Bowl-shaped chair concept offers geometric beauty at the expense of ergonomics

Just like a table, the most basic requirements for a chair are quite simple. It needs to be strong and stable enough to actually sit on, but comfort and convenience seem to be more open to interpretation than any other design element. Some brutalist designs look a little painful to sit on, meeting only the bare minimum of a chair, while others let your body literally sink inside its plushy cushions and make it difficult to pull yourself out quickly. And then there are designs like this concept that espouse simplicity and minimalism to convey a sense of beauty, but the end result, while visually successful, also raises concerns about its actual usefulness and comfort.

Designer: Mauricio Coelho

A chair isn’t a simple form that can be expressed in a single shape. After all, there are a few interconnecting planes needed to give it legs and an actual seat. A backrest is common but not obligatory, and armrests are even more optional. The Oco chair concept comes close to that simplicity of form while still providing a visually interesting piece, and it accomplishes that by employing a shape you wouldn’t always associate with a chair.

Bowl-shaped chairs are uncommon probably for a reason. A hollow half-sphere might not be the most comfortable thing to sit in unless you fill that space with cushions like what the Oco chair does. With extremely thin planes for legs, the bowl almost looks like it’s floating in mid-air. Made using carbon steel and fiberglass, the chair brings structural stability while also providing some subtle material details, like the wood-like grains of the spherical body.

But while it is indeed a sight to behold, closer inspection might make you rethink the comfort it promises. The thick cushions do look plus, but they might not provide enough support for the person’s back. Or at the very least the back cushion doesn’t have enough height to support someone leaning back, forcing them to sit upright without proper support, straining their body over time.

The bowl’s edges are also left exposed, which could scratch, cut, or press on a person’s skin, especially on the back of the legs and forearms. A few slight modifications, like lining the edges with soft fabric or changing the angle of the bowl could help improve the ergonomics of the design without ruining the simple geometric beauty that this concept wishes to convey.

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Desk accessories concepts help reduce risk of sitting at the desk the whole day

As someone who spends almost the entire working day (and sometimes beyond) at a desk and in front of the computer, you can say that I face a lot of issues when it comes to my posture, my eyesight, and my muscles. I’ve tried several ergonomic products and also exercises to help me take a break from my regular work and literal position but I’m still having some regular problems from being a desk potato. I know that there are a lot of risks that will eventually (and some have already) make an appearance in my health journey so products that can help alleviate the strain on my body are always welcome.

Designers: Haneul Kang, Dohui Kim, Dagyeong Kim, Jeongyoon Kim, Yunseo Jung

A group of designers have come up with concepts for a series of products that can help with this problem. The collection is appropriately called DESKRISK as we all know that even if we are sitting seemingly safely at our desks, we’re still exhibiting risky behavior that will eventually need some sort of intervention. The first product is a desk clock that will remind us to take a break from staring at our screens to take better care of our eyes. The screen will blur after some time which resembles the dry eyes we experience a lot of times. After you’ve rested for a few minutes, you can move the button on the clock sideways to wipe away the blur and start the countdown all over again.

The next product is for those who need help with their posture while sitting at the desk for a long time. Well this is for if you’re using a lamp light source at your desk. The lamp has a light that will gradually move downwards from the angle you set after an hour. This way you are reminded to move along with the light source so that we’re not just bowing down towards our screens. There’s a gauge next to the lamp that also helps you track how much time has elapsed. You can also adjust and reset the angle by moving this gauge bar.

The last one may probably be the most useless for me, at least from what I understand from their product description. It’s a magazine rack that will supposedly resemble carpel tunnel syndrome or at least the overstretched wrist ligaments that come from having the same position at your keyboard for a long period of time. The sagging fabric will lengthen according to the size or weight of the books or magazines inserted. How this will help me with my wrist problem is unsure at this point. But aside from that, the other Deskrisk products are pretty useful for people like me who are at risk with the nature of our work.

