Serenity Ornament Geeks up Your Tree

Thanksgiving is this week and that means that many folks will be dragging out the Christmas decorations this weekend and putting them up. If you are ready to decorate your Christmas tree and you happen to like science fiction shows, you need this ornament.

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The officially-licensed ornament is a miniature recreation of the Serenity from Firefly .It appears to be a somewhat shiny silver finish perfect for reflecting those twinkling lights. Nothing says I am a sci-fi geek like having this hanging on your tree.

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You can cram it as far back in the tree limbs as you want to help hide it from Reavers. You can pick one up at ThinkGeek for $17.99(USD).

Transformers Ornaments Have Light-up Eyes

October is here, which means in stores across the country Christmas ornaments are in stock. If you are already looking forward to the holidays and decorating your home, check out these cool and geeky ornaments for your tree.

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Two different Transformers ornaments are available for geeks featuring the Autobot or Decepticon logos on them. Both ornament versions feature light up eyes using LEDs.

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In case you are wondering, these ornaments don’t transform into anything, but they are officially-licensed Transformers merch. They have logos on both sides, but only one of the logos has light up eyes. The Decepticon is purple with a silver logo and the Autobot is blue with a red logo. They include batteries and each ornament will cost you $9.99(USD) at ThinkGeek.

Next Year Make a Christmas Ornament That Shows Tweets

Christmas may be over, but there’s always next year. And if it is treats under the tree and tweets on the tree that you want, you can prepare for next December right now. Instructables member Gelotology will show you how to make this Tweetball. That’s right. It’s an ornament that displays a stream of tweets from a certain username, hashtag or keyword.

It is especially handy if you are waiting for a tweet from Santa. Gelotology made it with an Arduino controller and two PHP scripts. If you want to make one for yourself, you can find step-by-step instructions at the link above. You’ve got plenty of time to get it done, so you have no excuse.

Santa will be very impressed with you next Christmas.

[via Hack A Day via Neatorama]

Light-up Death Star LED Ornament: That’s No Silver Bell

Do something different with your Christmas tree this year and build a light-up Death Star ornament. Nashville-based craftycounterpart will show you how with a step-by-step Instructables article.

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You will use supplies like clear acrylic balls, LED tealights, clay, spray paint, painters tape, and of course the blood and sweat of countless clones. When you are finished, this space station will be the ultimate power in your Christmas tree universe. Just be on the lookout for those pesky X-Wing fighter ornaments.

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The end result looks really super nice and it will be the focal point of your geek decorated tree. The LED light really makes it look like a working station. I would suggest a small diorama nearby that is basically space debris, for what was formally Alderaan.

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[via Laughing Squid]

Classic Video Game Controller Ornaments: A taribaum A taribaum

Gamers, get into the spirit of the holidays with these tiny but detailed ornaments that look like controllers from video game consoles of yore. There’s an Atari 2600 joystick, a Sega Genesis gamepad, a NES gamepad and a PlayStation controller. There’s a part of me that can’t accept that the PlayStation is a “classic” now.

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Here’s a merrier shot of the controllers:

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You can order the ornaments from ThinkGeek. $20(USD) gets you a pack containing all four controller designs. Depending on how big your Christmas tree is, you might need to get dozens of these because they’re only about 3″ to 4″ wide.

[via Nerd Approved]

Nintendo Christmas Ornaments: Merry Mario!

Halloween isn’t even here yet, and here I am talking about Christmas already. Forget those traditional ornaments like angels, snowmen and Santas. Geek up your tree this year and deck the halls with some Nintendo spirit. These cool ornaments should do the trick.
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Etsy seller GingerPots has been a busy little elf this year and her workshop is full of cool handpainted Nintendo ornaments for your Christmas tree. You can get Donkey Kong, Mario and Yoshi, Link and Princess Zelda, Mega Man and more.

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The shop also has many more geek properties available in ornament (and flowerpot) form. Seriously there is something for everyone and it all looks great. You will have a hard time NOT spending money in her store. Don’t be afraid to display them year round either. Hang some from your Halloween costume even!

[via it8bit]

Boba Flake: Star Wars Laser-Cut Snowflake Ornaments

Do you have empty spaces on your tree that aren’t filled with geeky ornaments? You could cut out your own paper snowflakes, or you could fill up those empty spaces with these laser-cut, acrylic Star Wars snowflake ornaments.
Boba Flake
They’re available in stormtrooperBoba Fett or Yoda designs. Each ornament measures 4-inches in diameter, is 1/4-inch thick, and is full of geeky holiday joy.

Yoda is available in green acrylic or oak plywood. Don’t worry, I’m sure these ornaments are made from wood that was not harvested from Endor. In other words, no Ewoks were harmed to make these. Or Wookiees for that matter.

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You really can’t go wrong with these on your Christmas tree. Especially since they sell for just $5(USD) each over at Light Carving’s Etsy shop.

[via Nerd Approved]

Mars Attacks! Christmas Ornament: Just Don’t Yodel Near It

My favorite part of Tim Burton’s cult classic Mars Attacks! (besides every scene with Jack Nicholson in it) is the part where grandma’s Indian Love Call yodeling record is discovered to be the Achilles’ heel of the invaders, blowing their heads to smithereens. I always felt my head about to explode whenever that Slim Whitman commercial came on the TV too. Now you can have a constant reminder of those giant-craniumed aliens hanging on your Christmas tree.

mars attacks christmas ornament

Collectibles company Gentle Giant created this detailed, limited-edition holiday ornament based on the movie aliens, but also in tribute to the 50th anniversary of the Topps Mars Attacks trading cards which inspired Burton’s flick.

You can order the Mars Attacks! alien ornament over at Urban Collector now for $40.99(USD). It’s supposed to ship in 3 to 4 weeks, so you should have it in time for the holidays. Slim Whitman record sold separately.

[via GeekAlerts]

Star Trek Transporter Christmas Ornament: Beam Me up, Santa!

Here’s a rarity for all your trekkies out there. It’s a collectible Christmas tree ornament made up to look like the transporter chamber from Star Trek (The Original Series.)

star trek transporter ornament

The ornament even has got tiny (though grossly inaccurate) versions of Kirk, Spock and Scotty getting ready to be beamed down to some hostile planet’s surface. It even has flashing transporter lights and transporter sound effects when you press a button.

Apparently, these were made in limited quantities by Hallmark back in 2006, but you can find them pretty readily over on eBay. This particular one is up for sale at Hooked on Ornaments for $54.95(USD), and if you want it, you’d better ask Scotty to beam you on over there right away, before Khan beats you to the punch.

Star Trek Transporter Christmas Ornament: Beam Me up, Santa!

Here’s a rarity for all your trekkies out there. It’s a collectible Christmas tree ornament made up to look like the transporter chamber from Star Trek (The Original Series.)

star trek transporter ornament

The ornament even has got tiny (though grossly inaccurate) versions of Kirk, Spock and Scotty getting ready to be beamed down to some hostile planet’s surface. It even has flashing transporter lights and transporter sound effects when you press a button.

Apparently, these were made in limited quantities by Hallmark back in 2006, but you can find them pretty readily over on eBay. This particular one is up for sale at Hooked on Ornaments for $54.95(USD), and if you want it, you’d better ask Scotty to beam you on over there right away, before Khan beats you to the punch.