How artificial intelligence can be corrupted to repress free speech

The internet was supposed to become an overwhelming democratizing force against illiberal administrations. It didn't. It was supposed to open repressed citizens eyes, expose them to new democratic ideals and help them rise up against their authoritar...

Google Tango AR takes you inside a mummy’s sarcophagus

Everyone thinks augmented reality (AR) is loaded with potential, but what besides Pokémon Go can you actually do with it? Google is providing a concrete example by bringing its Tango technology to museums. At the Detroit Institute of Arts, vis...

Machine learning is helping researchers decipher bat speech

Egyptian fruit bats are widespread throughout Africa and often roost together in colonies of 1,000 or more individuals. With that many neighbors packed together, it's no wonder they're such a noisy bunch. And thanks to some exciting machine learning...

ICYMI: Egyptian tomb tech, new fusion reactors and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: Everyone who ever wanted to be Indiana Jones or just give up on it all and join an archeological dig will be interested in this: A new project called "Scan Pyramids" will use infrared scanners and cosmic ray detector...