Snorlax Pillow: For Snoring and Relaxing

While it’s no Slaking, the Snorlax is one lazy Pokémon. In fact, he only awakens to eat 900 pounds of food, then goes right back to sleep. So there’s no better Pokémon to keep you company in bed than a Snorlax.

snorlax pillowmagnify

So start saving your pennies now, and order this Snorlax pillow that’s perfect for catching naps in between meals. It’s available for pre-order now from Toys Logic for $39.99(USD), and is expected to start shipping on 6/30/14 – assuming it doesn’t sleep through that date.

Only one problem I can see with this thing is that it might wake you in the middle of the night to eat.

[vit Tomopop via Video Game Memorabilia Museum]


Heroes and Villains Pillow: Park Your Butt on Jabba the Hutt

Ok, Jabba isn’t included in this design, but at least the title rhymed. This cushion urges you to stop trying to pick a side and just park your backside on it. It features some of our favorite heroes and villains.

hero cushion

You can’t have black without white, or light without dark. And you can’t have heroes without having bad guys. All of your favorite characters are here. And completely unlicensed, which I guess gives it a wacky style.

There’s RobotCop, Dark Vader, Adam West and an Imperial Stormtripper, not to mention assorted Powder Rangers and the evil Skeletron.

I’m sure that this balance of good and evil makes it very comfy for your rear end. Ready to redecorate? Grab it over at Firebox for about $54(USD).

P.S. They really should make a Jabba cushion. If anyone can cushion your butt it’s him. He’s one toad away from a massive coronary. How about a Jabba recliner? With Salacious Crumb footstool.

[via This Is Why I'm broke]

Have a Seat on Some Cushy Boulders

My dad’s car broke down on a mountain road when we were on our way to the family vacation house. Suffice it to say, my sisters and I spent a few hours sitting on rock-hard boulders while he tinkered with the engine. Let me just say that those were the two most uncomfortable hours of my life.

Few would be excited at the prospect of having to sit on boulders. But if they happen to be the cushy boulders on the Quartz Armchair, then I’m fine with sitting on them. Heck, I’d even sleep on one of these, if I could.

Quarts Armchair

Designed by CTRL ZAK and Davide Barzaghi, the boulders on the Quartz Armchair are actually cushions. I think that was obvious, ever since I described them as “cushy.” Each piece fits into the spaces on the wooden lattice of the chair. The best part about it is that you can remove individual boulders and use them as stools. They’ll come especially handy when you’ve got house guests or visitors.

Unfortunately, the Quartz Armchair is priced at whopping $14,000(USD) – and that’s a discount off of its $20,000+ retail price. Perhaps sitting on actual rocks is a better idea.

[via Geekologie]

‘Life-Size’ Minecraft Creeper Cushion Won’t Blow up Your Living Room

While you could just go for a little plush Minecraft creeper, I say “go big or go home” – and cuddle up with one of these giant creeper cushions on your couch instead.

minecraft creeper cushion

This oversize stuffed creeper was made by DeviantArtist The Yummy Cupcake aka TastyPastry5497. It measures 64″ long and would look great sitting in any geeky living room. And we promise, it’s not loaded with explosives.

creeper 2

If you want one for yourself, you can contact Cupcake for a custom order over on her Etsy shop. A custom creeper like this one sells for about $300, but shipping will set you back another $200.

Now all we need is a life-size ocelot, and we’d be all set.

[via Dude!!! I Want That... and This Is Why I'm Broke]

Verso Game Boy Pillows: Now You’re Sleeping with Nostalgia

We’ve seen a Game Boy pillow before, but these “GameKid” pillows by Brazilian shop Verso are soooo much cuter. They come in different colors and are even printed with different games on the back. Here’s the original dirty white model putting on his best Old Snake impression:

verso game boy pillows

The pillows have a suede cover and polyester fiber filling. Check out the other GameKids in the gallery below:

verso game boy pillows 2 300x250 verso game boy pillows 3 300x250 verso game boy pillows 4 300x250 verso game boy pillows 5 300x250 verso game boy pillows 6 300x250 verso game boy pillows 7 300x250 verso game boy pillows 8 300x250 verso game boy pillows 9 300x250 verso game boy pillows 10 300x250 verso game boy pillows 11 300x250 verso game boy pillows 12 300x250 verso game boy pillows 13 300x250 verso game boy pillows 14 300x250

Awwww. Ain’t that a bundle of childhood memories and lawsuits. You can order them from Verso’s online store for R$ 120 (~$56 USD) each. Super Verso Land not included.

Tetris Cushions Let You Play the Game on Your Couch

I remember playing a whole lot of Tetris back when the Nintendo Famicom (NES) was still the gaming console to have. It was even a game my parents loved playing, considering it’s a bit on the tame side and requires that players use their old noodle.

If you’re ready to embrace your past in gaming and show your love and appreciate for Tetris, then you’re in luck. Star Gallery has released a full line of Tetris cushions, and they haven’t left out a single shape, for the sake of completeness.

Tetris Cushion

You’ll find the entire family of Tetris shapes in the set: the block, the line, the partial T, the two S and L shapes in opposite directions. These hand-crafted pillows are sewn using super colorful materials, too, to add a lively touch to your sofa or room.

The complete set retails for $279.95(USD) on Etsy, and there’s only one available, so grab it before some other gamer beats you to it.

[via Oh Gizmo!]

Classic Nintendo Cushions Keep Gamers Comfy and Cozy

If you’re a fan of classic Nintendo video game systems, then you’ll definitely want to check out these comfy looking plush cushions done up to look like these bits of gaming nostalgia.

famicom cushion

Artist Lucy Sparrow of Felt Sew Good makes several cushions based on old Nintendo systems. For starters, theres a shiny Famicom controller, which looks like it would make a nice pillow behind your neck during long gaming sessions.

game boy cushion

There’s also a Game Boy cushion as well as a Super Nintendo console along with a matching controller. What I love about these is that they’re not just tiny pillows – each one is quite substantial.

snes cushions

While those are all awesome, my favorite has to be the one based on the all-time classic controller from the original Nintendo Entertainment System.

nes cushion

Each cushion sells for £37 (~$59 USD) plus £7.50 (~$12 USD) for shipping to the U.S., and can be ordered over at Felt Sew Good’s online shop, where you can also find Lucy’s cool ZX Spectrum and Speak and Spell cushions. Cat ears not included.

nintendo cushion

[via r/SUATMM]