Doctor Who Adipose Stocking Gets Fat When You Fill It

Doctor Who fans looking for a Christmas stocking might want to get in on this one. This Adipose stocking doesn’t look fat, which is what you might expect, but it might get that way once you load it up with goodies.


The stocking is 19-inches long and will hold all sorts of stuff you might want to eat and stuff you don’t want to eat. Christmas growing up was the only time we had fruit around our house (the stuff i don’t want to eat).

There were always oranges stuffed in the toes of our stockings, along with a few apples. We normally just threw the oranges at each other when mom wasn’t looking. You can get the Adipose stocking at ThinkGeek for $14.99.

Weeping Angel Relief Mug: Coffee with Sugar and Creep

Before you know it, the annual office Secret Santa thing will start up and you will end up having to buy a gift for the that odd guy across the hall. Coffee cups are a great gift idea for such occasions, because they aren’t so personal that the person you give it to will try and talk to you about it.

Every fan of Doctor Who I have ever met has had some sort of tell to indicate they like the show. All you need to do is look for a TARDIS something or other on or about their person. It might also be in their office or cubicle. If you find that Who indicator, you should order this coffee mug.


The Who fan will be ecstatic if they get it as a Secret Santa gift. And if you do one of those randomly-selected gift exchanges and the recipient doesn’t like Doctor Who, you’ll scare the crap out of them. That might be an even better result.

The creepy ceramic mug holds 12 oz. of coffee, but you can’t microwave it or dishwash it. Also, don’t blink. It’s on ThinkGeek for $9.99 (USD).

Sonic Screwdriver Bottle Opener: A Time Lord’s Best Friend

I would assume after a hard day of fighting Daleks and Weeping Angels, a Time Lord would need a cold one to wind down. I’m not sure a standard Sonic Screwdriver would be able to open a beer, but this special variant of the good Doctor’s universal tool certainly could.

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This Sonic doesn’t just open bottles, it has a little speaker inside and makes authentic sounds when you pop open a cold one. The opener section is removable and washable. You don’t want to get the plastic handle wet though since it has electronics inside.

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The opener looks like the Sonic Screwdriver favored by the 11th Doctor. Get yours at ThinkGeek for just $9.99.

TARDIS Themed Bathroom: Stinkier on the Inside

The web series Golden Thrones is all about finding the best public restrooms in the world. In the latest episode, host Jon DelCollo stopped in at The Way Station in Brooklyn to explore this TARDIS-themed loo.

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The inside walls are decorated with all kinds of Doctor Who themes, like Tom Baker’s scarf, which would have made the perfect toilet paper pattern in this bathroom actually. There’s a weeping angel and a cyberman in there too.

They should have gone all out and made the toilet look like the main console. That way, when you flush it, it can go up and down. That’s what I would have done. But I don’t design Doctor Who toilets for a living, so what do I know?

[via Laughing Squid]

Doctor Who Coloring Book is for Bored Time Lords

It seems like adults just rediscovered coloring books over the last year or so. I think lots of adults are just not wanting to admit that they were coloring in the kiddy books before all sorts of adult coloring books landed. If you like to color and like Doctor Who, this book is for you.

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The Doctor Who Coloring Book has 96 pages, packed with line art images from the franchise. You can color the Doctor, the TARDIS, several companions, and some of the cool villains that the series has seen. The book even has Weeping Angels inside, though I’m not sure how you can color those without blinking at least once.

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You can get the 2016 edition now at ThinkGeek for $14.99(USD). That’s a lot more than a kids coloring book would cost you, but hey.

This 12th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver Makes up for Sonic Sunglasses

I don’t know about you, but I think that the Peter Capaldi’s sonic screwdriver is the coolest version of the Doctor’s multitool to show up in quite some time. How can you not love that blue design? Now you can own your own version of the newest sonic.

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This version lights up blue and green and the lights rotate just like the on-screen version. Of course, it features sound effects from the show too. The Doctor’s favorite tool will be your favorite toy. Just try not to wave it around so much that you are annoying people around you. Don’t be that guy.

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It is only $29.99(USD) from ThinkGeek. Best Sonic ever!

Doctor Who TARDIS Bedding Is Comfier on the Inside

Geeks like themed sheets. I had all the Star Wars sheets back in the day. Just because you have grown up doesn’t mean your bedding has to. If you are a Whovian, why not turn your bed into a TARDIS?

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The police box comforter set includes two pillow sham thingies, and is offered in twin, full, queen, and king sizes costing $49.99 to $69.99(USD) depending on which size you need.

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The sheet sets go for $29.99 to $44.99, and include one or more pillowcases, fitted, and that bastard flat sheet that only tangles around your legs at night. Open up a portal in space and time and head to ThinkGeek to get yours today.

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LEGO Doctor Who Chess Set: Bricky Brocky Checky Matey

We’ve seen a couple of handmade chess sets based on Doctor Who. Here’s another one made by Adam Dodge, a Miniland-scale LEGO set that features characters from different seasons.

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The black pieces are based on the Doctor’s enemies, including Davros and Missy as the king and queen respectively, and Cybermen and Cyberwomen as scary pawns. But the white pieces take the set to another level. Instead of going for a practical and symmetrical system, Adam chose to make each piece unique, especially the pawns, which feature the Doctor’s different companions such as K-9, Amy Pond and Clara Oswald.

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The chess set won Best Likeness at the 2016 BrickCan convention. Check out Adam’s Flickr page for more shots of the pieces.

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[via The Brothers Brick]

Doctor Who’s New Companion: A Girl Named “Bill”

Doctor Who fans will get to enjoy a new companion in the new season of the long running show. Jenna Coleman is out as Clara Oswald is out and the new companion is simply named “Bill,” played by actress Pearl Mackie. If you don’t recognize her face, don’t feel bad, Mackie hasn’t exactly been in a lot of stuff.

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A short scene from the coming season has been offered up showing the Doctor and Bill running away from a Dalek – and Bill has no clue what a Dalek is. You can check it out below.

Before becoming the 12th Doctor’s companion, Mackie was in a show playing at the National Theater called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. She also made a brief appearance on a TV show called Doctors.

[via io9]

Doctor Who Bed Sheets for The Sleepy Fan

Doctor Who Bed Sheets

If you’re a fan of Doctor Who and like to keep in touch with your favorite show through space and time eve while you sleep, Doctor Who bed sheets are just what you need.

Available for $34.99 on ThinkGeek, the blue Doctor Who bed sheets come in a Twin, Full, Queen, or King set. They include a flat sheet, fitted sheet, and pillowcase(s). In short, a Doctor Who design with wheels ( Circular Gallifreyan) and most importantly the TARDIS in dark, perfect to dive-into blue that will make your dreams even better.

And don’t listen to people who tell you to step away from your obsession (if you’re obsessed with Doctor Who) once in awhile. It’s completely healthy binge watching the show, discussing it with friends or online forums until smoke comes out of your ears and rises from your fingers, and then go to sleep while relaxing on Doctor Who bed microfiber bed sheets.

It’s comfortable, and you like it, so who gives a damn? Sleep is for us to enjoy to, so why not dream about Doctor Who too?

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