Awesome 3D Notepad Art is Actually Flat

Artist João A. Carvalho has created some very cool artwork on pages that look like standard notebook paper. The art has so much depth that it looks like it was created using some sort of embossing machine, but it is actually completely flat on a plain sheet of paper.

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The artist is able to achieve the 3D illusion by manipulating the hand-drawn blue horizontal lines and using lots of shading. The finished product looks like a cartoon character is fighting their way off a sheet of paper. I particularly like the minion piece and Jerry the mouse from Tom and Jerry.

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The art that has the lines going into a hole reminds me of the Matrix for some reason. Joao has some serious artistic skill. Which is your favorite?

[via Twisted Sifter via Neatorama]

Fangamer EarthBound Fan Bundle: This Merch Stinks

… and if you didn’t get that reference, this is probably not for you. Video game merchandise store Fangamer is raising funds on Kickstarter for You Are Now EarthBound, a collection of artworks made by and for EarthBound fans. And yes, it will have scratch-n-sniff cards.

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You Are Now EarthBound has four main parts. The first is a handbook for the game, which will be presented as a travel guide to Eagleland. It will be at least 250 pages long and will be filled with trivia, fan-made illustrations and the aforementioned scratch-n-sniff cards.

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Then there’s the Psychokinetic album, which is filled with covers of songs from the EarthBound/Mother series.

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There’s also a similarly titled fanzine filled with more fan-made illustrations and writing. You can preview the magazine’s content here.

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Finally, there’s EarthBound, USA, a documentary about a group of fans who helped make the game and the series popular online.

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Withdraw from the nearest ATM then pledge at least $128 (USD) on Kickstarter if you want to get the whole You Are Now EarthBound collection. You’ll also get a Nessbot flash drive for your support. If you can pledge at least $256 Fangamer will also give you a yellow backpack filled with Eagleland trinkets in addition to the collection. You can also get digital copies of the collection on lower reward tiers. And in case you didn’t know, you can get EarthBound on the Wii U via the Nintendo eShop.

This Is What The Metal Extracted From A Single Mine Looks Like

West O'okiep Mine, Okiep (1862 to the early 1970s) Over 500m deep, 284,000 tonnes of copper extracted

West O’okiep Mine, Okiep (1862 to the early 1970s)
Over 500m deep, 284,000 tonnes of copper extracted

Ever since we realized we could exploit our planet for its resources, we’ve been digging holes and just taking stuff. But of course, the holes are always much bigger than the total volume of stuff extracted from them. Ever wonder what it would look like if you put all the metal from one mine in one pile? Dillon Marsh did, and created the following series of images to illustrate this. This reminds us of this image from 2012, depicting the total volume of water on Earth in one spot.

Dillon’s project is called “For What It’s Worth”, and this is his description of it:

Whether they are active or long dormant, mines speak of a combination of sacrifice and gain. Their features are crude, unsightly scars on the landscape – unlikely feats of hard labour and specialised engineering, constructed to extract value from the earth but also exacting a price.

These images combine photography and computer generated elements in an effort to visualise the output of a mine. The CGI objects represent a scale model of the materials removed from each mine, a solid mass occupying a scene showing the ground from which it was extracted.

ubilee Mine, Concordia (1971 to 1973) Over 100m deep, 6,500 tonnes of copper extracted

ubilee Mine, Concordia (1971 to 1973)
Over 100m deep, 6,500 tonnes of copper extracted

weefontein Mine, Concordia (1887 to 1904) Over 100m deep, 38,747.7 tonnes of copper extracted

weefontein Mine, Concordia (1887 to 1904)
Over 100m deep, 38,747.7 tonnes of copper extracted

For What It's Worth Nababeep South Mine, Nababeep (1882 to 2000) Over 500m deep, 302,791.65 tonnes of copper extracted

For What It’s Worth
Nababeep South Mine, Nababeep (1882 to 2000)
Over 500m deep, 302,791.65 tonnes of copper extracted

Blue Mine, Springbok (1852 to 1912) 3,535 tonnes of copper extracted

Blue Mine, Springbok (1852 to 1912)
3,535 tonnes of copper extracted

[ Dillon's Website ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

The post This Is What The Metal Extracted From A Single Mine Looks Like appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Mer-Maid Manor: The Imaginary Arcade Game I Wish I Could Play

I don’t know about you, but I love the design and artistry of arcade game cabinets. That’s why I am really digging Mer-Maid Manor. It is just an illustration of an arcade game cabinet, but it hits all the right notes.

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This illustration by Zac Gorman is the first in a series of fictional arcade game cabinets that he hopes to create. It gets all of the details just right. Not just the art, but also the premise of the game. The idea behind this game, if it actually existed is described as follows:

Can you clean the manor before the Sea King comes home? In Mer-Maid Manor, you play as two lovely Mer-Maids tasked with cleaning the home of the angry Sea King in time for his daughter’s coronation.

Now somebody needs to make this into an actual game.

