Game Boy Heat Change Mug Doesn’t Play Tetris

I remember when the Nintendo Game Boy came out back in the day and we were all super excited that you could play games on the go. The graphics were terrible though. If you want to relive that mobile retro gaming action, the Game Boy 16oz heat change mug is just the ticket.

This square coffee mug holds 16 ounces of liquid. If said liquid is hot, it will change the black screen of the Game Boy on the cup into a green screenshot from Super Mario Bros. It’s made from ceramic, but you can’t microwave it due to the special heat-sensitive stuff.

The mug will set you back $12.99(USD) at ThinkGeek.

Teddy Ruxpin Gets Torn Down

Dan and Lincoln Markham from the What’s Inside? channel like to cut things apart to see what their guts look like. This time, they decided to disassemble an original 1985 Teddy Ruxpin talking bear using knives and a sledgehammer to reveal the toy’s innards. What they found is creepier than you can possibly imagine.


It’s especially disturbing when Teddy’s skin is removed from his face. If that isn’t bad enough, the kid proceeds to immediately put Teddy’s skin over his own face. I’m not saying the kid is a serial killer or anything, but I’d watch my back around him. Teddy basically parades around in his skeleton scaring the hell out of everyone, and at one point their little sister is so traumatized that she ends up crying.

If you ever wanted to take Teddy Ruxpin apart before, you will be cured of that desire once and for all. Some things are better left alone.

[via Laughing Squid]

LEGO Arcade Robot Breakdance Battle! ‘Nuff Said!

What if I told you that someone has combined four of the best things ever into one cool video? Those things are LEGO, arcades and robots in a breakdance battle. Yeah, now we have your attention.

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This is likely to be the best thing you see all day. YouTuber BreaksBricks created this fun stop-motion animation featuring some retro ‘80s toy robots dancing their LEGO butts off. The lesson we can all learn from this? Robots get way over-competitive when it comes to breakdancing.

If you’re old enough you might recognize these robots the Tomy Omnibot and Omnibot Jr. BreaksBricks wants to bring them back through a LEGO Ideas project that you can go vote on. These bots sure bring back memories.

[via The Brothers Brick via Sploid]

50 Classic Arcade Games Saved from Derelict Cruise Ship

A rotting cruise ship called The Duke of Lancaster has been beached and rotting in Wales for about 30 years. As it turned out, inside its hold have been sitting some of the coolest and rarest classic arcade game cabinets out there.

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While it started as a luxury passenger ship, it later became a car ferry, and eventually was sold off, beached and was intended to be turned into something called The Fun Ship. It was to be a docked hotel, bar, and arcade. This never happened and the ship sat there rusting until 2009 when some people got inside and snapped images. Apparently, while the project fell through, the arcade games had been acquired and placed inside the ship and then abandoned.

Eventually the owner of the ship allowed some people inside to look around. This resulted in 50 of the arcade cabinets being saved from the leaky, rusty ship. Ultimately, they would need to use a crane to extract the machines from their precarious situation. Here’s a complete list of everything that was found aboard the ship, including arcade classics like Space Invaders, BattleZone, Boot Hill, Missile Command and more. There were also a number of pinball machines and other mechanical rides in the mix.

Read the full story of this amazing find on The Arcade Blogger, and check out the video and see some perfectly preserved ’80s nostalgia for yourself.

[via Super Punch via Kotaku]

The LEGO Speak & Spell Replica: L… E… G… O…

Growing up in the 1970s, one of my earliest memories of an electronic toy had to be the Speak & Spell. This tablet-sized device helped many of us improve our spelling and vocabulary, playing word games using an early speech synthesizer. I remember there being a myth that the voice used in the sound chip Texas Instruments used samples of Dan Rather’s voice, though if that were true, he must have been abducted by robots.

The Speak & Spell would later end up being circuit bent, and used by musicians ranging from Beck to Kraftwerk to Limp Bizkit. You can still pick up an old Speak & Spell on eBay, but if you’ve got the LEGO bricks sitting around, you could just build one of these instead.