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Ergonomic Apple Watch band puts the smartwatch on the back of your hand

We wear watches on our wrists because that’s been the standard design of wristwatches, hence the name, for decades or even centuries. It’s a more convenient design compared to the classy yet antiquated pocket watches, but that doesn’t exactly mean they’re the best design available. For some people, that design can actually cause some pain in the wrist whenever you have to lift your hand and turn it so that you can see that time. That action is perhaps even worse with smartwatches, considering how often you have to do that to see not just the time but other information and notifications as well. That’s the kind of design flaw that this odd-looking Apple Watch “band” tries to address by simply moving the smartwatch from the back of your wrist to the back of your hand.

Designer: ErgonBand

The appearance of this Apple Watch accessory looks a little ridiculous, at least until you hear the reasonable explanation behind its design. The band, which is actually more like a strap, looks like one of those thumb or hand braces that athletes use for protection. The Apple Watch, sans the straps, is locked in place using clips that utilize the standard lugs and is placed below the joint of your thumb.

This location isn’t based on a whim but on how it makes the screen almost always visible without having to twist your wrist. At least that will be the case for people who need to see the watch face while holding something or with their hands swinging in front of them, like athletes doing training or people exercising. In fact, this kind of ergonomic design was made exactly for sports uses, though that doesn’t stop it from being used by anyone interested in a different way to wear a smartwatch.


While the theory might does sound plausible, there might be a few practical hurdles to such an ergonomic design. For one, waking up the Apple Watch is often done using that twisting gesture, so you’ll have to resort to actually touching the screen or pressing a button to turn on the screen. That defeats the purpose of not requiring your other hand just to glance at information quickly, which ironically makes it a bit less ergonomic in the process.

The other issue is that this kind of band might get in the way of using your hand for other things, especially ones that could make the strap dirty. Most of us are probably unused to wearing such a strap, so there will be some awkwardness and discomfort at the start. The hand-stitched leather material does try to make it a little bit comfortable and stylish, but that might also raise concerns about using it for intense workouts and sports activities. The ErgonBand is admittedly a curious attempt at solving this ergonomic problem, but it might remain just a curiosity rather than a solution that Apple Watch owners can rely on.

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Ergonomic and stylish chair can relieve some pressure from your knees

When looking for a chair that I’ll use for work (a.k.a the chair I’ll be sitting in for around 6 hours), the number one consideration is if it’s comfortable enough. How it’s designed is not so much of a factor when choosing the chair since what’s important is I can work properly while sitting on it. As I get older however, ergonomics is also a factor in choosing a chair especially since hours are spent in that piece of furniture. But what if it looks like an art piece more than a chair?

Designer: Serena Papait

That was my first impression when I saw the Moon Chair design. Like, how in heavens am I going to be comfortable sitting on that? Sure, it looks like an interesting piece of design but it does look like it belongs more in a museum than at my workspace. But the chair is actually created to be functional, ergonomic, and have a pretty unique design, inspired by the idea of infinity.

The chair is shaped to be an infinity symbol and the part where your legs are placed is able to relieve the pressure point on your knees. That is, if you want to place your knees there since you also have the option to just sit on it like a regular chair. You can also rock it so you are in an active sitting position in case you need to be non-static. It is made from polypropylene with neoprene inserts at the contact points. It also has a CATAS EN 1728 certification.

The Moon Chair is available in white, beige, shadow gray, and olive green colors but you can also customize the fabric in case you have a different color preference. I’m still not sure if it’s a chair I’d like at my desk, given that I also have back issues. But I could probably sit on it for a couple of hours if I need some kind of movement while I’m working.

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Ergonomic mouse concept oddly looks like a familiar home appliance

Computer mice have been around for decades, and despite their form making no objective sense, they remain the most basic and most common pointing device that we now use intuitively. The core design of the mouse hasn’t changed significantly since its inception, which unfortunately means they’re still one of the biggest causes of repetitive strain injury or RSI for many people. Ergonomic mice are starting to gain traction, particularly the vertically oriented designs that promise a more natural and comfortable grip for your hand. This device concept builds on that same premise, but the execution is a bit puzzling considering how it looks less like a mouse and more like a miniature clothes iron.

