ICYMI: Steps for electricity, scoliosis exosuit and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: Engineers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison made shoes that store energy from steps inside internal batteries, making them the coolest transport hybrid yet. Columbia scientists built a prototype for a robotic ex...

ICYMI: Pollution sea vacuum, SpaceX’s success and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: SpaceX successfully landed its reusable rocket, from a height of 125 miles-- then Elon Musk and Blue Origin CEO Jeff Bezos traded Twitter jabs for our entertainment. Scientists from Cambridge University found that oil...

Oculus VR is getting Twitch streaming soon, Netflix today

At the Oculus Connect 2 event, the virtual reality company just announced that it's getting a number of video services streaming to VR. The biggest one, Netflix is going to launch an app "in about 20 minutes", but Twitch, Hulu, Vimeo and more are g...

Vimeo Now Streaming Mystery Science Theater 3000

Mystery Science Theater 3000 was taken from us too soon. We all miss the wisecracks and bad movies. Well, Manos: The Hands of Fate must be at work because now it is making a comeback thanks to a deal struck by Vimeo to stream 80 episodes of the series.


Apparently the company is working to clear the rights for the rest of the episodes so that eventually they can have all 197 of MST3K available. However, boarding the Satellite of Love to hang out with Joel, Mike and the bots will cost you.

The episodes are available individually for $2.99 to rent or $9.99 to purchase. You can also get them all for $300. Totally worth it based on the amount of laughing you will do.

[via /Film via Nerd Approved]

Sundance Tunes Into Online Audiences

The Sundance Film Festival is devoted to discovering and developing independent artists and audiences–so it’s time to embrace digital markets. As box office revenues stay low, the best bet for...

Huge Increase in Online Video Watching and Uploading

We seem to be glued to our computers day and night. Increasing amount of time, besides checking the news articles, social media and playing games, we spend watching videos.The Pew Internet &...