking Uri to make them a dagger to use in one of those weird Colonel Sanders commercials they’ve been producing lately.

I believe Uri has just created the perfect weapon for a king’s feast assassination! You just pretend you’re eating your chicken leg, then a little discreet king-stabbing action, then return to pretending to eat your chicken, and nobody will be the wiser! I mean, unless they weren’t serving chicken at the feast, in which case it’s dungeon time for you.

DIY Hobbit Sting Sword Glows Near Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks: Whitehat Baggins

The magical dagger Sting protected Bilbo from evil creatures and glowed blue when there were orcs nearby. But WarSting, Spark IO’s modern take on Sting, provides a more timely warning. It will glow when there are unsecured wireless networks nearby.

hobbit-sting-wi-fi-sword-warsting-by-spark-iozoom in

WarSting is an offshoot of Spark IO’s WarKitteh, the Wi-Fi sniffing cat. They modified a toy Sting that had LEDs, a speaker and a motion sensor. They then spliced in their Spark Core chip and reprogrammed it to detect unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

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They also made it so that if you swing WarSting, it will join and store the name of the unsecured network to a Spark Cloud account, then disconnect from it. It will then stop glowing if there are no other unsecured networks. Otherwise, you can keep swinging until you’ve marked all free rides to the Internet innocent networks.

Your browser senses a link nearby. Head to Spark IO’s website to find out how you can make a WarSting.

[via MAKE: via Kotaku]

Elder Scrolls Keening Dagger Replica: Quick, Hide the Heart of Lorkhan Replica

Confession bear time: I’ve never played any Elder Scrolls game, mostly because I don’t enjoy open world games. Which means I don’t know how unusual the weapons in the series can get. Maybe there’s one made from balloons or whatever balloons are called in the games. But I like the design of the Keening dagger. And by that I mean I like this replica.

keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran

This replica was made by Bill Doran, who is not a replica Dwemer but a real artisan who is good at making props and costumes. Elder Scrolls fans know that the Keening first appeared in Morrowind, but Doran used its appearance in Skyrim as his guide. The hilt is made of plastic resin with bronze powder, while the crystalline blade – I call it the Heisenberg – was made from “Tap Plastic’s Clear-Lite resin with some green and blue transparent tint added.”

keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 2 175x175 keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 3 175x175 keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 4 175x175 keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 5 175x175 keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 175x175

Doran said he the replica will be auctioned off at a Child’s Play event today, although I think that’s exactly what an evil High Priest would say if he’s messing with… with evil magics and stuff. I’ve run out of Elder Scrolls references. Go on, fast travel to Doran’s blog for more pictures and details on the process.

[via Punished Props via Reddit]

Elder Scrolls Keening Dagger Replica: Quick, Hide the Heart of Lorkhan Replica

Confession bear time: I’ve never played any Elder Scrolls game, mostly because I don’t enjoy open world games. Which means I don’t know how unusual the weapons in the series can get. Maybe there’s one made from balloons or whatever balloons are called in the games. But I like the design of the Keening dagger. And by that I mean I like this replica.

keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran

This replica was made by Bill Doran, who is not a replica Dwemer but a real artisan who is good at making props and costumes. Elder Scrolls fans know that the Keening first appeared in Morrowind, but Doran used its appearance in Skyrim as his guide. The hilt is made of plastic resin with bronze powder, while the crystalline blade – I call it the Heisenberg – was made from “Tap Plastic’s Clear-Lite resin with some green and blue transparent tint added.”

keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 2 175x175 keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 3 175x175 keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 4 175x175 keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 5 175x175 keening skyrim dagger replica by bill doran 175x175

Doran said he the replica will be auctioned off at a Child’s Play event today, although I think that’s exactly what an evil High Priest would say if he’s messing with… with evil magics and stuff. I’ve run out of Elder Scrolls references. Go on, fast travel to Doran’s blog for more pictures and details on the process.

[via Punished Props via Reddit]