Designer: Pranav Kuber

The rationale behind vertical mice is that the normal orientation of human hands has the palms facing inward rather than downward. With a regular mouse, users are forced to keep their hands at an unnatural angle, whether or not they’re moving the mouse at that moment. Of course, a vertical mouse would still need to provide the basic functions of a conventional mouse, which includes left and right buttons as well as a scroll wheel.

At first glance, the Ergo ergonomic mouse concept is just like any other vertical mouse now available for purchase, but examining its form and silhouette generates a slightly different image. The top plane’s wide surface tapers sharply toward the front, while the wide middle section looks rectangular when viewed from above. If not for the actual bottom of the mouse, which merges two vertical sides like the keel of a ship, the Ergo looks almost like a clothes iron, albeit one without a handle to grip.

Aside from the peculiar shape, the mouse design also raises a few other questions. The buttons on the outer or right side are clearly marked, but they don’t look like buttons you can physically click at first glance. The position of the mouse wheel on the opposite side is even more puzzling, as it will require a lot of swinging movement from the thumb that could actually put more strain on its joint. The rather wide rear might also make it harder to grasp the mouse, potentially resulting in more discomfort in the long run.

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Ergonomic mouse concept gives left-handed users the comfort they deserve

The vast majority of computer products are designed to favor the biggest groups of users, sometimes to the exclusion of the minority. We’re not speaking about accessibility for persons with physical disabilities, but that is especially true for them as well. Even just the common keyboard and mouse are designed with the presumption that they will be used by right-handed people. And while ambidextrous mice do exist, those tend to sacrifice comfort for the sake of a symmetrical design. That doesn’t have to be the case, as this concept design tries to prove, promising both comfort as well as proficiency, regardless of which hand you hold it with.

Designer: Sameeraj Dronamraju

There has been an increasing awareness and demand for ergonomic mice, sadly due to the equally rising cases of computer-related injuries. But while there are plenty of ergonomic designs now available, most of them only cater to right-handed users. You’d be lucky if the manufacturer produced a left-handed design, but most don’t because of the costs involved in another product with only a few minor differences.

The proper solution would be to mix ergonomics and symmetry to create a mouse that is comfortable to hold for both kinds of people. Vertrous, a portmanteau of “vertical” and “ambidextrous,” takes its cue primarily from the plethora of ergonomic mice now in existence, most of which adopt a vertical design that attempts to reduce the strain placed on the wrist by offering a more natural grip. But rather than have your hand holding it sideways, you almost grip it like a claw, with your index and middle fingers still resting on top.

At the same time, the mouse’s shape is more or less equally balanced on both sides. Great care is taken to ensure that textured areas are found on both sides, so no one hand has the advantage over the other. That said, there are some features that can really be found in only one place, like the power button, but that’s really a minor detail that has no significant impact on the use of the mouse itself.

While Vertrous does present an interesting solution, there are still some considerations left unanswered by the design. For example, gripping the mouse like a claw could actually end up being more uncomfortable and strenuous than a regular mouse. The symmetrical design also leaves out features like extra buttons that would normally be found only on one side, an absence that many power users will feel acutely. These aren’t flaws per se but more like points for further improvement, paving the road for the day that we finally land on a standard ergonomic mouse design that will really leave no one out, whichever hand they prefer to use.

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How this multifunctional under desk footrest keeps you comfortable and healthy even after hours of sitting

There’s no escaping the fact that most of us spend hours every day sitting, whether we’re working at a desk, playing on a couch, or even just relaxing after a tiring day. It might sound ironic since we’re sitting most of the time, but our bodies tend to feel sore even after just a few hours of that sedentary position. Our backs feel a bit painful and even our legs start to experience some tension. These are usually several factors, including bad posture and poor blood circulation, which means that single-purpose products can’t really address all these issues. Fortunately, this innovative modular footrest checks all the right boxes, bringing relief to your body, promoting good posture, and even helping save the environment, all in a single, elegant, and portable package.

