DIY Wampa Taxidermy Head Made from Paper and Lots of Awesome

I’ve always thought it was creepy to hang the heads of dead animals on your wall. They always look like they are watching you as you move around the room. If you are a big fan of The Empire Strikes Back, you might not mind hanging this animal head on your wall.

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What we have here is a DIY Wampa head made out of cardboard boxes, newspaper, tape, glue, faux fur, and a few other household items. It looks a lot like paper mache, but it’s not. It was made by the fine folks at OurNerdHome, and its builders say they spent only about $20 on the project.

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While there aren’t step-by-step instructions, the images do give you an idea of what you need to do to make your own. I wonder what kind of fur was used. It looks sort of like the fur on that Wampa rug we talked about a while back.

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This is certainly one of the coolest DIY Star Wars projects I have seen.

Han Solo Carbonite Necklace is Truly Heroic

Jewelry designer Paul Bierker of Paul Michael Jewelry is a busy man. When he’s not designing Boba FettZelda Tri-Force or R2-D2 rings, he’s making pendants that look like Han Solo frozen in carbonite.

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This pendant is handmade from sterling silver, and features our favorite scruffy-looking nerf-herder, frozen peacefully in semi-eternal sleep. At least until Boushh shows up. The pendant even has detailed structures on the sides and back to complete the look.

The pendant sells for $110 to $145(USD) over on Etsy, depending on the length of chain you want it on. One minor detail Paul forgot to post is exactly how large it is, but I’m assuming that it’s not too big judging by the size of the loop it’s hanging from.

So if you’re looking for the perfect gift for your very own Princess Leia, grab one of these today.

Han Solo in Carbonite Desk Is Perfect for Hutts with a Day Job

I won’t even try to pretend this is a new project, but I just happened across the for the first time and it’s awesome. One of the most iconic scenes in all of the Star Wars films is when Han Solo was frozen in Carbonite at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. Some very artistic geeks at Tom Spina Designs created a replica of Han Solo’s chemical hibernation and used it to make a really cool desk.

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The desk looks a lot like the floating thing Solo’s Carbonite statue was embedded in complete with panels on the side facing away from the desk user. The Carbonite statue is made from fiberglass and covered with a glass top allowing it to be used as a normal desk.

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I want to know how much something like this would cost to make, it’s safe to say “lots” is the answer. I think if Jabba the Hutt ever went legit, this would be the desk he would use.

[via This Is Why I'm Broke]

AT-AT Walker Bookcase: The Empire Strikes Book

There aren’t many more iconic creations from the Star Wars universe than the AT-AT Imperial walkers from The Empire Strikes Back. Sure, they ended up having an Achilles’ heel (or four of them), but I’d like to see you design a walking weapon that can’t be tripped. Fans of the AT-AT will definitely appreciate this piece of furniture – a bookcase made in the form of the Imperial walker.

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Diana over at Bit Rebels spotted this awesome AT-AT bookshelf by Whittled in Wood. It’s perfect for holding onto your Star Wars books and collectibles, and while it might designed for a kid’s room, I don’t see any reason why you adults can’t enjoy it too. It’s handmade from birch plywood and other woods, and held together with screws and dowel rods. That sounds pretty sturdy to me, but you still won’t want to let any Rebel snow speeders get near it with tow cables.

The AT-AT bookshelf is available over on Whittled in Wood’s Etsy shop for $565(USD). While you’re over there, you might want to pick up a Millenium Falcon

millennium falcon bookcase

[Thanks, Diana!]

AT-AT Groom’s Cake, Attack It with a Snowspeeder Fork

We’ve seen some impressive Star Wars cakes, but this AT-AT takes the proverbial cake. This thing looks amazing and the details are super nice – so nice that it doesn’t even look like a cake. It was made by Cake Central member ChrisTheCook for a friend’s wedding and it stands at over two feet-tall.

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If the Imperial March isn’t playing in your head at the sight of this cake, I will need to revoke your geek credentials and lock you up in a dark cell without the internet. With a very talkative Jar Jar!

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The cake board is covered in snow to look like Hoth of course, though there’s no signs of any edible snowspeeders or tauntaun.

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[via Between the Pages]

Imperial Ketchup AT-AT Walker: Hothy Sauce

While there have been plenty of images circulating over on Reddit showing the awful, unsanitary things workers do when they’re bored at their fast food jobs, Redditor Txmaluda did something a little more creative – and decidedly less disturbing – with their downtime at work.

imperial ketchup walker

Yes, that’s an AT-AT Imperial Walker made  from plastic ketchup containers and cardboard. Of course, it’s all well and good until the Rebels start firing french fries and chicken nuggets – as it seem to be even more vulnerable than the ones in Empire Strikes Back. You certainly won’t need a tow line to take this AT-AT down.

My favorite part of the picture is the box that says both WHATABURGER and “fancy ketchup.” How fancy can WHATABURGER ketchup really be?

[via Geek Native]

Steampunk AT-AT Liquor Cabinet: for the Lords of the Victorian Empire

Vancouver artist Colin Johnson made a unique piece of furniture shaped like the AT-AT from The Empire Strikes Back. He calls it the Emperor’s Cabinet. You wouldn’t want to take down this Imperial Walker, but you would want to open it up. That’s because it’s hiding drinks behind its door.

steampunk at at walker liquor cabinet by colin johnson

Colin made it out of plywood, mahogany veneer, brass and glass. I wonder what a Jedi’s drink of choice would be. I assume the Sith just drink the blood and tears of their victims.

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Colin is looking to sell the liquor cabinet to make room for his other projects. You can reach out to Colin on his website if you’re interested.

[via MAKE]

Battle Of Hoth Wedding Cake: Do You Take This Rebel?

This Battle of Hoth cake makes the battle different than I remember. Thanks a lot Han and Leia. The rebels are facing the Empire in a battle round and round this cake, while the pair of them are busy getting married up top. At least they made sure that the Rebel base is protected with some turrets around them.


Too bad the Empire didn’t bring anything that could climb to the top of this mountain of cake. That’s some nice Hoth detail though. I hope the groom live happily ever after. I just want Han and Leia to get down there and help out in the battle.

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What, are you going to have your honeymoon while the rest of the Rebels rely on Ewoks to save them on Endor?

[via That's Nerdalicious]