Is it a pin? Is it a clip?


Face it. It’s New Year’s Eve. Youre going to have an absolute blast. And you’re going to have loads of photos to prove it. You’re going to need the Easy-Pins to pin those photos to your soft board.

The Easy-Pin is the awesome thumbtack you’re waiting for. It doesn’t perforate or damage your photos, just gently clips on to them. Not to mention, you don’t need nails to pull these pins out of boards too. Their easy design allows them to be yanked out with ease!

Designers: Christopher Gu, Yin-Kai Lee and Szu-Hsin Wang.















Barilla Pronto Pasta: The Lazy Man’s Noodle

Despite being one of the more basic things to make in the kitchen, cooking pasta still requires several steps – boiling water, adding pasta, stirring pasta, draining pasta, putting pasta back into pot and adding sauce. ‘Aint nobody got time for that.

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Thankfully, Barilla has come along and invented a dry pasta that only requires that you put the pasta in the pan, add cold water, turn on high heat, and stir occasionally. In 10 minutes, Pronto pasta absorbs all of the water, and the pasta turns out perfectly al dente. Just add your sauce, meats or veggies, and it’s all cooked in a single pot without draining.

It’s pretty neat how all the water is sopped up by the pasta, and it tastes great too. Trust me – my stomach has been filled with these deliciously lazy noodles all week.

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