Bandai Samurai War Machine Manga Realization Action Figure: Rhonin

James Rhodes’ first War Machine suit was a more heavily armed and armored version of Tony Starks’ Iron Man Mk. 11. His samurai variant is no different. The latest from Bandai’s Manga Realization action figures, Samurai War Machine is a walking gunship.

The 7″ tall action figure has guns on its wrists and more on its backpack, including a cannon. The backpack-mounted weapons can be folded down. Like the Samurai Iron Man figure, the toy also has a jetpack and a samurai sword. Oh and his chest plate has abs and nipples. Take that, Tony Stark. You can pre-order Samurai War Machine from BigBadToyStore for $90 (USD).

Samurai Pet Armor Protects Dogs from German Shepard Swords

We have this Mini Australian Shepherd that is my daughter’s dog. That naturally means he is really my dog because I have to take care of him. He is pure, fuzzy evil. His name is Jet because he runs literally everywhere no matter if he can’t stop his full-on doggy sprint before he smashes into something. We also call him various other names like Jetty McJetface, Jetticus Maximus, or Dickhead. The latter typically reserved for when he randomly sprints up to me, smashes into my leg, and tries to steal the socks off my feet. I’d like to buy him some of this samurai pet armor and change his name to Shogun.

He’d probably chew the armor right off himself, but he would be the most badass dog at the dog park and have some protection the next time a German Shepard tries to hump him. I think that scared him for life, he now routinely tries to hump every German Shepard puppy he sees in revenge.

Samurai Age pet armor costs costs about $130 to $150, depending on the style and size. You can tell these photos are legitimately from Japan because the dog’s junk is blurred out.

[via Kotaku]

‘Chambara,’ the split-screen samurai game born in a dorm

College dorms are a strange microcosm of adult life, offering close-quarters friendship, intellectual stimulation and the kind of freedom that comes with a prepaid meal card. Dorm life fosters in-person interaction, usually in tight spaces and on a l...

Engadget giveaway: Win a Samurai Kiwami smartphone courtesy of Freetel!

The Japanese smartphone brand Freetel has finally arrived in the US and leading its stable of handsets is the Samurai Kiwami flagship. This Android phone features a six-inch, 2,560 x 1,440-pixel display, a rear placement fingerprint sensor and a whop...

This Cardboard Samurai Armor Won’t Save Your Life

Now you can dress like a samurai without any of that bulky metal or leather armor to weigh you down. Yes, this is the first samurai armor I’ve ever seen that says “no glue or scissors required.”


The Kacchu cardboard samurai armor is available in two styles: bright red armor based on famed warrior Sanada Yukimura’s iconic outfit, complete with reindeer horns, or a dark one inspired by Date Masamune’s.


They look really cool, but definitely won’t protect you from much of anything. Heck, your enemy could take you down with a pair of scissors, an X-Acto, or even a Bic lighter.


They’re designed to fit adults from 4′ 11″ to 5′ 10″ tall, and are available for $49 each from Japan Trend Shop. If you happen to live in Japan, they can be had for about ¥2980 (~$28 USD) each. If that’s too rich for your blood, you can always go the Little Caesar’s route.


Manga Realization Samurai Spider-Man: Does Whatever His Daimyo Wants

Late last year we caught a glimpse of Tamashii Nations’ samurai-inspired take on Ultimate Spider-Man. It turns out Spidey is just the first in the company’s Manga Realization, a new line of samurai-themed action figures based on comic book characters.

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Manga Realization is a spinoff of Tamashii Nations’s Movie Realization, which so far consists of samurai-themed Star Wars action figures. Like Samurai Darth Vader and company, Samurai Spidey looks really cool, and the details and paint should make you wish it was taller than 7″ so you could ogle it more easily. Instead of a web shooter, the action figure comes with a grappling hook and a chain, which can be attached to Spidey’s wrists. He also comes with a sword and a knife.

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This is a reboot I can get behind. The Manga Realizations Samurai Spider-Man action figure sells for around $85 (USD) and should be available in toy stores soon.

[via Pop Critica]

Samurai Armor Hoodie: Perfect for NERF Swords

Feudal Japan would have been way different if samurais ran around wearing hoodies. Sure, swords would just go through them like a knife through butter, but they would have looked damn good. Modern samurais however, can wear these cool hoodies and stay safe… or at least warm.

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These hoodies are designed to look like the kozane armor that samurais wore way back in the day. Wearing a sword is optional and may get you into trouble these days though. It does a great job recreating the layered shell armor that protects warriors from sword blades.

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The front has armor-like patches with flock print patterns. The buttons at the top of the hood let you hang decorative elements and O-rings on the top front armor have removable silk himo cords.

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Other features include removable shoulder armors, a finger loop on the wrist armor, and even a hanya mask with elastic straps that doubles as a neck warmer. what more could you want from modern Samurai armor?

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You can order your Samurai Armor Hoodie over on Indiegogo now for $320(USD). The campaign has already blown through its funding goal, so they’re expected to go into production with deliveries starting this Fall.

[via Cool Things]

Look out! Here Comes the Samurai Spider-Man!

If Spider-Man was clad in the armor of an ancient Samurai, would he still be able to do whatever a spider can? I mean, I don’t see his sticky fingers working through those gauntlets. Regardless, I love samurai and think the idea is awesome for this Marvel Movie Realization action figure.

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Samurai Spidey was spotted by Den-Obi-Wan Kenobi swinging one of those awesome grappling hooks, which Spider-Man wouldn’t need today, thanks to Peter Parker’s ingenuity. In Samurai times, however, the chain and grappling hook is the best you could do to climb between buildings.

I’d like to see a movie that put Spidey in ancient Japan. That would be cool, much better than sensitive Spidey crying about his girl.

[via Toyark]

Robot Goes Fruit Ninja with a Katana Sword

Late last year I talked a bit about a pair of robotic arms that had a sword fight. It was pretty awesome to see them battle it out to the with swords. This time out we have a robot with a katana sword and this ‘bot is totally a Fruit Ninja.

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In fact, this robot is accurate enough with its sword to slice a pea pod in half. The robot is a Yaskawa Motoman-MH24, which is used in the medical field. The robot is slicing stuff based on movements captured from modern samurai Isa Machii.

This is one video that you will want to see. I keep expecting chairs and stuff to come flying out of the ceiling for it to slice.

[via Kotaku]