FBI Admits Compromising of Freedom Hosting Tor Servers

The law and lawmakers are sometimes involved in some very dubious activities. It almost makes one think that they serve the criminals they’re supposed to fight more than the decent law-abiding...

Apple Stock Nose Dives 5% After New iPhone Announcement

Apple unveiled the new iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C yesterday in Cupertino. For the first time I did not follow the event in real-time. I just waited for the official press-releases to pop. Why? There...

Beauty Lift High Nose: A ‘Higher, Firmer’ Nose – Minus the Surgery?

Many of us have a hundred and one things that we’d want to change about ourselves. The majority of us don’t really do anything about it, either because we’re afraid to go under the knife, can’t afford to do so, or just don’t think it’s worth the risk or money.

Beauty Lift High NoseHere’s a bit of good news for those who want some improvement but don’t believe in plastic surgery for one reason or the other: there are alternatives that are much cheaper that don’t require surgery. The catch? There’s no guarantee that you’ll get the advertised results.

One of these alternatives is the Beauty Lift High Nose, which is just one of many silly looking facial improvement products being offered by Japan Trend Shop. This particular one is meant to be worn on a person’s face, particularly over the nose, where it will vibrate on targeted areas once it’s turned on. Apparently, these vibrations will help make the nose “firmer and higher.”

The site recommends that people use it every day for three minutes for optimum results. The Beauty Lift High Nose retails for $68(USD). Such a deal.

[via Red Ferret]

Brain-Eating Parasite Kills All Victims

Zachary Reyna was the prepubescent boy who died of Naegleria fowleri, a rare and fatal disease on Saturday in Florida. Zach as he was commonly called by his friends and family was infected by the...

Samsung Blames Fllu for StackOverflow Developers Bribe

Samsung has its ethical limits. The offering of money to developers for the sake of getting them to mention competition figures on Stack Overflow is a little too much for the electronics behemoth to...

Google Glass to be Banned for UK Drivers

Even before the arrival of the wearable high tech Google Glass in the UK, drivers are being warned of its dire consequences. In fact, a public prohibition has been put in place. It is said to...

NSA Leaks Reveal that US is Spying on EU

Many higher-ups among Europeans demanded a full explanation from the United States on the latest scandal to hit the airwaves. According to the Guardian, certain NSA leaks reveal a lot of hanky-panky...

LG Launches 29-inch 21:9 TV and All-in-one PC

LG is a giant among mass producers of electronic gadgetry that you just can’t hold a candle up to. It is especially renowned for its round “G” face with an “L” for a nose at its center. The combined...