Designers: Danylo & Nazar Ozhho

Click Here to Buy Now: $89 $149 (40% off). Less than 72 hours left! Raised over $160,000.

It may have “footrest” in its name, but the VILNO FootRester™ is definitely more than just that. In fact, it’s a 3-in-1 product that combines the best of a footstool, a foot massager, and, of course, a footrest, in a modular design that also looks incredible in any setting, whether it’s in the office or at home. It checks all the right boxes, all at the same time to provide a pain-free sitting experience whether you’re working, gaming, or just spending hours in front of a computer or at a desk.

Workday Pain Relief – FootRester™ lifts your legs so hips and knees are aligned, for less pressure on the lower body.

Eliminate Foot Tension – FootRester™ provides a supportive and comfortable resting surface for your feet. An elevated position helps to relieve pressure and reduce strain on the muscles and tendons in your feet.

Activate your Muscles During Sitting – Small movements activate the muscles in your legs and feet, preventing them from becoming static and stiff.

Force yourself to Sit Upright – FootRester™ elevates your legs. It creates a more natural spine, hips, and legs alignment. This positioning with stretching helps to prevent slouching or leaning forward.

The cylindrical footrest, for example, not only provides a soft and comfortable place to rest your legs, it also elevates your legs in order to get you into a better posture that forces your spine, hips, and legs into a more ergonomic alignment, reducing the pain-inducing strain on your back. The adjustable bottom platform holds a memory pillow that will feel like heaven for your feet on one side, and foot massage rollers on the other side stimulate your feet to reduce tension and help you relax. It doesn’t stop there, however, because that same panel can rock back and forth, creating small movements that activate the muscles in your legs and feet to help promote blood flow and prevent them from getting stiff.

Given these features, you might be surprised at the VILNO FootRester’s elegant simplicity that belies its capabilities. Crafted from bamboo, the 3-in-1 footrest not only looks beautiful but is also durable as well. The covers for the foams are also easy to remove and machine washable, ensuring that they stay clean and hygienic for a long, long time. And with built-in handles, the footrest is easy to carry around the house or the office so you won’t have to sacrifice your health and comfort just because you have to sit somewhere else.

Sitting for hours is an unfortunate but inescapable fact of modern life, but that doesn’t mean you just have to grit your teeth and bear with the body pain that it creates. Designed by passionate innovators from Ukraine, the VILNO FootRester™ finally offers a solution that promotes good posture and relieves pain in your legs and feet, wrapped in a handsome wooden design that will make you the envy of the office.

Click Here to Buy Now: $89 $149 (40% off). Less than 72 hours left! Raised over $160,000.

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This distinctive, asymmetrical monitor will hold up your phone while charging it

Our reliance on smartphones these days means that we have another screen to pay attention to even when we’re already focused on the computer monitor in front of us. Productivity gurus naturally discourage anything that would distract us from the work at hand, but they don’t always consider cases where the smartphone is actually an integral part of that work. Rather than fighting the flow, some designs have instead embraced this kind of multi-screen setup, creating a special nook on our desks for smartphones. This rather lopsided monitor is one such example, keeping your mobile companion charged while also holding it up, putting it at a more comfortable eye level to stop you from bending and craning your neck so often.

Designer: Nex Computers

It’s not uncommon to keep our phones on our desks, presuming office policies don’t bar you from having them out in the open. Disregarding real distractions from social media and incessant but unnecessary notifications, some people do need to keep tabs on their mobile devices for some information or communication, without having those apps clutter their work screen. At the same time, however, most of these people probably don’t want to leave work with a nearly empty battery because they forgot to top up the work while using it at work.

