‘League of Legends’ fuels college rivalries with live broadcasts

You no longer have to head to a basketball or football game to see your favorite college sports rivalry play out. Yahoo eSports and Riot Games' uLoL are partnering on a series of five League of Legends live broadcasts that will pit players from majo...

UC Irvine debuts the first public college eSports arena in the US

The University of California, Irvine is serious about eSports. This fall it will officially launch a competitive gaming initiative, complete with scholarships and an already-decorated League of Legends team, and it's just finished construction on a 3...

This University Looks like a Toilet: Crappy Architecture

I would think that a college that looks like a toilet would not be the first place that students would choose to attend – unless they want to flush their money down the drain.

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Back in February, the State Council of the Chinese central government released an “urban blueprint” calling for buildings that are “suitable, economic, green and pleasing to the eye,”. They didn’t want “oversized, xenocentric, weird.” Oops.

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This building was recently unveiled by an educational facility in Hainan, China. And yes, it looks like a toilet. I say just go with it at this point and act like it was intentional. Put in a urinal cake elevator. Even better: Maybe a handle that makes a flushing sound and moves when a water slide elevator jettisons you from floor to floor. It’s all good. We meant to do that.

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[via Mashable via Dangerous Minds]

Syracuse University Offers Class on Doctor Who

Anyone who has been to college knows the delicate balancing act that takes place with difficult classes your major requires, tempered with easy classes so your GPA doesn’t make you look like a total idiot. If you are going to Syracuse University, it may have just added the coolest class at any college to the schedule. You can take an entire class about Doctor Who from the Newhouse School of Public Communications.

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The class discusses the history and lasting cultural impact of the long-running BBC sci-fi series. The teacher of the course isn’t some geek who just happened to talk the university into letting him come onboard. The class is being taught by Anthony Rotolo, the director of the university’s online master’s in communications program.

As you might guess, the class has turned out to be popular – with 100 students enrolling since it listed on October 26. The best new is that you don’t need to be physically at Syracuse to take the class; it’s online and available globally.

[via Nerdist]

UNic: World’s First University to Accept Bitcoin and Offer Master’s Degree in Digital Currency

A leading private university in Cyprus, the University of Nicosia (UNic), has now become the world's first educational institution to accept Bitcoin for the payment of tuitions and other fees. UNic...