Cthulhu x My Little Pony Mashup Maddie on Kickstarter: Funding is Maddness

You can now own get a vinyl figurine of Maddie, the Cthulhu-inspired pony that Bigshot Toyworks revealed earlier this year. Like Goat Simulator, Maddie started out as a joke but was awakened from her nap time by the Internet’s adulation.

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Bigshot Toyworks has since created a back story for Maddie. The company describes her as “an ‘older sister’ type with an affinity for sleeping. Despite her drowsy disposition, this tentacled terror is an incredibly capable strategist and the ‘face’ to the ‘Pocalypse.” Maddie serves as the mentor of The Four Horsies of the ‘Pocalypse: Calamity (Pestilence), Raven (Famine), Clash (War) and Ghost (Death).

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Try explaining that to the kids.

Pledge at least $60 (USD) on Kickstarter to get a Maddie figurine as a reward. You can also pledge at least $160 to get a Kickstarter exclusive glow-in-the-dark version of Maddie. If this fundraiser is a success, Bigshot Toyworks will be more inclined to release figurines of the Four Horsies as well.

Funko Pop! Sharknado Figurine Has No Right to Be This Cute

The last time we saw any geeky memorabilia for one of 2013′s best worst movies, it was as terrifying as the fact that Sharknado 2 is coming. But this? I wasn’t expecting this. Funko turned Sharknado into a Skylander with this adorable vinyl figurine.

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You can pre-order the Sharknado figurine from Big Bad Toy Store for $10 (USD).

[via Super Punch]

Fallout 3 Vault Boy Bobbleheads: S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Collectibles

Bethesda has released replicas of some of the Vault Boy Bobbleheads that you can collect in Fallout 3. Fortunately you won’t have to look far and wide for the figurines. Unfortunately they won’t increase your stats. You’ll just have to find another way to be better at Energy Weapons.

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Each figurine stands 5″ tall including the base and is made of PVC.

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Count your bottle caps and head to ThinkGeek or the official Bethesda store to get the figurines. They cost $15 (USD) each or $80 for all seven.

[via Gamefreaks]

SoulCalibur Nightmare Statuette: Throne of Souls

Professional sculptor Hector A. Arce mashed up Game of Thrones with SoulCalibur in this grisly stattuete. He calls it Throne of Souls, and it shows the fighting game villain sitting on a throne that’s “made up of the souls and swords of his fallen enemies.” Take that Aegon.

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I was going to post about this Mario Bros. sculpture but when I got to Minty Fresh I got sidetracked by the other items for sale. Steve Minty is the Fangamer of geeky visual art. Or maybe Fangamer is the Minty Fresh of geeky apparel. I could have picked an item from Minty Fresh’s virtual shelves at random and it would have been worth sharing.  For now though I just had to highlight Hector’s masterpiece. The statuette is 12″ high and 10″ wide and is made of ceramic clay.

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Wield your browser and head to Minty Fresh, where you can buy the statuette for $450 (USD). Hector priced it at $300 on his shop, but it’s not yet available there.

Solid Gold Flappy Bird Figurine Worth Its Weight In Gold

Flappy Bird became a worldwide phenomenon – more so when its creator Dong Nguyen pulled it out of various app stores. While he’s still mulling it’s return, the flapster is still very much alive in the hearts and minds of people all across the globe (and on their phones.)

An unusual way of immortalizing the awesomeness of Flappy Bird is this three-dimensional figure of the titular character that’s crafted from solid gold.

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The gold Flappy Bird was created by Vietnam-based goldsmithing company N3D, who explain that they are created it in order to “honor this world changing bird and demonstrate the craftsmanship of Vietnamese people.” Makes sense, since Dong is Vietnamese.

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Farther down the listing, N3D add that proceeds from the sale of the bird will be used “to support people with difficult situation in Vietnam.” That’s pretty vague, but at least it sounds like they have some good intentions.

You can check out the auction listing for the solid gold Flappy Bird here.

[via C|NET]

Call of Duty Ghosts Riley Figurine: Such Sculpture

Etsy shop BabbitsBoutique is selling this awesome handmade figurine of Riley, the fictional German Shepherd more famously known as the Call of Duty: Ghosts dog. He looks kind of harmless here though. He doesn’t exactly look like the sort of animal who can take down a helicopter. Not that any animal looks like that.

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The shop says the figurine is 5″ high and was “[s]culpted from Super Sculpey polymer clay over a wire armature for durability, painted with acrylics, and sprayed with a matte sealer for protection.”