The NexMonitor addresses both use cases in a way that’s both more ergonomic and also a little more stylish. Rather than just a simple stand that props up the phone off the side of your workspace, the monitor actually holds up the smartphone at the same height as the screen itself. That saves you from having to look down and away from your monitor, minimizing the time it takes to glance at the phone. At the same time, it helps reduce potential neck strain and injury from repeatedly switching between a monitor at eye level and a phone closer to the desk’s surface.

The monitor holds the phone up almost by magic, but of course, it’s all about magnets. That clearly marks it for MagSafe-compatible phones, which are primarily recent iPhones, though the company also says that Android phones are welcome to the party. Presuming they support magnetic wireless charging. And yes, the NexMonitor also charges the phone while it’s up there, so it’s pretty much a vertical magnetic wireless charging pad attached to the side of a monitor.

The NexMonitor’s design is quite intriguing in how it doesn’t go for visual balance, though it is definitely stable in its construction. The “stem” of the monitor is off to the right side, nearer to the phone than in the middle. Even the stand itself isn’t centered, which could potentially stress out some people because of its asymmetrical composition. That stand is designed to match the size and the color of Apple’s Mac Mini and the new Mac Studio, but any other mini PC can also find a home there, even if it clashes with the brushed metal look. The NexMonitor was announced back in 2022 but has yet to become available for purchase, which unfortunately leaves plenty of opportunities for other monitor makers to put out something similar, presuming there’s actually a good market for such an ergonomic yet unusual design.

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Allow Your Kids to Capture Moments with the New P-series Thermal Print Camera

In today’s fast-paced world, capturing memories has become an integral part of our lives. Every second holds a unique experience worth preserving, from the beauty of a soaring kite against a clear sky to the soothing sounds of chirping cicadas on a summer day. Enjoying these little moments adds to the happiness quotient in our stressful urban lives. Understanding the importance of these precious moments, we are thrilled to unveil the latest addition to our product lineup: the P-Series Portable Thermal Print Camera, designed especially for children and students.

Designer: Mengling HaiDPP

Combining the functionalities of a thermal printer, and camera the P-Series Thermal Print Camera is a versatile device that empowers young users to express their creativity and document their world in a unique way. Its sleek design features organic shapes that are visually appealing and ergonomic, ensuring a comfortable grip for extended use.

The thermal printing capability of the P-Series Thermal Print Camera surely adds an innovative twist to the traditional concept of photography. Gone are the days of waiting for photos to be developed or relying on digital screens to view your images. With this camera, users can snap a picture and instantly print it using thermal printing technology. The resulting prints have a unique vintage aesthetic, reminiscent of the classic Polaroid instant photos that have charmed generations. However, it is not a product that’s one of a kind. There are many more popular alternatives that have more testimonial appreciation.

One of the standout features of the P-Series Thermal Print Camera is its rapid photo-taking capabilities. Often, we find ourselves wanting to capture multiple shots in quick succession, only to be hindered by the camera’s sluggish performance. However, this camera addresses this issue by incorporating a meticulously designed viewfinder. The challenge lies in controlling the speed at which the viewfinder pops up. Through careful adjustment of the gear bite tightness and the precise amount of specialized damping oil used, the viewfinder achieves an optimal pop-up effect in just 1.2 seconds.

The viewfinder is not the only aspect that sets the P-Series Thermal Print Camera apart. Its model verification at the functional level ensures consistent performance and durability, allowing users to rely on their devices for countless adventures. Whether it’s capturing spontaneous moments during a school field trip or documenting creative projects, this camera is built to withstand the demands of active young users and is designed to be held for longer hours.

The P-Series Thermal Print Camera caters specifically to children and students, providing them with a creative outlet for self-expression and a powerful tool for documenting their lives. It combines the convenience of a portable thermal printer with the joy of photography, all in one sleek and stylish device.