This awesome LEGO Speak & Spell was created by Jtheels, and is a perfect, albeit slightly large replica of the classic electronic toy. Be sure to poke around on Jtheels’ Flickr page, where he’s also got a LEGO Connect Four, a LEGO Mattel Football game, a LEGO Simon, a LEGO Merlin, and a working LEGO TossAcross among his various creations.

[via Brothers Brick]

Get Smurfy with Demi Lovato in 2017

Mark March 31, 2017 on your calenders. The Smurfs will be back on screen in the computer-animated Get Smurfy. They must beat Gargamel in the quest for origin answers found only in the Enchanted...

Kids React to VCRs (aka Man, We’re Getting Old)

It’s been at least 10 years since I had a VHS player in the house, if not longer. Between DVD, then Blu-ray and digital downloads and streaming, the idea of using clunky old magnetic tapes seems totally antiquated now. So where there’s old tech, there’s The Fine Brothers, who like to put old gadgets, games and videos in front of today’s kids to see what they think of it.

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In their latest clip, kids first try to figure out what the heavy black box is, but it’s the part where they have to load the VHS tape in where they really start to struggle. Now don’t tell me you never put a tape in backwards at some point. Never mind the part where they see how crummy the picture quality is. Yes, kids there was a time before hi-def. And the chore of having to go to a video store to rent a movie. God forbid.

My favorite line comes from the boy who says “New is new, and old is… eh.” I couldn’t have put it better myself, kid.

MacGyver Intro without Music: Solving Crimes with Sound Effects

One of the highlights of the week for me growing up was each fresh episode of MacGyver. The only thing that could spoil it for me was a rerun, but I watched them anyway. MacGyver had a one-word name, an epic ’80s mullet and got himself out of jams using his brain instead of fighting or shooting his way out of them. I loved that show and have many fond memories of that cheesy opening credit sequence.

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Mario Wienerroither has taken those opening credits, removed all the music and added sound effects in. The result is as strange and hilarious as it sounds.

I forgot how long that intro scene was. If you aren’t a child of the ’80s be sure and check out the original opening as well and revel in the cheese that was MacGyver. You can even watch every episode of the show on CBS All Access if you are so inclined.

[via Laughing Squid]

Rubik’s Cube Safe: The Ultimate Theft Deterrent

So let’s say you have some valuable cash and rings lying around. You could carry them with you or lock them in a proper safe, but what fun would that be? Hide your possessions in plain sight by stashing them inside of a Rubik’s Cube.

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Speaking from personal experience, there’s not much more frustrating than a Rubik’s Cube. And this one has five rows and columns instead of the regular 3x3x3 design. I can assure you that criminals will take one look at this thing and leave it sitting on your desk – especially if you leave some crummy costume jewelry and Mardi Gras doubloons lying around.

While the Rubik’s Cube Safe doesn’t require that you completely solve it to open it, you do need to know the trick to opening it.

So twist and turn your browser over to RED5 to order your Rubik’s Cube Safe now for £12.95 (~$20 USD), and keep criminals puzzled.

The Greatest American Hero Reboot in the Works: Believe it or Not!

As a child of the ’80s, one of the earliest TV shows that I recall loving in grade school was called “The Greatest American Hero.” This was a comedy/action show about a teacher who saw an alien spacecraft and found a suit that gave him superhuman powers. The catch was that he lost the instructions and didn’t know how it worked. I loved that show something fierce growing up, and word is that FOX is getting set to reboot it.


Now before you get all upset about the idea, The reboot is expected to have Phil Lord and Chris Miller as executive producers. If those names are unfamiliar, you might recognize the films directed together- 21 Jump Street, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and The LEGO Movie. So they have a really solid track record. It sounds like the show will be written by Rodney Rothman, who worked with Lord and Miller on 22 Jump Street.

The original series was produced by Steven J. Cannell, and apparently his daughter Tawnia McKiernan is going to be working on the reboot. The only description of the show we have now is that it will follow an inner city teacher who discovers a suit that gives him superhuman powers. Basically, this is the same premise from the original. I’m totally going to watch.

I wonder who they’re going to cast as the hero.

[via Deadline via Nerd Approved]