‘Overwatch’ action figures and Monopoly are coming this spring

Hasbro is about to give you many, many ways to flaunt your Overwatch fandom beyond the occasional Nerf gun. It's launching a series of toys and games themed around the character-driven shooter, including Monopoly Overwatch Collector's Edition. The $5...

Alien Facehugger CPAP Mask: In Bed, No One Can Hear You Scream

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you know it’s no laughing matter, and can be a major health risk. Fortunately, CPAP machines can help keep your airway open while sleeping, and dramatically improve your quality of life. While CPAP machines aren’t exactly stylish, they do save lives. If I did have to wear a CPAP mask to bed, it would look like a facehugger.

With the same thought in his mind, apnea patient and self-proclaimed “tinker gnome” Jared Gray decided to build himself a custom CPAP mask by combining one of NECA’s life-size facehugger props with his expensive bit of home medical equipment, and the result is awesome.

Normally, a CPAP helps maintain positive air pressure, but this one works double duty by scaring the crap out of your system while you sleep. Though it might have the nasty habit of laying xenomorph eggs in your belly while you catch some shuteye. Everything has side effects, I suppose.

This is such a great idea. The 20th Century Fox licensing folks should get to work to turn this into official Alien merch.

[via Andrew Segal]

This 3D-Printed Ghost Rider Costume Is Smokin’

Mike Warren wanted to dress up as Ghost Rider for Halloween this year. Now, he could have just worn a cheap mask and leather jacket, but he wanted to go the extra mile with a wearable glowing skull helmet surrounded in a cloud of smoke. When you are Ghost Rider, that’s just how it has to be. You can’t cheap out.

Mike used a very modern tool for generating the smoke: a simple vape.  Plus, the glowing LEDs inside the skull do a really great job of creating the look of fire, without the risk of burning yourself himself beyond all recognition.

Combined with the smoke really creates the illusion that this is the real Ghost Rider. The smoke comes from a store-bought electronic cigarette. Warren modded it with custom controls, a fan unit, and some flexible tubes to redirect the vapor flow.

Warren documented the entire build on Instructables if you want to try making one yourself. That link has links to all of the parts and components he used, and the 3D skull model he modified and 3D printed.

This is one awesome Ghost Rider costume. Now all he needs is a flaming motorcycle to ride. Maybe he’ll make that next year.

[via Hackaday via io9]

You Merely Adopted the Garden, I Was Born in It

Bane may have been born in darkness, but his pacifist brother, Fane, was born in the garden. If you want to roll around in his field of flowers, but have allergies, you can use the cool tech in this Allergen Filtration Mask. However, we expect you to talk in a deep and ridiculous accent whenever you wear this.

Yes, the mask looks really stupid, but it promises to let you breathe naturally through the nose and mouth while capturing, neutralizing, and decomposing 99.3% of the bacteria and particles larger than 0.4 microns. That means pollen, dust mites, mold spores, tobacco smoke, and pet dander won’t make it to your nose or mouth.

The mask is made of cloth that is waterproof and has an integrated exhalation valve and elastic ear bands to keep it on your face. It sells for $79.99 and is available on Hammacher Schlemmer. Perhaps once you put on the mask, somebody will care who you are.

Whistle For Help


During a fire breakout, something as simple as calling for help might mean the difference between life or death. However, it’s impossible while wearing a face mask. Yells are muffled but taking off the mask puts the wearer at risk of smoke inhalation. This innovative solution reimagines the face mask with a built-in whistle. With each exhale, the whistle is activated with a distinct sound that can help emergency personnel locate the victim even when visibility is restricted. With this simple addition to the mask, chances of rescue and rescue times are drastically improved.

Designer: Junkai Huang, Tengbin Li, Weilun Lyu, Xinxin Lyu, Xiang Liu



Pizza Face Mask Lets You Costume with Mozzarella and Sausage

Halloween is nearly upon us, and it’s time to get your last minute costume ideas figured out, stat. If you’re looking for a simple costume that you’re not likely to see others wearing, consider going as a slice of pizza.

This handmade pizza face mask from Rhythm Box Masks is the perfect things for fans of New York style pizza. You’ll look just like a walking Pizza the Hut with this thing, though without the gooey, cheesy mess. It covers your face in faux mozzarella cheese, sausage, mushrooms, bell peppers, olives, corn, and sauce. Yeah, I’ve never had corn on a pizza either, but it doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

The only downside to this thing is that there’s a 3 to 4 week lead time to have one made, plus the time it takes to ship from Russia. So there’s basically no chance you’ll be wearing this particular mask this Halloween. I suppose you could steal the idea and just cut a couple of eyeholes in an actual slice of pizza and strap it to your face. That way, you can even choose the toppings you want, though they’re likely to slide off pretty quickly.

Game of Thrones Geometric Sigil Wall Masks: Paper Cuts Are Coming

It’ll be more than a year before we see the final season of Game of Thrones, so we need some things to keep us occupied in the meantime. I plan on going back and watching every single episode sometime before Season 8, but that’s only going to take up a couple of days on a binge. Perhaps I’ll buy all of these punch-out sigil masks to kill some more time.

Each of these kits lets you make an polygonal mask based on one of the series major house sigils. There’s a dragon for the Targaryens, a direwolf for the Starks, a lion for the Lannisters, and well, the white walkers don’t really have a house or a sigil, but they get a mask anyhow.

You can wear the masks if you so desire, or simply hang them on the included wall mount like a hunting trophy. All four of the masks are available from Firebox, and sell for about $20(USD) each. Now once I finish these, maybe I’ll go read every single page of George R.R. Martin’s books to burn some more time.

bHaptics’ TactSuit is VR haptic feedback done right

Every now and then, we come across a new attempt to bring haptic feedback to VR, but we've yet to see one that's fully convincing; those that are still around tend to be both pricey and far from ready for the market. Well, this is apparently no longe...