General Rubbish Information

The Knowing Trashcan is design research project that focuses on how a small awareness change can impact people’s attitude towards recycling. The trashcan imparts trivia based on the kind of trash disposed, thus making us aware of its positive impact. For example it may tell us how disposing of plastic bottles can help us save fuel…down to the specific amount! Talk about lasting impressions!

Designer: Xinyi Wang

Yanko Design
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(General Rubbish Information was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Borderlands Claptrap Trash Can: Please Don’t Shoot It!

Claptrap is kind of annoying. Cute, but annoying. The robot from Borderlands has a grating voice, he follows you everywhere, and spends way too much time beatboxing. I complain, but the game wouldn’t be the same without him. The folks over at Our Nerd Home must feel the same way because they made a Claptrap trash can.
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I would say that is entirely warranted. They also have a tutorial for you to follow along and build a Claptrap disposal unit of your very own if you want one in your home. And who wouldn’t? You’ll need a step-on trash can, cables, cardboard, and some other stuff, but the end result looks pretty amazing.

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It would feel great to throw trash in this guy after having to deal with him in game for a few hours. Take that, you bucket of bolts!

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[via Nerd Approved]

Hackintosh Mocks Mac Pro with Trash Can Case

The new Mac Pro’s case makes it look like a trash can, so a German’s PC enthusiast with a sense of humor decided to build a Hackintosh – a user-assembled computer made to run OS X – and put it inside an actual trash can. Tonymacx86 forum member Dschijn shared some of the computer’s photos.

mac pro hackintosh trash can case 620x328magnify

The computer is inside a modified Lunar, a plastic trash can sold by Authentics. The similarity ends at that joke however, because this Hackintosh has modest specs. It has a Gigabyte Z87 Mini-ITX motherboard, an Intel Core i3 Haswell CPU, a Radeon 7750 GPU and an unspecified SSD and HDD. I’m doubtful the real Mac Pro has anything to worry about.

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Creativity on an epic scale. Check out Dschijn’s thread on Tonymacx86 to see more of the casemod.

[via 9to5 Mac]

London Gives “Smart Bins” the Old Heave Ho

A year ago, pod-shaped recycling bins were installed all over the UK by Renew London. The so-called “smart bins” definitely look better than your average trash can. Now, you might be wondering, why would trash cans have Wi-Fi capabilities and an LCD installed on front?

The answer, my friends, is advertising. Targeted advertising.

Smart Bins

The bin looks for smartphones nearby that have their Wi-Fi turned on. It then logs their MAC address and calculates the “proximity, speed, duration and manufacturer” of each device. It tracks the phone owner’s actions to then display targeted adverts on the screen, which will play as they walk past the bin.

Sounds smart, right? Yeah, definitely, but it’s rubbing a lot of people the wrong way because of privacy issues. To be honest, I’d be pretty irked, too, if this phone was tracking what I was doing just so it could show me an ad or two when I walk past the bin.

Smart Bin

So it was only a matter of time before the bins had their Wi-Fi and tracking capabilities pulled. The City of London has called on Renew to stop recording people’s movements, so Londoners can breathe a sigh of relief now.

The City of London released the following statement:

We have already asked the firm concerned to stop this data collection immediately. We have also taken the issue to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Irrespective of what’s technically possible, anything that happens like this on the streets needs to be done carefully, with the backing of an informed public.

[via C|NET]

Functional Trash Compactor Replica: Proto Wall-E

Most of the replicas I’ve seen are of robots, vehicles and weapons. The inspiration behind Darius Bode’s creations is a lot humbler than that. But it’s one that is quite intriguing when you see it in action: a trash compactor. To be more specific, Bode made a working replica of the Schörling 2R rearloader.

replica schorling r2 compactor by darius bode

In his making-of article (pdf), Bode confesses that he’s been fascinated by the compactor since he was a kid: “I think there is some kind of magic about this packer because it moves so stolidly (sic) and calm no matter what you throw in there.” He started with cardboard models of the compactor, but in 2009 he finally decided to make one that works just like the original. He ended up making a 1:11 scale replica using aluminum and steel. It takes its time, but the tiny compactor actually works. The video below shows it taking on some aluminum cans.

Aaaand we just spent a few minutes looking at a miniature trash compactor crush some cans which we could have just as easily crushed with our hands (or heads.) Thanks Internet! There’s more where that came from. Check out Bode’s YouTube channel for additional videos of the replica.

