Facebook Ends its Virtual Currency Credits

Facebook is undergoing some radical seismic changes in its structure. It has literally pulled the rug from beneath its Credits program. This was announced some time ago and now it is finally going...

Burberry will Use iPhone 5S to Capture 2014 Runway Show on Sept. 16

Apple has been linked with the upper tier fashion brands in an exchange of products or services that benefits both immensely. But this time around it is a match made in heaven. Burberry will get...

Amazon is Planning to Offer a Free Smartphone

Amazon wants to show that price is not a cause of hindrance. In fact, that is the exact reason why it is giving away its smart phone for free. However, that does not necessarily mean that a...

Xbox One will be Available on November 22 in 13 Initial Launch Markets

Microsoft has officially confirmed the launch date of its much awaited next-gen gaming console of Xbox One. Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President of Marketing, Strategy and Business at Xbox, has...

Xbox One launches on November 22

Microsoft has just revealed the Xbox One launch date. The new Xbox One will go on sale on November 22 in the United States and 12 other markets. Microsoft also confirmed that the final Xbox One will...

This is How iPhone 5C Works – Video

A Chinese site displayed what appeared to be the one and only Apple iPhone 5C in its working order. The device was shown functioning smoothly on iOS 7 Safari. While the video was shoddy and didn’t...

T-Mobile Employee Blackout Date Scheduled for Sept. 20 iPhone Launch

Apple is said to announce its new iPhone line-up on September 10th. However, its launch date in US is widely speculated to be September 20th. What is new now? A recent report by TmoNews supports this...

HTC is Reportedly Working on its own Mobile OS for China

The launch date for the HTC Mobile Operating System has been set for the end of 2013. Meanwhile, the spanking new OS will work hand in glove with what has become known as the Chinese version of...