Sewage Truck Explodes Like It Had Taco Bell for Dinner

I never like to drive or park near sewage trucks. You know, the sort that people on septic systems call out when the crapper is full to slurp the disgusting sludge out of it so you can drop a deuce again. I always figure that at some point, one of the people operating the sewage truck gear will make a mistake and shit will go flying.

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Clearly, I am right to fear this happening, and this video of a sewage truck literally losing its shit proves it. This nasty thing bursts open with enough force to spew turds literally everywhere.

I don’t know why I laugh so hard at this video. I can only imagine the thoughts flying through the mind of the driver of that SUV as the sewage truck blows poo all over their ride. That poor bastard will probably need to sell their car. I hope the bus driver had his window closed.

[via Sploid]

KFC-flavored nail polish gives new meaning to ‘chicken fingers’

KFC is taking its "finger lickin' good" slogan a bit too far. The fried chicken fast food chain made two "edible" fingernail polishes for its fans in Hong Kong. Teaming up with ad agency Ogilvy & Mather and food experts at McCormick, two shades w...

Human Heart Cake is Great for Valentines Day or The Walking Dead Parties

So this weekend is Valentine’s Day, or more importantly the return of The Walking Dead. I’m still holding out hope Carl and that annoyingly whiny new kid Sam are eaten on the way out of the house. But I digress. This cake is perfect for both big events this weekend.

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It’s sort of gross, sort of tasty looking, and you might be able to spin it that you are giving your heart to your significant other. Nah, it’s really gross and looks like something a zombie would eat. It also looks extremely difficult to make.

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The anatomically correct cake is made from two carved deep red velvet cakes, soaked with simple syrup, with a burgundy chocolate ganache filling, and buttercream frosting. The shiny goo on the outside comes from a mix of red food color mixed with raspberry jam, layered over fondant icing. Check out the video and be simultaneously hungry and a bit grossed out.

[via Geyser of Awesome]

These Walls Are Crawling with Insect Art

There’s something buggy about this room. If your skin isn’t crawling yet, it will be once you see the work of Jennifer Angus. This artist has come up with a unique way to decorate those bright pink walls you see here. It makes the space look like it’s covered in wallpaper, but a closer inspection would reveal that the patterns on the wall are made of actual bugs.

Photo: Ron Blunt

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Photo: Ron Blunt

This is an actual bug infested room at the Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery. It’s part of its debut exhibition, WONDER. Yeah, it makes me wonder how the heck anyone could actually be in that room and not get creeped out.It looks amazing, but also super creepy. It took about 5000 weevils, green stag beetles, cicadas, and other insects to complete it.The gallery had previously closed for renovations but will be back, chock full of bugs on November 13. You can see it until July 10th, 2016. That’s when it bugs out.

Photo: Ron Blunt

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Photo: Ron Blunt

The gallery had previously closed for renovations but will be back, chock full of bugs on November 13. You can see it until July 10th, 2016. That’s when it bugs out.

Photo: Ron Blunt

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Photo: Ron Blunt

In case you are wondering, these bugs were not mass murdered for this project. They come from sustainable and ecologically-sound sources, and are re-used by the artist for each installation. Each species the artist uses are very abundant in countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Papua New Guinea. Thankfully we don’t see these bugs in the US. They look scary as hell.

Photo: Ron Blunt

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Photo: Ron Blunt

Photo: Ron Blunt

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Photo: Ron Blunt

[via Slate via Mental Floss]

This Is What Lives On An 8 Year Old’s Hand, After Playing Outside


Well then. That’s a lovely cornucopia of germs. See, you’re looking at a Petri Dish full of bacterial cultures found on the hand of an 8 year old kid after he played outside. It’s gross and beautiful at the same time. And it’s a great reminder never to have children. Or at the very least, if you do, to teach them good hand washing manners. But we’ll be honest, our hands are probably not much cleaner, and that’s without even having to play outside; have you ever seen what grows on an old keyboard? So we’ll just stop here, that’s enough germophobia inducing material for the week.

VIA [ Ziya Tong ]

Video Proves Why the Beach is a Terrible Place

I’m not a big fan of the Texas gulf coast, which is the closest beach to where I live. The water is not clear at all, which means Jaws could set upon you at any time with no warning. I don’t have a problem with clear Caribbean waters since I can see any potentially lethal sea creatures sneaking up on me.

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I never really thought about tidal pools as being places of death, but after seeing this video, I am rethinking that position. Here you see a little crab minding his own business, eyeballing some giant human with a camera. Out of nowhere jumps a disgusting octopus with tentacles flopping everywhere. It then proceeds to go all Zoidberg on the crab. It’s really disgusting.

If that thing jumped out at me, I’d probably die. This is yet another reason for me to stay on dry land.

[via Deadspin]

Isopod iPhone Case: Kill It with Fire!

Weird, gross, hair-raising. Those are three words that would best describe the Isopod iPhone case which has all the attributes of a phone case that I would never choose. Then again, everyone has different preferences so this might actually be something you’d want for your phone.

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The case basically looks like a giant creepy crawly marine isopod, which is a crustacean with seven pairs of legs for crawling with a body structure that looks like a lobster tail.

The silver version of the Isopod Case costs $80(USD), while the gold version retails for $120. What’s more atrocious: the price or the design? I leave that up to you.

[via Geekologie]

Giant Cockroach Pool Float: Kill It With Fire!

Everyone hates cockroaches, so if you want to clear the water fast and have the pool all to yourself, just put a cockroach in the pool. A giant cockroach pool float.

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Others will run and scream, but you will have the pool all to yourself, relaxing on your giant nasty bug. You are the King Cockroach of the pool. Sure, you’ll feel itchy, because bugs are icky, but you are free to relax and take in the sun.

This super cool and creepy pool float is only $29.95(USD) from Put it in your “bug-out” bag and be ready for any body of water that is lacking a cockroach.

[via SUATMM via OhGizmo!]