Apple releases iOS 10.1, adds Portrait mode to the iPhone 7 Plus

The Portrait mode for Apple's iPhone 7 Plus has been in the works for months, and now it's ready for the masses... sort of. 7 Plus users running beta software have been able to shoot photos full of artificial bokeh for over a month now, but Apple jus...

Daenerys Targaryen: Mother of Sodium

I’ve turned into a big fan of Game of Thrones over the last few weeks. I have streamed all the episodes of the series from about season three, leading all the way up to the new season coming out this month. I am looking forward to seeing what happens to Daenerys after all Dothraki found her when she wandered away from her dragon.

The artist you see here working on this incredibly realistic portrait of Daenerys is called DinoTomic, who also goes by AtomiccircuS on DeviantArt. The portrait looks like chalk on black paper or something, but he actually made using salt.

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Yes, you read that right pure table salt is all that was used to make this art, and it is incredible. Watch the video to see the whole process, it is very cool. Though I was bummed to see him wipe it all away at the end.

[via Kotaku]

Outcast Odyssey x DeviantArt Semi-Finalists: Scale, Steel, Steam, Smoke and Sorcery

Bandai Namco and DeviantArt’s Outcast Odyssey card art contest appears to be a great succcess. It’s now down to 25 semi-finalists, three of which will win the grand prize. Needless to say all of the top 25 are great, but I thought I’d share my favorites among the lot. First up are these three dragons.

This is Say Tchiiiiz !!!! by Dogan Oztel. If I have to pick just one to win the contest this would be it. It just grabs your attention and is both funny and fearsome.

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This is Ancient Dragon by Huy Mai Van, who says it could be an animal, a plant or both. Its wings are so huge they can wrap around a mountain, and instead of breathing fire it can blast out a “destruction can[n]on” from its halo. Damn.

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This is the great GYPAETUS – The Bearded Dragon by Fabio Listrani. I like to think of him as both a gigantic dragon and a sorcerer.

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This is Robert Kim’s The Pirate King. He’s a pirate, he’s a king, he’s got a top hat and he’s got gears for teeth. Sir, You Are Being Plundered.

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This is the beautiful Vampire Witch by Andrey Vasilchenko. At first glance it seems like a clichéd RPG or fantasy art, but it’s just so well done and Andrey’s little touches drew me in. Phantom bat!

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Last but not least is Eduardo Garcia’s South Witch. I’ll let Ed blow your mind here: “The collar around her neck magically separates the head [from the] body, preventing her from using most of her magic.”  Woah.

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Those are my picks! I bet at least one of them will receive the grand prize. Be sure to check out the other semi-finalists on DeviantArt.

Outcast Odyssey Trading Card Game Art Contest: Level Up Your Exposure

Illustrators and other visual artists: want to end your year with a dream and possibly start 2015 with an opportunity? Check out the Outcast Odyssey Card Master Challenge, an art contest by Bandai Namco and DeviantArt.

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The contest calls for a portrait or illustration of a dragon, a monster, a witch, a warlock or a steampunk warrior that fits the free-to-play trading card game’s aesthetics. The contest is open to all DeviantArt members who are at least 18 years old. If you’re not yet a member, signing up with the site is free.

DeviantArt staff will select three grand prize winners who will each receive a $1,200 (USD) cash prize, a 128GB iPad Mini, a Razer Blackshark headset, 8,000 DeviantArt points and one-year DeviantArt premium membership. Most importantly, the grand prize entries will be included in Outcast Odyssey as limited-edition cards.

Head to DeviantArt for the full rules and download links of the game’s art assets and the game itself. The contest ends on 1/25/15.

Stamp Yo Face, Watch Yourself: Custom Rubber Stamps of Your Face

Stamp Yo Face

You don’t have to be crafty or artsy to appreciate the awesomeness of Stamp Yo Face. The online business offers something that no other company has offered before: custom rubber stamps that bear your image and likeness.

You can use it to “sign” letters, personalize stationary, decorate labels, and basically just stamp stuff to revel in your good looks (and be appropriately embarrassed over your vanity.)

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For $65, Stamp Yo Face will create a custom portrait stamp that features your mug, as drawn and created from your desired photo. Aside from the stamp, you’ll also be getting the original hand-drawn portrait that they used to create your stamp, the digital file of your portrait, and a black ink pad.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

NES Pro Wrestling Prints: A Portrait is You!

Retro video game artist James Bit is now selling a series of prints featuring the characters of Pro Wrestling, the classic NES game and source of the infamous “A Winner is You!” meme.

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James probably lost to Great Puma a lot when he was a kid, because King’s grandfather is missing from James’ roster. Fighter Hayabusa, Star Man, Kin Corn Karn, Giant Panther, The Amazon and King Slender are all here.

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Have your browser jump from the top rope and head to James’ Etsy shop to order a print. Each one costs between $25 to $200 (USD), depending on the size you pick.

[via it8Bit]

Mega Man Bosses Bead Portraits: Rock’s Gallery

You don’t get to 10 Mega Man games without making a few enemies. 80 of them to be specific. Patrick Merrifield reminds us just how difficult the Blue Bomber’s life is with his massive masterpiece. Patrick made bead portraits of each of the Robot Masters that Rock faced in the classic Mega Man series.

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Patrick said it took him over 90 hours and more than 67,000 beads to put the collection together. I don’t think I’ve ever arranged a thousand of anything. And yes, it is a collection of portraits, not one big wall, so you can split them however you want. You can’t buy them separately though. Here’s a closer look at one of the portraits.

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Turn into Pay Man and buy the collection from Patrick’s Etsy shop for $1,000 (USD).

Watch a Lifetime Go By in Five Minutes

What can happen in a lifetime? A lot, I’m sure, with a couple of “once-in-a-lifetime” moments thrown in there for good measure.

Anthony Cerniello recently went to his friend Danielle’s family reunion, where he brought along still photographer Keith Sirchio. Using a Hasselblad medium format camera, Keith shot photos of various members of her family, from her young cousins to her much older relatives.

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Each image was painstakingly scanned using a drum scanner at the U.N. in New York. There, Anthony’s real work began. He carefully selected which of the family members who had the most similar features and edited their images. He then called in animators Nathan Meier and Edmund Earle to tie everything together using After Effects and 3D Studio Max.

Using these programs, the duo morphed and animated the still images to render them to be as likelife as possible. Artist George Cuddy was then brought in to smooth out the finer details, like the eyes and the hair, which he achieved using Nuke – 3D visual effects software.

The result is the very impressive clip above. It seemingly shows one person go through various stages of aging, when in fact, it’s actually several generations altogether.

[via Colossal]

Portraits “Drawn” with LEGO: Brick Sketches

We’ve seen a LEGO creation that can draw, but I was pleasantly surprised to realize that you can also use LEGO to draw. That’s what Chris McVeigh is doing with his Brick Sketches series. He makes 12″ x 16″ portraits of geeky characters not with ink or paint but with LEGO.

brick sketches lego portraits by chris mcveigh powerpig

Speaking with My Modern Met, Chris said he was inspired by his artist friends, who were creating miniature sketches. You might think that using LEGO would be easier than using ink, but it has its own challenges as well. Chris said that “it can be a real challenge to find just the right combination of plates to represent a specific character. Adding to the complexity is that not all parts are available in all colors, and worse yet, I may not have all the parts on hand. “ He’s done a great job so far though!

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Head to Chris’ Flickr page to see high res images of his Brick Sketches. You can also keep an eye out for them on Chris’ blog or on his Facebook page.

[via My Modern Met]