TIE Advanced Squadron Rings Let Your Fingers Do the Fighting

If you ever wanted to put a whole squadron of Advanced TIE Fighters on your hand, now is your chance. Etsy artist bytestobits is offering to make your fingers look like a Death Star hangar bay.

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The seller says that they only made six so far and they are keeping one for them. So I guess all five are left if you want a whole squadron of TIE Fighters for your fingers. They’re 3D printed in wax, cast in sterling silver, hand polished, and set with a black onyx stone for that perfect finishing touch.

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These look pretty awesome when worn together like in the pic here. They sell for $199(USD) each, so you’re looking at a cool grand if you want the full fighter fleet.

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DIY R/C TIE Interceptor: Quad Fighter

Last month Redditor Olivier-FR garnered tons of karma and Internet love when he shared his custom made Millenium Falcon quadcopter. Now he strikes back with a TIE Interceptor build.

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Olivier used the same materials and quadcopter parts that he used on his Millenium Falcon.

Here’s his build log:

The TIE Fighter is larger and a bit heavier than Han Solo’s ship…

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…but I think they’re both going to be dwarfed by his third Star Wars quadcopter:

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You know what you have to do Olivier. Give the people what they want.

[via Reddit]

LEGO UCS Star Wars TIE Fighter: Eye of Sith Lords

Eyeball this eyeball. The Ultimate Collector Series LEGO TIE Fighter 79095 is a 19.5″ high, 12″ long, and 12.2″ wide scale model of the Empire’s staple starfighter. It will come with a 360º display stand, a fact plaque and a new TIE fighter pilot minifig with a blaster.

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Here’s a brief look at the toy with its designers:

The Ultimate Collector Series LEGO TIE Fighter 79095 will be available this May for $200(USD). I hope LEGO goes bonkers and releases a UCS Death Star to scale.

[via Star Wars]

Kids’ Star Wars TIE Fighter and X-Wing Cosplay

This cosplay reminds us of the kid in all of us when it comes to Star Wars. This is how we felt as kids when we first saw those movies and this is the kind of thing we did. Kids don’t need a huge budget to have fun. Just some cardboard and their imaginations.

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This adorable cosplay was part of the 2014 Global Cardboard Challenge inspired by Caine’s Arcade. In this annual event, kids come up with a cool way to use cardboard and recycled materials.

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I think it’s safe to say that these kids were the best with their X-Wing and TIE fighter cardboard outfits. The X-Wing even has a helmet made with paper plates and an R2 unit in the back. I know what they are going to be this Halloween.

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[via Nerd Approved via Fashionably Geek]

Star Wars TIE Fighter Necklace: NeckTIE

Show your appreciation for TIE Fighter pilots everywhere and wear this cool Imperial TIE Fighter necklace from Etsy artist ChimericGarnish.

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It’s not easy flying for the Empire, chasing Rebels and smugglers, and risking getting eaten by monsters hiding inside of asteroids if you fly too close. They need your support. This necklace is a good way to show it. This necklace depicts Lord Vader’s personal fighter, which he occasionally takes out to have a little fun.

It is laser-cut and engraved on acrylic and measures 3″ by 2″. It also comes with a 16″ chain in a color of your choice. White, black or mirrored acrylic with a contrasting pigment inlay.

Flying TIE Fighter Quadcopter Is Ready to Chase X-wings

Now the circle is complete. A few weeks ago we told you about Rodger Cleye’s amazing X-Wing Tri-rotor. Now he is back with an Advanced X1 TIE Fighter quadcopter. Can a Death Star chase featuring these two ships be far behind?

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Vader would be so proud. Rodger built his TIE Fighter to compliment his X-Wing and it uses the same propulsion system as his Marty McFly project. The frame is constructed with PVC again and each motor outputs about 1HP, since it pretty heavy.

He says that as soon as he trains another pilot, he will try to get footage of the “the chase”. What about the Falcon swooping in at the end? I don’t wanna sound greedy, but… let’s be screen accurate, Rodger.

X-Wing and Tie Fighter Engagement Rings: Love is a Battlefield

Paul Michael Design makes so many awesome geek rings that we can’t believe he is still coming out with fresh neat stuff. Check out his new X-Wing ring and a new TIE Fighter ring. If the couple wears one of each, they will surely be ready for a long engagement. Hopefully, not in space, with lasers.
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The colors on the X-Wing version are pretty stunning. It reminds you to stay on target, even if you get cold feet. The TIE Fighter ring is symbolic of the long flight down the trench, chasing that X-Wing, only to crash and burn.

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I kid. I kid. Marriage is cool. Almost as cool as these rings.

[via Fashionably Geek]

Star Wars Argyle TIE Fighters Shirt: STARGYLE

This awesome shirt comes from Asheville, North Carolina illustrator and graphic designer Ian Leino. It is called “Argyle Fighters,” and is basically a classy Star Wars shirt design that features a TIE fighter argyle pattern.

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The argyle pattern has long been considered geeky and now it just got even more geek-cred. The argyle pattern is built from the wings of the Empire’s classic fighters. You can buy them in long-sleeve and short-sleeve versions.

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Keep things geeky and stay classy by wearing an armada of TIE Fighters. Don’t be a scruffy-looking nerf herder and do let everyone know that the Argyle Strikes Back! Pew pew pew!

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[via The Awesomer]

Six Foot Tall Star Wars Floor Lamp

six foot star wars lamp Six Foot Tall Star Wars Floor Lamp
You have to be pretty committed to Star Wars to put such a large piece of decor prominently in your home. But for those who believe in the Force, you can geek up your house with this giant Star Wars Floor Lamp. This six foot tall handmade lamp is made from various Star Wars action figures, ships like the Millennium Falcon, X-Wing Fighter and Tie Fighter, an AT-AT Walker, and glue. So so much glue. A lot of frickin glue. Painted a solid color and with lamp parts, it’s a one-of-a-kind showpiece with a one-of-a-kind pricetag- just $750.

Six Foot Tall Star Wars Floor Lamp
Check out our Craziest Gadgets Shop for unique gifts!

Cat Has TIE Fighter Markings: The Empire Claws Back

This cat must be part of the Imperial fleet and he doesn’t even try to hide it. Either that or he is an a never ending war with that TIE Fighter on his fur. Maybe the Empire sends him out to act as a decoy to fool other animals and distract them.
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This cat is owned by Ella McConnell, who must make spaceship and laser noises every time it walks by. I know I would. This cat needs to watch out for X-wing cats if he wants to avoid a fight. Maybe he could just face the other way and let it pass.

This is just more proof that God loves Star Wars. Not the prequels though. That is the devil’s work.

[via Club Jade via Nerd Approved]