Exorcism Deaths by Mentally Ill Mother

Zakieya Avery had four children, of which two were killed when she repeatedly stabbed them with a knife in a supposed exorcism. While they were asleep, she perpetrated the heinous acts which led to...

Google Glass is Doomed

Google Glass is becoming an enigma. Over the past week the fashion world, via hair care product vendor L’Oreal, made a bigger commitment to the, as yet, un-launched device. But at the same time uber-...

America’s Next Great Prescription

Scientists have made a discovery that is proven to reduce premature death from heart attacks and stroke, lower the risk of diabetes and certain cancers, control blood pressure, prevent osteoporosis,...

Medicine Or Mass Murder? Guideline Based on Discredited Research May Have Caused 800,000 Deaths In Europe Over The Last 5 Years

Last summer British researchers provoked concern when they published a paper raising the possibility that by following an established guideline UK doctors may have caused as many as 10,000 deaths...

Monster Drinks Face Challenges Despite High Sales

Monster drinks have made it big. They are in demand especially by teenagers and athletes who get a high from the caffeine contained within the drinks. Such is the popularity of Monster drinks that...

Monster allegedly marketing energy drinks to children

Monster Beverage Corporation may be facing its toughest opponent yet. A duo of lawyers from San Francisco and New York have joined forces to investigate the company's alleged involvement in marketing...

Buddhist Temple Deaths Case Reopened

The trial, which is taking place for the third time in a row, may lead to the defendant being given a life sentence. Jonathan Doody has faced prosecution for shooting 17 rounds and thereby killing...