7 Israeli Security Companies Capable of Protecting the Sochi Olympics

The 22nd Winter Olympics are to be held in short time in Sochi, Russia. The news leading up to one of the world’s greatest sporting events hasn’t been good, to put it mildly. From stories about...

Gov’t, Internet companies Compromise on disclosure

US reaches deal with Internet companies on requests to reveal demands for customer information WASHINGTON (AP) — The government and leading Internet companies on Monday announced a compromise that...

Warrantless Arrest by Predator Drone Sends North Dakota Man to Jail

What do you say to a drone that makes an arrest? “Book him, Predator?” This was no joke for a North Dakota farmer who has the dubious honor of being the first American sentenced to prison with the...

Snowden Calls For Termination Of Unwarranted Surveillance

This post excerpted from securitycurrent. In a live chat hosted by The Courage Foundation Edward Snowden called on the US to stop the mass collection of telephone records by the NSA, authorized...

Tech industry: Obama’s NSA reforms ‘insufficient’

Tech industry group calls Obama's NSA speech 'thoughtful, but insufficient' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Technology companies and industry groups took President Barack Obama's speech on U.S....

Obama Calls For ‘New Approach’ On NSA Surveillance–Not ‘New’ Enough For Critics

Six months after Edward Snowden began leaking the NSA’s secrets, President Obama has agreed that the way America spies needs to change. But when it comes to the degree of that change, the White House...

Questions and answers about Obama’s new NSA rules

Questions and answers about Obama's plan to rein in NSA snooping on phone records and emails WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is ordering changes to spy programs that sweep up...

AP Source: NSA phone data control may come to end

AP Source: President Barack Obama to call for ending NSA's control of Americans' phone data WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama on Friday will call for ending the government's...

Cybersecurity chief had qualms over health website

HHS cybersecurity chief says health care website tests didn't follow security 'best practices' WASHINGTON (AP) — The top cybersecurity officer for the Health and Human Services...