You Can’t Look Away from These Horribly Disgusting Smartphone Cases

If you’re looking for something disgusting and gruesome for your phone, look no further. Try not to lose your lunch or run away screaming. Artist Morgan Loebel has over 20 years of experience as a dental lab technician, sculpting realistic replacement teeth, so that probably explains how he can create these creepy, monstrous and hideous phone covers. Look away. Just look away.

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Each hand-sculpted polymer clay phone cover features a twisted and disgusting monster. They are full of realistic looking eyes, teeth and drooling tongues, and have a disgustingly wet looking sheen to them.

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You can see more of Morgan’s Mutations in his Etsy shop or on Facebook. Don’t blame us for the nightmares you have tonight. And the next night. And the next.

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[via Dangerous Minds]

This Robot Wants to Crawl up Your Colon

Robots will be the end of us all. The sooner we accept that, the sooner we can begin figuring out the best ways to ingratiate ourselves to our new overlords. However, getting to our eventual robot death is going to be a long hard road, with a lot of pain. Pain and humiliation. Which I can only imagine, this self-propelling colonoscope knows all about.

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A colonoscope, for those who don’t know, is a long, thin, flexible tube with a camera and a light attached. It is used to examine the inside of the large intestine. That’s right. This robot is like an inch worm that crawls up your butt-space. Thanks, science. Robots just have to humiliate us before our final demise. It’s how they roll. Or in this case, inch forward.

You can watch it moving inside of a fake human in the video below:

Prepare to cringe as you watch this thing slither through some faux intestines. Damn you robots. You aren’t getting inside of me and laying eggs so your robot babies can burst out of my chest!

This Zombie Containment Unit Is the Best Halloween Prop Ever

Imagine you are a kid, all dressed up for Halloween and trick or treating in your neighborhood. You approach a house with a strange large box out front. It has a window. The door on the box bulges outward and inside you see a zombie freaking out, trying to escape. Time to run!

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The Zombie Containment Unit from Hi-Rez Designs might be the best and scariest Halloween prop ever. All I can say is, I hope that containment unit is able to hold up to the pounding from inside or we are all screwed. Check it out in action, and prepare to be scared:

If I was a kid encountering this thing, I would say forget the candy. It’s not worth it. I’ll just ask my mom to buy some from the store.

[via Nerd Approved]

Chinese Glass-bottom Bridge (Probably) Won’t Collapse

China isn’t exactly known for its safety guidelines and building standards. It’s more known for cutting corners and having few protections in place for people and the environment. I’d be a bit nervous about walking on a bridge that was 590 feet in the air and had a glass bottom no matter where it was.

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Knowing that the glass panels probably came from the vendor with the lowest bid would make the trek even more terrifying. The glass-bottomed bridge opened at the Stone Buddha Mountain in Shiniuzhai Geopark, and spans 984 feet across.

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The glass panels making up the walkway are said to be 25 times stronger than window glass and replaced the wood floor that was previously installed. Visitors who walk across the bridge are given special booties to cover their feet, and there are protective guard rails along the sides.

Still, some visitors have been so afraid, they had to be pulled along to cross the bridge. Would you walk across this bridge?

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[via DailyMail]

Late Night Shop is a Scary Strategy Creep Fest

Growing up, I always thought it would be awesome to get locked in a store all night and get to play with and eat anything I wanted. I never really thought about what it would be like if you were locked in a store and all those creepy mannequins came to life. It’s certainly not sexy like that Mannequin flick from back in the ’80s.

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A new game is in early development called Late Night Shop, and in the game you somehow get locked in a mall at night, and must find your way towards various objectives. Things get really creepy when you realize that the mannequins are able to move and chase you, but only when you aren’t looking at them.

That means when you turn and run, they chase after you so each time you look back they have moved. This is one of those ideas that might sound silly, but check out the video and you can see how creepy this game will be. I want to play it. A multiplayer mode is also in the works, in which one player tries to escape, and the others play the stalking mannequins.

[via Kotaku]

Joker Ground Breaker: Why So Spooky?

Halloween will be here before you know it and that means that the stores are already crammed with decorations and costumes. If you are working on your creepy yard decoration plans, you might want to include this DC Joker Ground Breaker. It looks like the Joker is climbing out of the ground to get you, and he’s not looking too happy.

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This is a much scarier Joker than we normally see with a face that has been cut away and held on with staples. It’s modeled after the Joker from “Death of the Family.”

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It even has a motion sensitive spotlight to scare the bejeebers out of anyone walking by your dark yard. You can get yours at ThinkGeek for $89.99(USD).

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Yaara Derkel’s ‘Coppelius’ Chair Casts a Shadow of Fright

A picture speaks a thousand words, but so does a shadow. At first glance, Yaara Derkel’s Coppelius chair doesn’t look like much. Sure, it has fancy cutouts on the rest and on the seat, but nothing too interesting or detailed that you’d actually consider it to be art.

But once you put the chair near a light source and check out the resulting shadow, you’ll see what makes it so… special.

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They always said not to judge a book by its cover. In this case, don’t judge the chair by its, well, appearance. You might just be pleasantly surprised. Or scared.

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[via designboom via LikeCool]

Ditch Your Head This Halloween: Alien Mind Control Halloween Mask

Alien Mind Control Halloween Mask

This mask wins hands-down against any other Halloween mask out there in the market. It’s strange, it’s creepy, and it’s all sorts of gross– in short, it’s the perfect mask for you if you want to win any awards this Halloween. A commandeering, noseless alien occupies the space where your head normally is, holding controls that presumably allow it to control your headless, bloody body.

The mask is foam-filled, so you don’t have to worry about the alien’s butt getting in your face when you’ve got this on.

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A testament to its awesomeness is the fact that it’s currently sold out. You can bookmark the site that sells it though, in the hopes of nabbing one before October 31st. It’s priced at $98.

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