[via Laughing Squid]

X-Mans Art Show: Children of the Coloring Book

10 years ago, pop artist Brandon Bird found an X-Men coloring & activity book filled with awful sketches at a dollar store. Brandon eventually decided to turn it into a collaborative work with his fellow artist friends. But instead of simply coloring its pages, they each picked a sketch in the book and made original art based on it.

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Brandon presented the artworks under the appropriate name X-Mans earlier this month at the Nucleus gallery in L.A. Here are some of the pieces:

x mans 2 by Amy Dixon 620x424magnify

x mans 3 by Kelsy Abbott 620x322magnify

x mans 4 by Jeff Ramirez 620x437magnify

x mans 5 by Joel Fox 620x427magnify

x mans 6 by John Larriva 620x423magnify

x mans 7 by Erin Pearce 620x244magnify

x mans 8 by Nick James 620x452magnify

x mans 9 by Brandon Bird 620x299magnify

x mans 10 by Dyna Moe 620x414magnify

x mans 11 by Nate Carle 620x434magnify

As you can see, most of the pieces are lighthearted – Nate Carle’s Fourclops looks like it actually came from the sketchbook – but a couple of them made the best out of the source material, such as Amy Dixon’s Grey’s Anatomy and Erin Pearce’s Magneto Hates Birthdays.  Have your browser wear Cerebro and head to Brandon’s website to see all of X-Mans. Brandon is also selling prints of some of the pieces on his online shop.

[via Archie McPhee]

Twin Peaks Action Figures Are Sadly Not Real

It’s too bad that Twin Peaks didn’t last longer on TV. It had some quirky characters and plenty of dark and bizarre goings-on. Plus, we never even got any action figures. At least these action figure mock-ups from Twin Peaks let us see what we missed out on. All of your favorites are here with perfect matching accessories.
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Special Agent Dale Cooper comes with his donuts and coffee mug, while Lucy Moran has a watering can and plant, and Windom Earle comes with several disguises. These come from illustrator Max Dalton who created them in poster form for Spoke Art’s David Lynch-inspired art exhibit. It is too bad they aren’t real products. I would buy the whole set.

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Yes, there is even a log lady with log accessory. Fire walk with me over to Max Dalton’s site to see the rest. You can also order the 18″ x 24″ limited-edition poster over at Spoke Art for $50(USD).

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[via Kotaku]

A Look Inside Nintendo’s Company Guide Book

Check out the company guide book that employees at Nintendo receive. It’s a beautiful work of art. This guide gets handed out to people who get jobs at Nintendo.
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These images come from Nintendo fan blog Before Mario. Apparently, Nintendo designs a new one every year. The 2014 edition takes visual cues from the company’s past as a producer of hanafuda cards. It features illustrations that show old-school Nintendo toys in hand-drawn style, and provides a detailed company history to new employees.

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Apparently, you can still get one if you pass the first few stages of the hiring process, but don’t get a job. Consider it a parting gift.

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This is beautiful nerdy stuff, but I can’t help thinking that Nintendo is looking too much like a wasteful government. They have having a tough time financially of late and yet they no doubt spend a ton of money on this kind of thing. Get your gaming act together first, then you can waste money and give out fancy gifts.

[via Kotaku]

Tri-Pizza: Wisdom, Courage, Pepperoni

Hundreds of years ago, three golden Italian bakers bestowed the Tri-Pizza upon us. This heavenly dish grants anyone who is wise, powerful and brave enough to overcome his laziness for 15 seconds and call a hotline with boundless joy. Only the Prothean Bacon can exceed the Tri-Pizza’s potency. Society6 member Monstruonauta honors this sacred and tasty relic with an illustration.

tri pizza legend of zelda triforce graphic by Monstruonautamagnify

Mmmmm. You can get the Tri-Pizza as a print or as a graphic on t-shirts, hoodies, iPhone cases and more on Society6.

[via Insanely Gaming]

Star Wars NFL Helmets: Use Defense Luke!

Check out these football helmets from a galaxy far far away. They look a lot like the ones our players wear, only cooler, with more geek. They look amazing.
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Illustrator John Raya created these cool mashups, with designs for all 32 NFL teams. Check them all out here and find your team. Hopefully your team isn’t the Redskins though. You got stuck with Jar Jar.

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I wish this league really existed. I would love to see Star Wars characters battle each other on the field. Blasters and lightsabers are legal. Then again, I saw that once on Naboo and that didn’t turn out so well. This would be better. I think.

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[via SuperPunch via Like Cool]

Adventure Time & Attack on Titan Fan Art: Shingeki no Kyo-Jake

Artist Rodrigo Costa Alexandrino of the deviantART Corps unleashed this “double fan art” on the hapless walls of the Internet. He calls it Adventure on Titan, and it features Finn & BMO trying to rescue Princess Bubblegum from a wrong-teous Jake.

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Rodrigo also made a gif that summarizes how he made the illustration.

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Swing to Rodrigo’s deviantART page to check out the image in high resolution.

[via Ian Brooks]