We tried McDonald’s super-engineered shake straw

As part of this year's St. Patrick's Day promotions, McDonald's is debuting a highly engineered, hyper-exclusive straw dubbed the "Suction Tube for Reverse Axial Withdrawal," or STRAW for short. It's only available on two days, February 24th and...

McDonald’s Builds a Better Straw

Tech innovations from McDonald’s? Yeah, it happens occasionally. They have decided that the drinking straw needed a redesign, so a team of robotic and aerospace engineers did just that as part of a marketing push for the new Chocolate Shamrock Shake. That’s a fifty-fifty combination of McDonald’s standard chocolate milkshake with the minty seasonal Shamrock Shake. The Chocolate Shamrock has been on the secret menu for a while now, but it is now going mainstream for St. Patrick’s Day.

The redesigned STRAW – short for “Suction Tube for Reverse Axial Withdrawal,” will solve one problem: having to wait for your shake to melt a bit before you can get the perfect mix of chocolate and mint flavors. A conventional straw will only suck up one part of the shake at a time, but the J-shaped snorkel design and side openings here will suck up both layers at once.

The Chocolate Shamrock Shake was released along with a few other minty beverages earlier this month, but the STRAW is only available in limited quantities at certain locations when you buy a Chocolate Shamrock shake. Keep an eye out on McDonald’s website for details on where to find the special straws.

[via Engadget]

Giant Straw Godzilla Shows up in Japan

This giant Godzilla was made by a group of 150 volunteers. It stands 23-feet tall and is made out of straw! It has LED eyes that light up, too. Thankfully it is incapable of rampaging around the city.


Image: Jcast

Apparently, it’s made from rice straw reeds. Maybe it is an offer to the giant one so that he doesn’t rain destruction down on them for another year. This Godzilla is extremely flammable, so maybe they’ll burn it to try to appease the gods. Whatever they do with it and regardless of why they built it, it is awesome.


Image: Jcast

It would be sweet to see it go up in flames though.

[via Kotaku via Unrealitymag]

Whistle Straws Let You Whistle While You Sip

Whistle Straws1



Feel like annoying the crap out of your friends? Nothing does that better than these Wet My Whistle straws. First and foremost, their design is based on slide whistles, which are played by blowing on one end while sliding the other in and out. They’re easy to play, but difficult to master.

The Whistle Straws build upon this concept, only you’re supposed to slide the straw in and out of your drink. The varying beverage levels changes the amount of empty space in the straw, which allows you to produce different tunes as you go along.

Whistle Straws

Suffice to say, you’ll probably regret handing these out to guests at your next get-together, for obvious reasons.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Incredible Things ]

The post Whistle Straws Let You Whistle While You Sip appeared first on OhGizmo!.

35-Foot-Tall Dalek Made from Straw

Folks in the UK are determined that we all know that it is Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary. They are doing all kinds of crazy things. For instance, the ice cream shop Snugbury’s, does giant straw sculptures every year. This year it is a 35-foot-tall Dalek.

giant straw dalekApparently the royal baby was a contender this year too. I’m so glad we got the Dalek. This straw Dalek not only looks amazing, it also has two fully movable parts, the head and the gun. Plus it has audio.

At least they can burn this Dalek and kill it easily if it gives them any trouble.

[via io9]

A milk box by any other name

If you take a milk carton and flip the top upside-down, what do you have? You have a design made by none other than designer Sheau Shiuan Lin. When we first had a peek at this design, it seemed awfully similar to a design we saw just days previous (for some of us) at our children’s daycare center – a milk carton, but with a flat top rather than a peak. Instead, we’ve got something just a tiny bit different.

Have a peek at the fold-up and straw design posted here that goes by the name “StrawIN” and let us know what you think. Is it so close to the original milk carton we use everyday that it cannot be considered new? Or is it simply brilliant?

Designer: Sheau Shiuan Lin

Yanko Design
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(A milk box by any other name was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Star Wars Scarecrows: Straw Wars, Nothing but Straw Wars…

Scarecrows usually scare people (and crows) away, but this Star Wars scarecrow scene is just going to attract fans. If we are very lucky they will scare away the prequels, and keep Lucas from ever messing with the original saga again.
straw wars 1
Imgur user jesusshuttlesworth34 created (or maybe just photographed) this awesome scene. I really don’t care who created it, it’s just great. All of your favorite characters are here.

straw stormtrooper

There’s a stormtrooper, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Vader, Palpatine, R2-D2, Jabba, the Death Star and more. There’s even an Emperor with light-up Force lightning coming from his hands.

straw han solo

It must have taken a long time to prepare and make these scarecrows. I would never take them down. In fact, how do you feel about an all scarecrow Star Wars Halloween Christmas New Years Easter Labor Day special? Sounds great to me.

Star Wars Scarecrows2

Hit the link to see more great images of this Straw Wars scene.

straw jabba
[via Geekologie via Nerd Approved]