The Ion Belt: ‘sleek,’ safe and ‘stylish’ portable charging

Have you ever wanted to carry an external battery for your phone, but hated the thought of creating even the smallest bulge in your pocket? No? Well, someone decided to fill that niche anyway. Ion Tech Wear is crowdfunding the Ion Belt, a 3,000mAh po...

Sailor Moon Belt Keeps Sailors’ Moons from Showing

Belts are great. They keep your pants up and the alternative to that can be pretty embarrassing. You can go with a plain black or brown belt if you are a subtle type. If you want the world to know you are an anime geek, this Sailor Moon belt is what you want to use to keep your butt hidden from the world.

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The belt is made out of seatbelt style material and has a seatbelt style buckle so you can pretend you’re driving a car while wearing it. It has a very wide range of adjustment making it one size fits most. It works for waists 26.5″ up to 46″.

If you should ever need to fight off a bad guy, the buckle could probably crack some skulls. Get your own Sailor Moon Belt at ThinkGeek for $24.99(USD).

Star Wars Fighters Belt: May Your Pants Be with You, Always.

If you don’t want to get away, you need a nice belt to hold them up. If you like Star Wars, you might not want a plain black or brown belt. You might want something that shows the world you are a sci-fi geek and this is the perfect belt for you.

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The Star Wars Fighters Belt is available at ThinkGeek and it is made from something like seat belt material printed with all sorts of fighters from Star Wars. The buckle is a seat belt style buckle that doesn’t appear too bulky.

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The belt is adjustable and one size fits most. It will fit people with waist sizes as small as 26.5-inches up to 46-inches, so unless you’re General Grievous or Jabba the Hutt, it should fit just fine. You can get the belt right now for $19.99(USD), which is a 20% discount off the $24.99 normal price.

Belty Knows When to Loose or Tighten Itself, Based On Fitness Data


Just when you think that you’ve seen it all when it comes to wearables… along came Belty. It’s a smart belt with the unique “autoadaptability” feature which adjusts the belt automatically, depending on what you’re doing. That means you won’t have to tighten or loosen the belt in between activities, like say, standing up or working on something while crouched on the ground.

Belty also has a built-in fitness tracking feature which works in conjunction with your mobile device to keep track of your waistline and other stats over time.


Belty is set for release before the end of 2015.

VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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This Belt Doubles as a Scooter

Product designer Ádám Török, from Sopron, Hungary, came up with the idea for this truly unique scooter. He made it for a school graduation project. His thinking is that in the future, most vehicles will be portable. So why not have a belt that converts into a scooter?

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Maybe you missed the bus or don’t have a car. No worries. You won’t have to walk. Just take off your belt and use it as a scooter. This not very stylish belt is made of metal and plywood and weighs about four pounds.

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That’s certainly a heavy belt, but as technology progresses and materials get lighter, this could become more feasible. Who knows? One day we may wear our motorcycles like vests too.

[via designboom via Neatorama]

Exercise Storage Belt: Stash Your Stuff So You Can Moving

Exercise Storage Belt


So you’re working up a sweat… when you suddenly remember you have to make a call or pay a workout buddy that five bucks you owed him from last week. Stopping your workout to get stuff from your locker can be a pain because it throws your momentum off. If you’d rather have you stuff on you and don’t mind the extra weight, then you might want to check out the Flip Belt.

It’s a storage belt made specially for exercisers so you can stash your essentials (like your keys, phone, some cash, your credit cards) and non-essentials (like your iPod, comb, some mint) and carry them with you while you work out.


The post Exercise Storage Belt: Stash Your Stuff So You Can Moving appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Survival Belts: The Belt for Boy Scouts

Survival Belts


This belt is for survivors. It’s Slide Belt’s Survival model, and it stays true to its name because it’s built to last through the toughest of situations. The belt is waterproof, resistant to abrasions, and UV protected. It even flexes like normal even at sub-zero temperatures– a feature you’ll appreciate if ice climbing is one of your hobbies.

Aside from that, the belt features a built-in bottle opener which definitely comes in handy when you’re out with the guys. Cough up a few more bucks for the Survivor model and you’ll get a belt that comes with a striker and ferrocerium fire starter rod that’s good for 1,000 strikes.

The belts are up for funding on Kickstarter, where $59 will get you the Survival model while $89 will get you the Survivor Belt with the firestarter.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gear Hungry ]

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GoldenEye 007 Mine Belt Buckles: TSA Unapproved

If Industries – the folks behind the cool arcade coin slot belt buckles – are back with another set of geeky accessories. These ones look like the proximity mine and the remote mine, two of the weapons from the N64 shooter GoldenEye 007. If they can’t get into your pants, then no one will.

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If Industries isn’t selling the buckles as of this writing. Maybe you can tweak the 3D printed remote mine replica that we saw last year and turn it into a buckle.

[via Polygon]

The Cure-All for Plumber’s Crack!

The Yooper Looper is the quick and affordable fix for making pants fit snug! The simple half-belt design clips on to your existing pant loops and easily adjusts for size. Made of flexible elastic, it moves with the wearer, making it comfy without being restrictive. With no buckle to mess with, you can leave Yooper Looper attached for a sure fit each time!

Designer: Mark Huru

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(The Cure-All for Plumber’s Crack! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Bottle Belt

We all know that it is important to stay hydrated while exercising but the problem is carrying a bottle when out on a run. Looping in a bottle at the waist is inconvenient so designers Yuan Peizhuo & Jin Huijian have fashioned the Annulus, a water bottle belt that holds about 350 ml of liquid. A clever contraption that comes handy and adds to the exercise!

Designers: Yuan Peizhuo & Jin Huijian

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Bottle Belt was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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