Russia’s Economy Is Decelerating Sharply, But It’s Still Close To Full Employment

Russia’s economy has had a lousy 2013. Estimates of GDP growth have been getting smaller and smaller with each passing week. The current consensus is for full-year growth of 1.4%, but given the...

Freeing Khodorkovsky Is Nice But It Doesn’t Really Change Anything

In classic fashion Vladimir Putin casually dropped a bombshell while speaking to journalists after his annual telethon, question and answer session, or whatever you’d like to call the strange...

Asteroid 2032 Danger may be Minimal yet it Exists

A large-sized asteroid came close to the orbit of planet earth last month. It is called the asteroid 2013 TV135. It will be returning in 2032. Till then the danger has been delayed. Yet due to the...

Female Mammoth with Blood Found Almost Intact

The estimated age of the female mammoth was ten to fifteen thousand years. Dug up from the ice in a far off island in the Arctic, the currently extinct animal was so perfectly preserved that even the...