ICYMI: Pinterest’s photo recognition and light exosuits

Today on In Case You Missed It: Pinterest wants users to shop for items by taking pictures, then uploading to the site to find similar items. Carnegie Mellon University invented an exoskeleton component that would lighten suits and make them far e...

ICYMI: RoboDoc beats humans, touchpad skin and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot performed surgery on its own (with a human standing by) and turns out, makes such fine, consistent stitches that it actually beats those done by real counterparts. Carnegie Mellon cr...

Navigate your smartwatch by touching your skin

Smartwatches walk a fine line between functionality and fashion, but new SkinTrack technology from Carnegie Mellon University's Future Interfaces Group makes the size of the screen a moot point. The SkinTrack system consists of a ring that emits a co...

ICYMI: Draw-an-instrument, levitating light and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: A conductive-ink pen and matching sensor from Japan allows you to draw an instrument on any piece of paper. Carnegie Mellon scientists invented the Ballbot: A robot that moves and balances on a single spherical wheel...