TetraBIN Let’s You Play Games with Trash

Litter sucks. It makes cities look ugly, and can be a public health hazard. Sometimes bins overflow, sometimes they’re hard to find, and sometimes people just don’t care what they do with their trash. Whatever the reason, litter sucks. Sencity wants to combat street trash by turning litter disposal into a game with its new TetraBIN, a connected trash bin that rewards you for tossing out your garbage. Yes it has come to this – video game garbage cans.

Sencity is one of a bunch of startups out of Urban-X, a Brooklyn-based accelerator that wants to improve big cities like New York. Their TetraBIN is a large three-sided container wrapped in a screen, which displays a sidescrolling green field. You can watch bats fly through the air while dogs are on the ground crying, “Feed me!” The inside has motion sensors that detect when something is tossed in. Your trash is translated into chicken drumsticks on the screen.

If you can feed the dog you get a win screen with a code that can be redeemed on the TetraBIN website for some kind of reward. In its earlier incarnation, it had a lower resolution screen that played a puzzle game that looked a bit like Tetris.

They hope that this will train people to act properly and throw trash where it belongs, especially kids.

[via Engadget]

Voice Activated Smart Garbage Cans: Talking Trash

Aside from being able to press a lever with your foot and lift the lid, trash cans really haven’t changed much over the years. Well, one company is building a better trash can. Simplehuman is a California-based brand that specializes in bath, beauty and kitchen accessories.

They already released a smart garbage can a few years ago that could be opened when it sensed movement in front of it. Now they are taking things one step further and they will soon be showing a new version that can be opened with a voice command.

This should make life easier for everyone and your hands won’t get as germy and gross from opening and closing waste containers. You can check them out at CES 2017 in Las Vegas. Be sure to tell them they have nice cans.

[via Trendhunter]

The Po’ Man Charcoal Grill

Cooking food in a grill shaped like a trash can is not how most people want to grill up their steaks. What would your friends think if you invited them over and they saw you cooking in a trash can? They would probably run, except for that guy who will eat anything. You know who you are.

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The $115 Po’ Man’s Charcoal Grill is just like any other grill, except you might accidentally throw your trash in this one. It’s ventilated from the bottom, with a round grate, a flavor lock drip-plate, and two skewers so it will cook a bunch of meat all at once.

You have to love their sales pitch: “The Po Man Grill is more value, more flavor, more meat and less fancy pants.” All true. Hopefully the trash truck doesn’t come by and accidentally dump your meat in back of the truck. No grilling by the curb.

[via Werd via OhGizmo!]

Colin Furze’s Remote-Controlled Wheelie Bin: Haul Trash

We’ve seen a small remote-controlled trash can, now let’s check out how you can make a large one. YouTube’s star inventor Colin Furze used an electric wheelchair’s components to motorize and remotely control a wheeled trash can, or as the Brits call it, a wheelie bin.

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Instead of controlling the wheelchair directly, the controller manipulates a servo, which is connected to an arm that in turn manipulates the wheelchair’s joystick. This is by far one of Colin’s most practical inventions, but it’s still not good enough for regular use. True to its name, it’s prone to popping a wheelie and then promptly falling over.

I suppose his next move will be to put a jet engine on it.

Macintosh Classic Turned from Trash to Trash Bin

Redditor HaHaBird bought several Mac Classic shells at a surplus shop a decade ago. He never figured out what to do with them until recently, when he converted one into a trash bin.

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The bin’s main feature is its screen, which swings inward like the door on a normal trash bin. But that’s not the computer’s original screen. HaHaBird heated a flat acrylic panel to soften it so it would conform to the Classic’s frame, and then attached hinges on the upper edge of the panel and the frame. So now if you throw money at the screen it will actually take it.

Check out HaHaBird’s build log below:

Classic Mac Trash Can

[via Geekwire via Reddit]

Marriage of the Broom and the Bin


Are you the type to throw your broom and dustpan just wherever after you’re finished? I don’t blame you… when you’re done, you’re done! But, then searching for them when they are needed can be difficult. The 3 in 1 Bin combines a broom and a dustpan with a dustbin to achieve a more comfortable and systematic way to clean. The broom is given a designated mounting slot on the side of the bin and can be easily dismounted and reattached. Similarly, the lid of the 3 in 1 Bin can be detached and used as a dustbin. The design is tailored not only for convenience but it also encourages more efficient use of space.

Designer: Yoon So Young


A Twist on the Trash Can


Designed for those with limited limb functionality, the Pack Master makes tying and taking out the trash a cinch! Cut out directly on the waste bin’s top edge, a cleverly designed branch system makes it possible to tie a knot with one hand. Simply wrap the excess bag around, loop under and through and voila! The bag can then be lifted, taken out and replace without any spillage.

Designer: Yijin Chou






This Is The Trash Can You’re Looking For


R2-D2. Trashcan. Yes, it’s R2-D2, and it’s a trashcan. Is it blasphemous? Is it cool? We can’t tell. All we know is that Star Wars fury is once again in full swing, and perhaps as dynamic as the movie marketing machine is, so is the merchandising craze. There are Star Wars… things up the wazoo these days, and people are gobbling them up with renewed fervour. The Star Wars R2-D2 Trashcan is an officially licensed Lucasfilm collectible, and is sold exclusively by ThinkGeek in the US. The head pops open when you press Artoo’s foot, to reveal an 11″ tall inner waste bin. And like any self-respecting officially licensed Star Wars collectible, it’s not cheap: $129.


[ Product Page] VIA [ GeeksAreSexy ]

Household chores suck!

Which is why your dustbin should too. Bruno is a delightfully obvious trash can with an inbuilt vacuum. Forget your inefficient dust pan that takes forever to collect all your dust (and makes you a hunchback in the process). Just collect all your dust near Bruno’s mouth and it’ll lap it all up!

Apart from being a vacuum wonder, Bruno also reminds you to take out the trash and notifies you when it’s running low on garbage bags.

Designers: Poubelle LLC

Author: Sarang Sheth

Yanko Design
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(Household chores suck! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Bruno Trash Can is Also a Vacuum Cleaner: Sweep & Throw

The Bruno dumps trash cans into the era of smart appliances. It has a motion sensing lid, it tells you when it’s low on trash bags, and it can remind you when to take out the trash. But it’s smartest feature is the vacuum cleaner hidden at its base. Something tells me your pets won’t like that feature.

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The Bruno has sensors that will trigger the vacuum cleaner when you’re sweeping dirt into it and then turn the air pump off when you’re through. The dirt it sucks will supposedly end up in the trash bag, although how exactly that happens isn’t shown in the current product pictures. One can only assume that it sucks it from the bottom to the top and it falls into the top of the bag.

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The Bruno can be used with standard 13gal. trash bags, but the low trash bag alert on its app will only work with Bruno-branded trash bags, which fit into the storage pod near the container’s rim. Should you decide to buy the Bruno bags, you’ll be able to order some from within the Bruno app.

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The trash can has a retractable cord and a built-in battery that should last up to 30 days per charge, so it doesn’t have to be placed near an outlet most of the time.

Pledge at least $139 (USD) on Kickstarter to get the Bruno smart trash can as a reward.

[via Gadgetify]