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The figurine was handmade, and I don’t know if BabbitsBoutique will make more of them. So it’s time to work, Ghosts squad. Jump and shoot your way to Etsy and order Riley for $150 (USD).

3D Printed Sad Keanu is Anything But Sad for the People Who Buy One

Keanu Reeves is one of the many celebrities who have been turned into a meme. The Sad Keanu meme came to be a couple of years back after someone snapped a picture of Keanu sitting alone on a park bench, looking particularly downcast. While Keanu explained that he’s not sad or depressed, the meme lives on.

And now it lives on in another form: a 3D printed figurine.

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Now fans, Redditors, collectors, and absolutely anyone who finds the meme amusing can own a figure of Sad Keanu to play with, display, or take pictures of in all sorts of weird scenarios and set-ups. Check out the images below for a sampling of what has been done so far with the Sad Keanu 3D figure.

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You gotta love the internet.

The 3D printed Sad Keanu figure is available from Shapeways for $45(USD). Cough up the cash or print your own!

[via Geekologie]

Darth Vader and Son & Vader’s Little Princess Figurines: The Children Strike Back

Jeffrey Brown’s Darth Vader and Son and Vader’s Little Princess might be the cutest Star Wars retcon ever. The books feature a caring Anakin looking after Luke and Leia. Gentle Giant Ltd. is going to release a limited edition bundle of the two books, which will include adorable figurines of the Skywalkers.

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The Darth Vader and Son sculpture depicts Anakin getting a Rebel Alliance necktie from Luke. It’s not like the Sith would have merch anyway.

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The Vader’s Little Princess sculpture sees Leia make heart cutouts out of her dad’s cape.

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The bundles will also come with copies of Brown’s sketches plus a full-color illustration printed on board. You can pre-order the bundles right now from Gentle Giant. Both the Darth Vader and his Son bundle and the Vader’s Little Princess bundles cost $150 (USD) each, but you can also get both in one set for $280.

[via Gotham News]

Limited Edition Hayao Miyazaki Figurine: My Neighbor Miya-san

Last September the brilliant Studio Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki said that he’s retiring from making animated movies. As a tribute to his idol, artist Martin Hsu designed Miya-san, a 6″ figure of the genius behind modern classics such as Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle and My Neighbor Totoro.

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Bigshot Toyworks is going to produce 300 copies of Miya-san, and sales from the toy will be donated to an as yet unspecified charity.

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You can pre-order Miya-san from Tenacious Toys for $95 (USD). Again the toy will only have 300 copies so you better order now if you want one. Happy retirement Miyazaki-sensei! Perhaps you can drop by your studio from time to time and give them ideas for new films.

[via Cartoon Brew]

Hero Forge Tabletop Miniature 3D Printing Service: Character Creation Tool

Miniatures and figurines are some of the best aspects of tabletop gaming. But if you’re playing a tabletop RPG, you might not be satisfied with the figurines that come with your game or even the ones you can buy online. And while we already have relatively affordable 3D modeling software and 3D printers, it requires a bit of training to use those tools. Hero Forge wants to meet you halfway.

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Currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, Hero Forge will let you create your own figurines right from your browser. Hero Forge’s web-based creation tool looks a lot like the character creation screen in many video games. Its options include gender, clothes, weapons and poses. Naturally, your character’s 3D model will instantly reflect your choices. Once you’re satisfied you can then order a 3D print of your figurine from the tool itself.

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The founders of Hero Forge claim that 3D printing has big advantages over injection molding, one of them being the ability to print on demand. Miniature makers that use injection molding have to make products in batches for the process to be cost-efficient, which means they’ll only make designs that they think are guaranteed to sell. But with a 3D printing service like Hero Forge, you can create and print a miniature even if you’re the only one in the world who’s willing to buy what you made.

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Apparently, 3D printers can also pull off aesthetic tricks that are hard to emulate through injection molding, such as interior or recessed details as well as moving parts.

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Another advantage of Hero Forge is that you can easily scale the size of your created character. Hero Forge plans to offer three sizes at launch: 28mm, 3in and 6in.

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Customers will also have two print qualities to choose from. One is very durable and cheap but not suited for painting, while the other one is more expensive but is very detailed and is suited for painting.

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Finally, like many video games Hero Forge will save your 3D models. You can have them reprinted, modified or both as often as you like.

Pledge at least $20 (USD) on Kickstarter to receive a customized miniature as a reward. It would be awesome if the creation tool allowed you to upload your own designs for even more customization. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a miniature that looks just like you?