Diablo Night Light Shines Bright to You a Fright

Diablo Night Light


Most people get a night light so they can see better in the dark without blinding themselves with sudden brightness in the middle of the night. They do not get one to scare the crap out of themselves. However, that’s what this Diablo night light will most likely do to them if they come face-to-face with it while they’re on their way to the toilet.

Even fans will get the occasional scare when they wake up and forget that they chose the uber-cool but scary night light, especially in their sleepy state.

Think you can take it? The Diablo night light is available online for about $20.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ TIWIB ]

The post Diablo Night Light Shines Bright to You a Fright appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Head in a Jar Prank Perfect for April Fools’ Day

If you want to play the old “head in a jar” prank for April Fools’ Day this year, Instructables editor Mikeasaurus has you covered. Best of all, you don’t need an actual severed head to scare your friends. In fact, the gag is a lot simpler than it looks.
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Basically you will be blending two pictures together in a photo editor to create flat image of a head, which is then laminated and submerged in a jar. When the flattened image in inserted into the curved jar, the distortion from the water gives the illusion of a decapitated head in a jar of preserving fluid. See. It’s simple.

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See, no decapitation required. And it looks super freaky. So go scare some friends.

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head in a jar3magnify

[Make: via Nerd Approved]

Fugglers are Creepy Plush Toys with Fake Human Teeth


These Fugglers plush toys are the stuff of nightmares. They look all sorts of creepy, no thanks to the fact that their mouths are lined with fake human teeth. Some sport painful-looking grimaces, others wear expressions that scream bloody murder, and one in particular just looks plain crazy.

Clearly they aren’t meant for the kids, but they might make for some interesting decorations come Halloween.


Each of the Fugglers is handmade with love and care (that somehow got lost along the way) by Mrs. McGettrick of Canterbury, England. They’re available for purchase from the Fuggler Emporium on Etsy.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

Haunted Art Gallery Wants to Scare the Bejeezus out of You

Art museums aren’t exactly the most exciting places to visit, especially for kids. Sure, there’s a lot of great art to be seen, but there’s not much fun to be had since all you can do is look and not touch.

Reinventing the concept of art museums though is the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, where Torafu Architects created an interactive art gallery inside the museum that was designed specifically for kids.

Haunted Art Gallery2

It’s completely unlike most art museums in every sense. It features reproductions of some of the most well-known pieces of art with a spooky, horrific twist. Some of the paintings look like they came straight out of Harry Potter (if the series had a horror version, that is), like a portrait where its subject’s eyes keep darting back and forth.

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There’s even a secret passageway that leads to the interior of the walls where these paintings are hung, where kids can touch art and manipulate what’s on the frames from the inside.

You can check out more images on Torafu’s website.

[via Colossal]

Chiu Chih’s Survival Kit for the Apocalyptic Future

Chiu Chih Survival Kit

At the rate things are going, we’d be lucky if the human survives for a couple more centuries. Chiu Chih’s concept for a future contraption that humans might need if the world we live in goes downhill looks daunting. The project is called “Voyage on the Planet” and focuses on the current state of the earth. It raises controversial and much-debated questions like new energy sources and further exploration of the planet to ensure its survival.

Chiu’s solution for deteriorating air quality? A backpack of fresh air provided by a lone plant stored in the clear backpack.

Chiu Chih Survival Kit0

Clearly the series (and the design) is more on sending a strong message rather than proposing an actual thing that might be produced in the future.

The design responds to a sense of curiosity towards this ever-changing environment – where old buildings are demolished and new modern ones continue to rise. Society and culture modify from one moment to the next, which in some cases Chiu Chih believes renders people hopeless, while for others it brings about hope and new expectations.

What do you think?

VIA [ designboom ]

Chiu Chih’s Survival Kit for the Apocalyptic Future

Chiu Chih Survival Kit

At the rate things are going, we’d be lucky if the human survives for a couple more centuries. Chiu Chih’s concept for a future contraption that humans might need if the world we live in goes downhill looks daunting. The project is called “Voyage on the Planet” and focuses on the current state of the earth. It raises controversial and much-debated questions like new energy sources and further exploration of the planet to ensure its survival.

Chiu’s solution for deteriorating air quality? A backpack of fresh air provided by a lone plant stored in the clear backpack.

Chiu Chih Survival Kit0

Clearly the series (and the design) is more on sending a strong message rather than proposing an actual thing that might be produced in the future.

