Why Great Entrepreneurs Are Older Than You Think

How old do you think someone should be for the best chance at entrepreneurial success? If you said 20, or 22, or 25, you are not alone. It wasn’t that long ago that age signified wisdom. But in the...

We Need Entrepreneurs Who Can Drive Global Change

By most definitions of the term, an entrepreneur is someone who starts a new business, incorporating innovative changes to existing products, services, business models, and creating new markets. Yet...

The Best Startup Advice From 14 Tech Heroes

Some say that people do not really want advice, even when they ask for it — but when starting a company, good advice early on can be the difference between success and failure. For this reason, it...

11 Reasons 2014 Will Be A Break-Out Year For Women Entrepreneurs

While women in the upper echelons of corporate America are singing the same old  tune, “Still No Progress After Years of No Progress,” female entrepreneurs have something to rejoice about it. The...

Entrepreneurs Aren’t Intellectuals, Until It’s Time To Raise Money

In a conversation I had with the brilliant small business consultant Michael Gerber 10 years ago, he told me, “…the whole entrepreneurial environment is created by an optimistic view, a young view, a...

The 5 Reasons Big Companies Struggle With Innovation

As I have been doing startup consulting at Red Rocket, I have also had many executive conversations with several big companies.  These companies were anywhere from $150MM to $25BN in revenues in size...

‘Fortune 500 Companies Seek StartUp Mojo’…And Promptly Look In The Wrong Place

You may have missed it over the holidays, but The Wall Street Journal had a fascinating blog about big companies and entrepreneurship. Rachel King wrote: “In 2013, corporations worked to create...

Entrepreneur Envy

My entrepreneurial past appeared on New Year’s Eve like a ghost visiting Ebenezer Scrooge. There it was, as plain as the tuna tacos I was eating at a local hot spot, although perhaps tinted by rose-...

Forsake Start-Up Envy: Three Reasons Why Large Companies Should Out-Innovate Start-Ups

This is the first of a two-part series on how large companies can out-innovate start-ups. Part Two is available here.  An accompanying infographic is also available. An executive recently left his...

L.A.’s 2014: New Year. New Start. New Tech.

As predictions go about what our future might look like, historically — we have often been wrong. By now, some thought we’d have jet-packs. Others thought that humans would be able to fly. Or that...