Tilta mods Blackmagic’s Pocket Cinema Camera with a tilt screen and SSD

With their sharp picture, super efficient and flexible RAW format and SSD compatibility, the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras are fantastic choices for videographers on a budget or anyone in need of a solid B-camera that doesn't break the bank. But o...

Teenage Engineering’s ‘rumble’ module puts haptic bass in the OP-Z

When I reviewed the OP-Z from Teenage Engineering, I was most curious about the expansion port. The diminutive portable synth and sequencer already packed a lot of musical power into a small box. The fact it could be further expanded was exciting. To...

The PIS2 is a portable PS2 years in the making

The PlayStation 2 has been in the grave for over a decade, but that hasn't kept gamers from tinkering with Sony's iconic console. Reddit user darkwingmod has been working on and off for several years to perfect his vision of a portable PS2, the PIS2....

‘StarCraft’ gets the cartoon makeover nobody asked for

When you think of kid-friendly video games, StarCraft might not top the list. But that could change. A new version, StarCraft: Cartooned, reimagines every unit, structure, map, menu and mission with art by CarBot Animations. The usually dark game is...

The UK’s high-energy lasers could zap drones and missiles out of the sky

The UK wants to take down enemy drones and missiles with high-energy light beams. The Ministry of Defense (MOD) announced that it's developing laser and radio frequency weapons. Referred to collectively as Direct Energy Weapons (DEW), they're powered...

This 65-Inch TV Is a Giant Nintendo Switch

Look at this crazy thing. Some super Nintendo fan has gone and turned this 65 inch TV into a giant Nintendo Switch. He goes by the name Suprman9. This Nintendo fanatic has created what he calls “Nerdvana”. A gaming room that has a Superman arcade machine, Mario emerging from a warp pipe, a cool mural and all kinds of nerd decor that we love.

The best thing in this nerd sanctuary, however, is the giant Nintendo Switch on the wall. Wait. What now? Yeah, that’s right. There’s a giant Switch that used to be just a plain old 65 inch TV. Come on I know you couldn’t have missed that thing sitting on the wall. It’s the centerpiece of the whole room.

So just how did he make this epic geek masterpiece? Supes shares how he did it over on his website.

It took a lot of wood and paint to make those giant joy-cons, but it was all worth it. It’s the highlight of the ultimate game room; one where Xbox and Sony consoles are probably still welcomed, but feel very outranked and out of place.

I wish I had a game room like this one. This guy really did an amazing job. That thing looks awesome. Though it’s gonna be a real pain taking those joy-cons down and putting them together. Just saying.

[via gonintendo via Nintendolife]

Fan-made ‘Half-Life’ remake ‘Black Mesa’ is nearly complete

Want to feel old? The original Half-Life has turned 20. Valve released its definitive shooter on November 19th, 1998, both stretching the possibilities of the genre (both in technology and storytelling) and laying the groundwork for the company's g...