ThinkGeek Useless Light Switch: Home Automation, Decepticon Style

April Fools’ Day is ThinkGeek’s Christmas. The company once again prepared several fake products for our amusement, with the best one being the Useless Light Switch. It’s like the useless machine, only it doesn’t just turn itself off, it takes down the light bulb with it.

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On one hand, it’ll help you save on electricity. On the other hand, you’ll find it funny for a minute and then you’ll re-install your old switch back, feeling like an idiot while doing so.

I was actually torn between this and the tiny Magic: The Gathering set, but the video won me over.

No, SoundCloud didn’t remove a silent track for violating copyright

On November 22nd, artist collective DJ Detweiler posted a screenshot of a message from SoundCloud that said its track, "John Cage - 4'33 (DJ DETWEILER REMIX)," had been removed because it appeared to contain copyrighted content. The joke here is that...

DIY Electromagnetic Mjölnir Prank: Magnethor

Thor’s hammer Mjölnir is famous for its enchantment that allows only the bravest and kindest to wield it and its lethal power. YouTuber Allen Pan aka Sufficiently Advanced put a high tech spin on the picky hammer with the help of science. He proved to be more like Loki, yet was still able to wield Mjölnir.

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Allen made a battery-powered electromagnet using a microwave’s transformer and stuffed it inside a toy Mjölnir. Then he added two things. First is a touch sensor that turns the electromagnet on whenever someone touches the handle. Second is a fingerprint scanner, so that he could turn the magnet off if he scanned his print on it. All he needed was a magnetic surface and he could have some fun with his neighbors.

That last dude got a free pass to Asgard.

[via Tastefully Offensive]



Prankster Messes with Drive Thrus Masquerading as a Robot

We all know that robots are evil and hell-bent on taking over the world so that they can kill us all and use our blood to lubricate their servos. So it is no wonder so many of these poor fast food employees were scared out of their minds when Rahat Hussein pulled up to the drive thru.

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Even though he’s a magician, Rahat’s main shtick is to constantly freak out fast food employees from the comfort of his car seat. For his latest series of pranks, he pulls up to the window with a humanoid robot in the driver’s seat, without a human driver or passenger anywhere to be found.

The best parts are when the robot’s face turns red with anger and it says things like, “I will end you!” Surprisingly, no one tried to kill it by throwing searing hot fry grease at it.

In case you missed it, check out the first time Rahat pulled the robot prank below:

[via Laughing Squid]

Website Randomly Generates Funny Nintendo E3 Leaks: Hoax on You

E3 starts in a couple of weeks, which means new games will be announced, and leaks about those games will pop up online until the event starts. Webcomic creator Brian Lee decided to poke fun at such leaks and the Web’s appetite for them by creating a website that randomly generates a schedule for Nintendo’s E3 Digital Event featuring non-existent games.

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Brian’s website makes up hilarious video game titles by combining random words with Nintendo titles, then presents them on an official-looking document. Hence we get winners like Metroid: Clam, Mario Hand Ball Pro and my favorite result, The Legend of Zelda: The Alright Look.

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Tell your guy who knows a guy to check out Brian’s website. The titles change each time you refresh the page, so have at it!

[via Destructoid]

ThinkGeek EnCounter Fitness Quest Giver: LARPwatch

Every year ThinkGeek comes up with an April Fools’ joke product that you want to be real. The EnCounter Wearable Interactive Quest is one of those ideas. It’s a fitness tracker that turns your movements and activities into tabletop RPG quests. It even has an A.I. dungeon master that narrates your adventures via a headset.

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The device goes full dork with random encounters, which completely abandon its fitness metaphor and just gives you imaginary enemies to pretend fight. Fortunately (?), you can form a party with other EnCounter users.

I think most of the EnCounter’s features are doable with current technology, but I don’t think an A.I. can substitute for a good dungeon master. Come to think of it, a dial-a-dungeon master/narrator service would be great on its own.

Ant Watch Lets You Watch Ants

Watchmaker Analog Watch Co. takes advantage of the smartwatch craze to drum up some publicity with what is most probably an April Fools’ joke. It’s called the Ant Watch, a small ant farm in the shape of a wristwatch.

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The watch supposedly comes as a ready to assemble kit that contains sand, a dropper for food and water and live harvester ants. Analog Watch Co. adds, “All orders come with an automatic 1 year supply of real ants, so we’ll ship a new batch to you every 4 months. If you don’t need them, you can always set them free!”

Note the release date before you organize a protest.

Chestburster Drive Thru Prank: Would You Like a Side of ‘Alien’ With That?

One of the scariest elements of the Alien franchise has got to be the chestbursters. Even the mere thought of having an alien creature growing and feeding inside you before bursting out of your chest, causing excruciating pain is hair-raising. This holds true, even if you haven’t watched any of the movies, and prankster Rahat is well-aware of this.

That’s probably why he chose to do the alien chestburster prank on unsuspecting drive-thru workers. (On a side note, he’s done a lot of these drive-thru pranks so it’s only a matter of time before they wise up to Rahat’s ways, right?) Check out the reaction that his prank elicits from the drive-thru people, some of them are just priceless!

VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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