The design responds to a sense of curiosity towards this ever-changing environment – where old buildings are demolished and new modern ones continue to rise. Society and culture modify from one moment to the next, which in some cases Chiu Chih believes renders people hopeless, while for others it brings about hope and new expectations.

What do you think?

VIA [ designboom ]

Digital Carjacking: The Smarter They Are, The Dumber They Are

Modern automobiles benefit from increasingly small and smart computers, which can help control or augment everything from a car’s dashboard display to fundamental functions like steering. But as the world is slowly realizing, if something runs software, that thing can be hacked. That’s what Forbes recently found out thanks to a demonstration by two computer security experts.

digital car jacking report by forbes 2

Image by Forbes

Forbes’ Andy Greenberg met with Charlie Miller – a security engineer at Twitter – and Chris Valasek – the Director of Security Intelligence at security services consulting firm IOActive – to experience firsthand how today’s high-tech cars can be fooled. Charlie and Chris connected to one of the Electronic Control Units or ECUs of a Toyota Prius and proceeded to do all sorts of dangerous tweaks with it on the fly.

Charlie and Chris are working under a grant from DARPA to expose vulnerabilities in cars. Greenberg also drove a Ford Escape that both security experts hacked in similar ways. When Greenberg spoke to a Toyota spokesperson, he was told that the hack in the video above didn’t really concern them because it involved gaining access to the car and physically connecting a device to it. But the reason why Charlie and Chris didn’t bother to do it wirelessly is because that part has already been proven, way back in 2010:

Yeah these things need to be patched now. These videos are extremely troubling.

[via Forbes via BBC]

Don’t Drive and Drive: This PSA Will Scare You into Sobriety

A good PSA leaves a lasting impression and makes the person watching it choose to follow what’s being advised in the announcement. An excellent PSA, on the other hand, manages to do that and go viral as well.

Guess which descriptor best fits this PSA on drunk driving that was made by London’s Department of Transportation.

Anti Drunk Driving PSA

So many people lose their lives because of drunk driving, whether they’re the ones behind the wheel or the ones out in the streets at the wrong place, at the wrong time. To drive the point across that people shouldn’t drink and drive, London’s DOT decided to scare the crap out of a bunch of guys who were using the bathroom at the bar (or should I say pub?) they were in.

As they wash their hands, a bloody mannequin smashes through the window complete with sound effects.

I guess the DOT decided to go the “scare ‘em into sobriety” route – or at least make them never want to wash their hands again. What do you think?

[via Geekologie & The Awesomer]

Creepy Baby Masks Turn Adults into Big Babies

If you think that there’s no way baby masks would be anything but adorable, then think again.

That’s what I thought before I saw these masks by artist Landon Meier of Hyperflesh. And now that I’ve seen them, let me just say that they’re creepy as heck – even creepier than those scary clown masks that have haunted your nightmares ever since you were a kid.

Lifelike Baby Mask

I think the creep factor is brought about by the fact that the masks are designed to fit adults. That means they’re huge and, when worn, will turn anyone into a big, lumbering baby. The expressions don’t help either. Meier created three based on a baby’s common expressions: happy, crying, and disgusted. Suffice it to say, they all still look extremely creepy. There’s no other word for it.

Lifelike Baby Mask1

They’re pretty expensive, too. Each mask is priced at $350(USD) and they can be bought over at Hyperflesh.

[via This is Why I'm Broke via Incredible Things]

UndeadTed Zombified Teddy Bears are Every Kid’s Nightmare

Zombie Ted

Shows and movies like The Walking Dead and Zombieland have pushed the zombie trend into a more prominent position in pop culture. As a result, we’ve got more people dressing up as zombies during Halloween and we’re all seeing a lot more things that are getting the undead treatment–the most recent one being a bunch of what used to be cuddly and adorable teddy bears.

These bears, aptly called UndeadTeds, are the handiwork of UK artist Phillip Blackman. He created a whole line of these zombified teddy bears which are now, unsurprisingly, all sold out. He’s hard at work on a new set of gory bears, so it shouldn’t be long before he has new ones up for sale on his Etsy shop.

You can hit the break to see what you missed–but if you grew up loving teddy bears and cuddling them when you were little, I suggest you look elsewhere, because undead teddies are not a pretty sight.

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

VIA [ BoingBoing ]