‘EVE Online’ now rewards you for helping science

At last, playing a ton of EVE Online can do a lot of good in the real world. As promised, the massively multiplayer space title now includes a Project Discovery minigame that has you contributing to real science. If you offer to classify proteins i...

IBM Japan is Making a Real Life Version of Sword Art Online, Will Hopefully Let Players Log Out

Reki Kawahara’s popular light novel and anime series Sword Art Online is about a group of gamers who become trapped in a virtual reality fantasy MMORPG. The gamers wore headsets that connected to their brain, stimulating all of their senses to create an extremely realistic experience. How realistic? When they die in the game world, they die in real life. And now Reki and publischer ASCII are collaborating with IBM Japan to make a real version of the game, which they’re calling Sword Art Online: The Beginning. Uhm, yay?

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Seriously though this is a fascinating development. Since we don’t have a sophisticated computer-to-brain interface at the moment, the IBM’s take on Sword Art Online will be played with motion controls, i.e. players will move in game by actually moving their body. Gematsu says that IBM Japan will make the virtual reality game with the help of its cloud computing subsidy SoftLayer as well as its progress in cognitive computing. The latter involves using natural language processing and machine learning to quickly sort through massive amounts of data to understand a task delivered in plain language (e.g. English) and come up with the requested information. This is what IBM’s Watson did when it won a game of Jeopardy! back in 2011, though it’s unclear how it will be used in SAO: The Beginning.

IBM Japan is currently looking for 208 Japanese residents to conduct the VR MMORPG’s alpha test, which will be held on March 18 to 20 in Tokyo. I hope Reki appears in-game and mock hostages the testers.

[via Gematsu via Reddit]

Why MMORPGs Continue To Be Big Money Makers In China

In my 12 years of analysis on the games industry in China as managing partner of Niko Partners it has become clear that Chinese gamers can be very passionate about PC online gaming.  PC online...

The Top Video Games Of 2014

2014 is the first real year of what can now safely be referred to as “current-gen” video games. The era of the Xbox 360 and PS3 is drawing to a close and a new epoch is beginning. Even the Wii U...

Ever, Jane: The Jane Austen MMORPG

Video games have been made to cover just about every genre you can think of. A new video game has surfaced on Kickstarter that covers one unusual genre that I’ve never thought about. This MMORPG has nothing to do with exploring dungeons or killing fellow players -  Ever, Jane promises to bring players into the virtual world of Jane Austen.

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The game focuses on gossiping and eventually attending balls. Ever, Jane puts players into the Regency Period in England. Players will try to win the sympathy of Lizzie Bennet by telling lies about rivals. The game has a system that will notify other players if they’re being talked about and allow them to attempt to find the person spreading lies. If you’re discovered there will be consequences.

The prototype of the game allows players to explore a 3D village. While there are plans for significant expansion, currently there are no balls, dinner parties, or mini games and players can’t travel between villages.

The Ever, Jane Kickstarter project is an attempt to raise the funds needed to add that expanded capability. A pledge of $10 or more will get backers access to the game world during development. The developers are hoping to raise $100,000 and have raised a bit more than $23,000 with 27 days to go.

You can download the working prototype of the game here.

Details of Civilization-based MMORPG emerge, you may not get to play it

Details of the Civilization-based MMORPG emerge, you might not get to play it

Sure, you've controlled minions and vast armies in the Civilization games, but here's your chance to actually be one of those underlings -- at least if you live in South Korea. Civilization Online, announced late last year, is an in-development MMORPG title set in the Civ universe, and Massively has learned some of its finer details from the folks at XL Games and 2K Games (the companies crafting it in CryEngine 3). At the start, players will join one of four societies, and all will have to work together to expand across the sandbox environment and progress through the ages.

Unlike most MMOs, there will come a time when one civilization achieves certain goals and effectively "wins," at which point the world will reset. Although combat is a part of the game, societies will also need to research, build and do various other things to become number one, much like the traditional strategy titles. Head to the source link for more info on the specifics, but don't get too excited -- Civilization Online will be launching first in Korea, and there are currently "no plans for a North American release." Not used to things being out of your control, are you?

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Via: Destructoid, Massively

Source: Massively, PC Gamer