Star Wars Sun Reflector for Your Landspeeder

It sucks that we have to ride around in Honda Civics and the like, they are driving Landspeeders and piloting X-Wings in a galaxy far, far away; not to mention the Millennium Falcon. But hey, you can make your car look like it is part of the Star Wars universe and protect it from those hot Tatooine suns at the same time.

star wars sun shade

This amusing Millennium Falcon vehicle sun reflector is the perfect way to protect your car and keep it looking geeky at the same time. It’s only $21.99(USD), which is a whole lot less than building your own spaceship.

Anything that makes your ride look more like the Falcon inside, complete with crew, is good with me.

[via Thisiswhyimbroke]

Build Your Own (Mini) Millennium Falcon

We would all love to have our own Millenium Falcon, but the truth is, we just don’t have the parking space for it. Or the billions of dollars it would take to create one. However, you can build your own metallic Millennium Falcon from scratch. A tiny version, at least.

Millennium Falcon Puzzle
This Star Wars Metallic Nano Puzzle is made from ultra-fine laser cut metal which can be assembled step by step into a palm-sized metal model. You just remove the parts from the metal sheet and bend and fold them like papercraft art.

Millennium FalconPuzzle 1
To assemble the model, you just need is a pair of scissors, tweezers, needle-nose pliers, and plenty of patience. The Millennium Falcon measures 72mm. It is only $16 (USD) over at Strapya World.

[via Damn Geeky]

Grand Theft Auto IV Millennium Falcon Mod: Does the Liberty City Run in 12 Parsecs

Forget the streets of Grand Theft Auto IV, this Millenium Falcon mod will let you take to the skies and…

What the hell? Do you see what I see? Chewie, you overgrown furball! You put her back together backwards. Who ever heard of a dyslexic Wookiee?

Millenium Falcon mod Continue reading

Star Wars Spaceship Guitars Rock the Cantina

If you like to cosplay as the Cantina Band from Mos Eisley, check out these amazing Star Wars spaceship guitars and be insanely jealous. They are  elegant musical weapons for a more civilized age.

These ships are amazing and are actual working guitars built by 64-year-old Tom Bingham. That’s quite a hobby he has and he is awesome at it. And even though people beg him, he doesn’t sell them.

millennium falcon guitar

Each guitar takes about three months to build and is made from parts purchased at car boot sales in the UK.

Tom has created the Millennium Falcon, Y-Wing and B-Wing guitars from Star Wars and he also has about 20 other custom designs that he’s made over the years. These could be the best guitars ever.

[via The Sun via Laughing Squid via Nerd Approved]

Millenium Falcon Turntable: Wookie Wookie

In a club far, far away, Marco of Picotek Design must be wowing the crowd not just with his beats but with his one-of-a-kind gear as well. His highly modified turntable is based on another highly modified piece of equipment: the freighter-turned-smuggler’s ship Millenium Falcon.

millenium falcon technics 1200 turntable by picotek design

Marco said he stumbled upon the toy replica of Han Solo’s ship and got it for a mere $2 (USD), albeit with some of its parts missing. He stowed it away for a couple of years, then one day decided to combine it with another relic from the 70s, a Technics 1200 turntable. Marco says he’ll upload more pictures of the turntable soon.

[via Obvious Winner]

Millennium Falcon Sled: The Falcon Goes to Hoth

This Millennium Falcon sled probably won’t do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, but if there is snow, this ship has got it where it counts. Sean Murray built this awesome sled for an office event – and also for his Star Wars loving daughter to enjoy.

millennium falcon sled 1

Each year, Sean’s job holds a Winter carnival where each section forms a team and selects a theme. So he put a team together and chose Star Wars. One of the events was a human dogsled race – and what better ship for a dogsled race than the Falcon? After all, Chewbacca was inspired by an Alaskan Malamute, a dog best know for its ability to pull a sled.

millennium falcon sled 2

The Falcon sled is made entirely of cardboard and mounted to a plastic toboggan. While the cardboard might not hold up to snow as well as the mass-produced Falcon sled, this one is way cooler, plus it’s a great way to get around Hoth.

Well done Sean. It would be fun to see two kids inside dressed like Han and Chewie.

[via Wired]

Lightsaber Toilet Plunger and Millennium Falcon Toilet Seat: May the Flush Be with You

This belonged to your father. He wanted you to have it. It is a plumbing tool from a more civilized age. And here, have this Millenium Falcon Toilet seat too.
lightsaber plunger
This is the best toilet plunger ever and all it takes is replacing the wooden rod from your plunger with a lightsaber. The falcon toilet seat is obviously Photoshopped, but it is still a good idea. Just don’t get into lightsaber fights with your plumber friends. That could be disgusting. That saber has been in the toilet for God’s sake. Then again, it might be a good deterrent for your opponent, and they might just run off.

I think we need a whole line of Star Wars bathroom accessories like these. Maybe an Admiral Ackbar toilet seat that says, “It’s a crap!” Oh, we already have that.

[via Obvious Winner]

Millennium Falcon Mac and PC Computer in One

Wanna make the Kessel Run in record time, while surfing the internet at the same time? You’d better use this Millenium Falcon computer then. It was the grand prize winner in last year’s Deconstruct for GOOD event sponsored by Good Magazine and Vizio.
Millenium Falcon pc and Mac
This Millennium Falcon has both a PC and a MAC inside. When you and your Wookiee co-pilot can’t agree on an operating system, use both. Builder Ken Swallow removed the insides of a model ship and replaced them with a Mac Titanium G4 motherboard and a MSI ATX motherboard (PC) while keeping the original sound effects from the toy intact.

He added fans, lights and power switches for both computers. So you have a full Windows 7 PC and MAC OSX 10.5.8 system, with Linksys wireless, an Apple airport card and more – all inside of a spaceship. Hyperspace on over to Etsy to get more specs, or buy it for $2,800(USD). If you can’t afford that, you can always borrow some credits from Jabba.

Mimoco Millennium Falcon microSD Reader Saves Files in Less than 12 Parsecs

Why smuggle your data on a regular device when you can put it in the cargo hold of a Mini Millennium Falcon? Most of us still carry a flash drive around, so why not make it as geeky as possible? You can get all kinds of Star Wars flash drives from Mimoco, but now they are branching out to readers and this one is pretty awesome.

mimoco millennium falcon

Just insert any microSD card into the Falcon’s cargo hold slot, and pop the USB stick in the computer. You can access all of the data on the card and pop it back into your phone or camera, or you can leave it in the Falcon and have a new flash drive that doubles as a toy.

Look at how cool it looks. MimoMicro Card Readers are $12.99(USD) – not including a microSD card, and you can get them in a variety of Star Wars related designs.

[via Geek]

Millenium Falcon Xbox Case Mod


Modding c0nsoles is always fun, but if we throw in some Star Wars in the mix, it’s always meant to become epic. This time around, someone decided to combine Han Solo’s smuggling ship, the Millenium Falcon, with a classic Xbox.

We like this mod a lot, for Han Solo was always ...
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