Feel Guilty Squishing A Bug? The Bug Vacuum is For You


We’ll never get on the same wavelength, but we realize there are people who will feel bad about killing a creepy crawly. If that’s you, let us turn your attention to the Bug Vacuum. It’s a rechargeable, handheld vacuum with an LED for efficient night operation, and a see-through compartment that stores your unwanted visitors until you can release them outside. Or, if you want to observe your catch without actually touching it, you can just keep them in that clear compartment and marvel at nature’s least appreciated gift from a safe distance. It’s $23.


[ Product Page ]

Anti-Mosquito Socks Stop Pesky Ankle Biters

Is a one-person bug tent just not enough for you? Maybe you need more protection to feel safe from all of those biting bugs. These $20 knee-length Mosquito Netting Socks will protect you from all of those nasty blood suckers.

mosquito_socks_1zoom in

If you grandmother wore a fashionable hazmat suit, this is what her legs would look like. They may not be much of a fashion statement, but they will protect you from mosquitoes.

Now you just need a suit made of this mesh to go with them and your whole body will be protected from bites. Good news, everyone! Hammacher Schlemmer sells mosquito-proof shirts, pants, and jackets too.

[via NoPuedoCreer via OhGizmo!]

Upcoming ‘No Man’s Sky’ patch will fix most issues

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‘The Division’ update arrives with some giant bugs

The Division's Conflict update is here, and it brings some big features for players eager to find new things to do. Great! Only... some of those features aren't working properly. Players are reporting that high value target missions aren't unlocki...

‘The Division’ update arrives with some giant bugs

The Division's Conflict update is here, and it brings some big features for players eager to find new things to do. Great! Only... some of those features aren't working properly. Players are reporting that high value target missions aren't unlocki...

ICYMI: Barely hoverbiking, new hair dryer tech and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: YouTuber Colin Furze teamed up with Ford to build a working hoverbike within just a few weeks, from his shed. It runs off of two diesel engines so granted, it's probably not the most mass-production friendly item, bu...