[via Darius Bode (pdf) via Classic Refuse Trucks via Doobybrain]

Big Belly is a Smart Trash Can that Lets Collectors Know When It’s Full

Big Belly Trash Can

You know city cleaners are doing their jobs when you cruise around the neighborhood and notice that there aren’t any overflowing trash bins in sight. It’s either that, or they’ve upgraded their bins to the Big Belly, which is as futuristic as trash cans can get.

It has two main features that sets it apart from all other garbage cans. First of all, it uses solar energy to compact trash inside it (yes, that’s a solar panel that you see at the top.) Second, it’s got sensors that determine when the trash can is already full. Once it detects this, it then fires off an email to garbage collectors informing them that it’s time to pick up the trash.

Big Belly Trash Can1

One Big Belly costs about $7,000, so they definitely don’t come cheap. However, they offer pretty good returns. Take the city of Raleigh, for example. They replaced 32 traditional open-top trash cans with 10 Big Bellies along Fayetteville Street and pushed costs down from $40,000 to about $1,600. How’s that for impressive?

VIA [ Pop Up City ]

TARDIS Trash Can: for Doctor Oscar the Grouch

Looking for a trash can that’ll take your garbage to another time and space? Or how about one that’s way bigger on the inside? This trash can’t do any of that. That’s what your imagination is for.

tardis doctor who trash can

To help you make up stories about the adventures of your leftover food and scratch paper, the trash can has a police light that turns on when you open the lid. It will then play the dematerializing sound effect when the lid closes.

tardis doctor who trash can 2

Proof that it’s not bigger on the inside:

tardis doctor who trash can 3

What this trash can can do is make a lot of your money disappear, never to be seen again. ThinkGeek is selling it for a whopping $90 (USD).

[via Geekologie]

GO Recycle Makes it Easy to Throw Your Garbage in the Right Bin

If people still can’t get it right after you’ve color coded and labeled your trash cans to death, then what’s a designer supposed to do? Come up with an even better trash can in the form of GO Recycle.

GO Recycle binThe lid of each bin actually has a molded sample of what you’re supposed to throw in them. Of course, it would help if they still had their labels (or were actually made out of glass, paper and metal,) so the lids would only serve as an additional guide to help out trash throwers who aren’t sure which bin their garbage is supposed to go in.

GO Recycle bin1

The GO Recycle bin was designed by GOODSSPASSION, who “intends to revolutionize the recycling industry and make it consumer-friendly” as “the idea of the GO bin is [to] make recycling fun and convenient.”

[via Yanko Design]

World’s Most Awesome Trash Can Catches Your Crap No Matter Where You Throw It

It’s annoying how some people don’t really both to pick up after themselves. It’s even more annoying if you actually happen to live with them. But something that could making your current living arrangements a bit more bearable is this robotic trash can hacked together by some fine Japanese folks. It might look pretty ordinary, but hook it up and you’ll soon figure out why this is the perfect trash can for lazy slobs (and for people with bad aim.)

The trash can is actually equipped with wheels that are controlled wirelessly through a Kinect-based program, which detects the path of thrown objects to direct the trash can to the object’s projected landing spot.

Check out the video below to see how it was put together. But if you’re just eager to see how it works, then skip on over to 2:24.

[ YouTube ] VIA [ TechnaBob ]

Trash Can Chases After Garbage, Renders an Office Game Obsolete

If you thought the remote-controlled trash can was neat, wait ’til you see this ingenious invention. It actually catches anything you throw in its vicinity, aim be damned. It wasn’t made in Soviet Russia though – this one’s a Japanese hack.

robot kinect trash can

You can skip to about 2:24 in the video below to see the trash can in action, but I suggest you watch the entire video to see how it “works.” Apparently the trash can is equipped with three wheels that can be wirelessly controlled or activated. A custom program uses a Kinect to detect the path of a thrown object in order to activate and direct the wheels. I have to say that this is all conjecture on my part. For all we know this could be just like the Wipeout toy video, which was awesome but fake.

That looks sooo much fun to play with. I hope this is legit and someone makes a retail version of it. It did make me realize one more thing – robot athletes will be boring, because they’ll be perfect. Imagine a game of baseball with accuracy like this.

[via Hack A Day]