ICYMI: Snap Inc. knows people want its video sunglasses

Today on In Case You Missed It: Snap Inc. dropped a Spectacles vending machine in Southern California and the sunglasses were snapped up in no time. If you don't have the thousands of dollars handy that you'd need to pay for them on eBay, you can...

ICYMI: Fast brain upload, mind-control monkeys & more

Today on In Case You Missed It: Researchers at HRL Labs have developed a system to upload information to your brain using electrical signals already mapped from an expert's mind. Duke University is testing a wireless brain-machine interface that al...

Living Dead Dolls Monkeys of Oz Will Get Your Brains, My Pretty

I’ve never been a fan of the The Wizard of Oz. The thing that creeped me out about it wasn’t the witch, or the tornado, it was the flying monkeys.

I used to think it would be cool to own a monkey, they are sort of cute. Then a few years back that monkey beat the crap out of its owner and then ate her face. Nope. Monkeys are evil, and perhaps the only animal that are bigger assholes than cats. At least your cat won’t eat you or steal your luggage. Zombie-loving Wizard of Oz fans check out these Living Dead Dolls that look like the flying monkeys from Oz, only creepier.

dead-ozzoom in

The difference is that these monkeys are green and are walking flying dead versions of themselves. The only thing worse than flying monkeys would be zombie flying monkeys or maybe zombie flying cows.

[via Nerd Approved]