L.A.’s 2014: New Year. New Start. New Tech.

As predictions go about what our future might look like, historically — we have often been wrong. By now, some thought we’d have jet-packs. Others thought that humans would be able to fly. Or that...

A New Era For Entrepreneurs And Startups Has Begun

Since the recent recession, and at least partially sparked by it, I’m seeing a real resurgence of entrepreneurial spirit, and more startup activity than ever before. I believe the days of the “job...

NYC Conference Aims To Unite Disparate Social Entrepreneurs

In New York City, there’s a distinctly happening social entrepreneurial world with startups, established players, co-working locations, crowdfunding sites, even heavy-weight impact investors like J....

LED Tetris Tie: Play While You Work

Tetris is an awesome game for stress relief. There’s just something therapeutic about piling various shapes one on top of the other, leaving no empty spaces in between. And now you can play it on your necktie! This fun, interactive tie was thought up by Bill Porter after a long day of teaching at the FSU STEM Camp. Apparently, the kids had been asking him what ‘outrageously cool’ thing he was going to wear for the last day, and, not wanting to disappoint them, he came up with this.

This is the updated tie that runs on an Arduino Pro mini. The batteries and all the electronic stuff are built into the tie, making it neater than its predecessors.

The tie Bill wore and showed off to the kids was made from two pieces of card stock placed in between and taped to a clip-on, but the kids loved it nonetheless. Way to go, Bill!

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

Rampage Neck Ties: Crush, Crumble and Choke

Remember Rampage? Good times. If you have never played the game, go find yourself an old arcade machine and start pumping quarters into it right now. (Or install MAME.) If you don’t do this, you deserve to miss out and have never played it.

rampage ties

Mayapixelskaya designed and made this trio of neck ties which celebrate the classic game. They are pretty awesome, showing scenes from the game – though you need to have three necks in order to show off the entire scene at once.

[via Neatorama]

Zip Tie: There’s No Need for Knots–Just Zip It Up!

Zip Tie

Ties. I’ve had the displeasure of having been asked to knot the ties of a few of my guy friends when we attended a wedding last week, and let me just say that it was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Clearly, I should’ve paid more attention to the girl scouts who went around teaching people how to tie all sorts of knots when I was kid.

If you share the same hate relationship with ties, then zip it. I don’t mean that you should put a lid on your complaints; rather, I’m talking about getting the Zip Tie, which does away with knots since all you have to do is zip the tie into place. Quick, easy, painless–and I daresay, fashionable?

Zip Tie1

The Zip Tie, which was designed by Josh Jackus of Oakland-basd design company Actual, retails for $65.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

2 Guys, Some Wood, 1 Tie (It’s Not What You Think!)

Wooden Bow Tie

It comes naturally to some guys while others considerably find it a whole lot harder. I’m talking about tying ties and knotting bows. I’m a girl, so I can’t relate, but I’ve seen friends, cousins, and co-workers struggling with the seemingly simple task of putting on a tie and making sure that it wasn’t on backwards or sideways.

The solution? These wooden bow ties by the Two Guys Bow Tie Company which looks surprisingly, well, normal, despite the fact that they’re made out of wood. This isn’t the first time people have come up with clothing made from wood, but it is the first wooden bow tie that we’ve seen so far on the interwebs.

The bow ties come in a variety of designs and finishes, along with the little piece of fabric in between the wooden portion to complete the bow.

Wooden Bow Tie

Wooden Bow Tie

Wooden Bow Tie

These handcrafted bow ties are available for $55 to $65 each.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

Tie Mags: The Modern Way of Wearing Ties

There was a time when I had to wear a tie everyday. Thankfully, those days are long gone, but anyone can appreciate the cleverness that went into designing this way to keep your tie in place. It’s so simple that you wonder why you didn’t think of it yourself.

tie mags

Instead of using a pin or clip, Tie Mags use a magnet to keep your tie centered at all times. That’s pretty cool, because chains and other devices usually end up pinching the tie or putting a tiny hole in it, which isn’t always a good look. Tie Mags use industrial strength magnets that will hold your tie in place no matter what. Of course, since they’re just magnets, you could always use them to dress up your outfits, even if you don’t wear a tie.

tie mags different sizes

They are available in pyramid or target-like designs or as a straight bar, and cost $20 to $30.

[via Uncrate]

FlaskTie: For Professional Drinkers Only

I get thirsty a lot but hate having to leave my desk just to get a glass of water. So I’ve resorted to keeping a small jug by my desk instead. If you don’t have space on your desk for a jug or pitcher – and happen to be a guy – then you’re in luck, because the FlaskTie is now available.

If you also happen to be a girl who wears ties, then I guess you’re in luck, too.

FlaskTieThe FlaskTie is basically a tie with a flask attached and hidden on ones of its inner flaps. There’s a mouthpiece located at the end of the back where you can drink your poison of choice covertly. Just bite down and sip when you’re thirsty, and leave it hanging when you’ve had your fill. The valve self-seals after each drink so you don’t have to worry about nasty spills or gross-looking stains.


The FlaskTie is available in a variety of colors for $24.95(USD). Just don’t let your boss catch you sipping hooch out of this thing – unless you plan on sharing.

[via Geekologie via Gizmodo]