Windows 10 didn’t stop PC sales from dropping this summer

Windows 10 may have breathed new life into your PC, but it didn't do anything to juice PC sales this summer. Both Gartner and IDC estimate that computer sales dropped several points year-over-year (between 7.7 and 10.8 percent) in the third quarter...

Launch of Apple Watch will boost wearables shipments

Thanks to the encouragement by the Apple Watch, the wearable industry is most likely going to see a boost in the coming months as the shipments are expected to reach an all time high of 45.7 million...

How Many iWatches Will Apple Sell? Don’t Ask The Experts

It wasn’t that long ago that the folks who make a living predicting what people will buy saw the PC on the rise. Wait… what? Yes, back in June of 2011, the research firm IDC was confident that the...

Apple, Be Afraid? Xiaomi is Going Global

Xiaomi, the Chinese smartphone maker, announced on Wednesday that it is planning to enter ten countries this year.  By New Year’s Eve, you should be able to buy the Mi3 in India, Brazil, and...

Apple, Be Afraid? Xiaomi is Going Global

Xiaomi, the Chinese smartphone maker, announced on Wednesday that it is planning to enter ten countries this year.  By New Year’s Eve, you should be able to buy the Mi3 in India, Brazil, and...

Who Is Winning The Cloud File Sharing War…

The file sharing and collaboration space is typified by two distinct perspectives on growth. The first says that user numbers are everything and that revenue shouldn’t be a key driver for vendors...

Smartphone shipments pass one billon units in a single year for first time

Research firm IDC has published its numbers for the mobile phone market in 2013. The company says that 2013 was the first time ever that smartphone shipments reached over a billion units in a single...

PCs Rate Of Decline Moderating But Still Losing Share To Tablets

Gartner estimates that PC shipments declined 6.9% year over year to 82.6 million units while IDC estimated they dropped 5.6% to 82.2 million. PC unit declines have ranged from mid-single to low-...

IDC predicts PS4 will outsell Xbox One

Research firm IDC has announced that it expects the Sony PlayStation 4 outsell the Microsoft Xbox One this holiday season. IDC cites a number of factors, but the biggest factor the research firm...

Tablet Shipments Forecasts to Overtake PC Sales

For the first time in history, tablet exports will hit the 84.1 million mark. However, the number of PCs amount to 83.1 million which is less than the former by a fair amount. Meanwhile, the...