Medical Chips Inside Your Body Get Powered Wirelessly

Engineers at Stanford University have discovered a way to power medical chips or devices inside your body. This is part of a new medical frontier known as electroceutical devices being developed to...

GM reveals pricing menu for its in-vehicle 4G LTE service

In an announcement yesterday by General Motors, it was revealed exactly how much would it cost to convert its cars into a rolling 4G LTE Wi-Fi hotspot. From what we heard, we can conclude saying that...

Qualcomm MU-MIMO Technology Beats Broadcom?

Broadcom has had the unit share lead in Wi-Fi for years, typically being first to market with new Wi-Fi chips and reference designs that support the latest standards at attractive prices. Things...

Bluetooth Low Energy: The not-so-obvious Uses

By Mike Loukides “The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads,” as Jeff Hammerbacher said. And it’s not just data analysts: it’s creeping into every aspect of...

Jawbone Era Bluetooth headset gets refreshed

Jawbone is one of the more well know name sin the Bluetooth headset market for smarten users. The company has announced a new version of its Era headset is now available to purchase. The new version...

EverSense introduced at CES its new ‘Aura’ iBeacons for room temperature control

“Auras” are small iBeacons that will soon become an addition to the EverSense smart thermostat. It will allow iBeacons to ‘sense’ nearby iOS devices and adjust the room temperature accordingly. After...

Hercules Bluetooth Wae Neo speaker debuts at CES 2014

Hercules rolled out a new and interesting Bluetooth speaker at CES 2014 called the Wae Neo. The speaker has the 33-foot Bluetooth range that you expect with most quality wireless speakers. It also...

Monster DNA Pro Wireless headphones debut at CES 2014

Monster has announced the unveil of its latest set of headphones. The headphones are called the Monster DNA Pro Wireless headphones and they feature Bluetooth technology inside. The headphones are...

Monster DNA Pro Wireless headphones debut at CES 2014

Monster has announced the unveil of its latest set of headphones. The headphones are called the Monster DNA Pro Wireless headphones and they feature Bluetooth technology inside. The headphones are...