Fat Discounts Bring New Appeal To Bond Closed End Funds

The developed world continues the deleveraging process made necessary by the bursting of the credit bubble some five-years ago.  Deleveraging produces deflation and there is scant evidence to suggest...

One-stop mobile app offers Broadway ticket ease

One-stop mobile phone app TodayTix offers Broadway ticket buying ease NEW YORK (AP) — There are plenty of ways to get tickets to Broadway shows: You can wait in line at Times Square's...

Will You Work In Retirement? Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

“I will never retire.” “I will work until I die.” These are statements I hear often from many of my 50-year-old clients—and frankly, from some of my closest friends, too. Baby boomers lack...

US Army to Develop Talos, an Iron Man-style Armour for Soldiers

The US Army is already the top tech equipped army in the world. But it wants more now. US Army is now planning to give its soldiers the "superhuman strength" that is owned by super heroes of movies...

Katherine Heigl to star in CIA Drama

After about three years break, Katherine Heigl is reportedly coming back to TV. Deadline reports that a new CIA Drama with Katherine Heigl as lead is shopped to networks right now. Katherine Heigl...

Apple SVP Bob Mansfield Removed from Executive Profiles Page

It could mean anything. Prior to the present, Bob Mansfield was SVP at Apple and enjoying all the benefits that went with such a senior post. But now his introductory note has vanished completely...