Acetaminophen Warning

It was only recently that some of the dire consequences of taking overdoses of OTC drugs were examined by the FDA. In particular, acetaminophen which is found in such over the counter medicines as...

FDA says acetaminophen doses over 325 mg causes liver damage

Medicines are a gift to the world. But take too much of it, and it will backfire.It has been hotly debated that taking unmonitored doses of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs can cause harmful side effects...

Why Too Much Acetaminophen Can Lead To Liver Damage

The FDA has just issued a statement urging doctors not to prescribe acetaminophen in doses higher than 325 mg. Liver damage has been a known risk of the drug for many years, with even low doses...

Making Sense Of Zappos And Holacracy

“Zappos Says Goodbye To Bosses,” was the recent headline in the Washington Post. “Zappos is going holacratic: no job titles, no managers, no hierarchy,” wrote Aimee Groth in Quartz. “Gurus Gone Wild...

Monster allegedly marketing energy drinks to children

Monster Beverage Corporation may be facing its toughest opponent yet. A duo of lawyers from San Francisco and New York have joined forces to investigate the company's alleged involvement in marketing...

Man with $153,000 in cash arrested at Nashville airport

Everything becomes tainted when a person's motives are starting to get a little suspicious. This was the case of 33-year old Conor Guckian who was arrested in Nashville on Monday.According to the...

Johnson & Johnson Faces Uphill Battle At FDA Advisory Panel

The third time may not be the charm. Twice before the FDA has turned down the supplemental new drug application for an acute coronary syndrome indication for Johnson & Johnson’s Xarelto (...

Why Even North Korea Outpaces The U.S. In Credit Card Security

The ever-worsening news from Target’s breach of credit card and customer data highlights the need to implement a more secure U.S. system to process our card payments. In recent articles, I have...

Iran Says "Tall, White" Space Aliens Control America

Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. These...