In addition to its photography features, to cater to the inquisitive nature of a child’s inquisitive nature, the P-Series Thermal Print Camera can consider incorporating a search tool to enhance the overall user experience. With this functionality, young users can scan QR codes, search for additional information, or even translate text through the camera’s lens. This feature could promote curiosity and exploration, making learning an interactive and engaging experience in this innovative world. It would almost be like a smartphone for children but with limited features that solely help their development. These features would also stand out in the market.

Having said that, the P-Series Thermal Print Camera is a game-changer in the world of portable photography. Its unique combination of thermal printing, rapid photo-taking capabilities, model verification, and ergonomics make it an ideal companion for children and students. With every second of life worth recording, this camera ensures that no moment is left uncaptured. Let the P-Series Thermal Print Camera be your child’s gateway to exploring the world and immortalizing their memories in a truly tangible way.

The post Allow Your Kids to Capture Moments with the New P-series Thermal Print Camera first appeared on Yanko Design.

This brilliant ergonomic office chair brings comfort and support, no matter how you sit

As we’ve become more dependent on computers for our way of life, whether for work, school, or entertainment, we’ve also become more sedentary and bound to our chairs. Physical issues such as RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) and CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) have brought to light our less-than-healthy postures when sitting, especially in front of a desk, which, in turn, brought about a new class of ergonomic products, including ergonomic chairs. While the latter do aim to bring proper support to our backs and necks, they often require that the person actually adopt a proper posture, something that unfortunately doesn’t come naturally to most people. Rather than forcing people to adapt to the chair, this innovative ergonomic chair adapts to humans instead, automatically following and adjusting to the person’s body to bring full support, whether they’re sitting upright, leaning forward, or even reclining to rest.

Designer: Stan Deng

Click Here to Buy Now: $229 $429 ($200 off). Hurry, only 67/100 left! Raised over $1,300,000.

There are plenty of ergonomic chair designs in the market today for workers, gamers, and everyone in between. What most of them have in common is a fixed shape of the backrest meant to support the sitting posture, with cushions for the back and neck to provide some comfort. Unfortunately, these designs presume that the person is already used to sitting correctly, which would ironically make the need for an ergonomic chair pointless. Different people have different sitting styles and some are more comfortable sitting one way over another. Rather than taking sides, NEWTRAL MagicH takes the neutral ground, pardon the pun, to provide proper support that adapts to you, not the other way around.

Ultra Adaptive Full-back Support – NEWTRAL MagicH supports your entire back in any position, reducing stress on your spine by 20%-50%.

Auto-Adjusting Headrest – Their auto-adjusting headrest seamlessly adapts to the contours of your neck, providing optimal support in any position.

The secret behind this seemingly intelligent chair is the auto-following backrest and its partner, the auto-following and adjusting headrest. These spring-loaded components contract when you’re sitting back or reclining, but they expand to give support to your back and neck once you start to lean forward. So whether you’re reclining to take a break, sitting a bit back for a more comfortable working posture, or leaning forward for an intense typing session, NEWTRAL MagicH provides the support your body needs to stay in good working condition and avoid injuries.

Say Goodbye to Leg Discomfort – Relax and stretch your feet during those long work sessions, promoting healthy blood flow and reducing the risk of leg and foot discomfort.

4D Extended Armrest – Are adjustable to your preferred height with a travel length from 5cm to 9cm, allowing you to find the perfect position that suits your needs.

And it doesn’t stop at the back and neck either. The NEWTRAL MagicH Pro includes an ergonomic foldable footrest to also give your legs and feet a break, while also promoting healthy blood flow. The Pro model’s 4D Extended Armrest also helps alleviate fatigue on your elbows, arms, and shoulders by letting you adjust the position of the armrest to your personal comfort. In fact, almost everything about the NEWTRAL MagicH can be adjusted to suit your body and sitting style, including the depth of the seat to the angle of the chair, reclining back as far as 134 degrees for a more comfy rest.

Revitalize Your Workspace – Their detachable tray provides the ideal solution, offering convenience and utility for both work and gaming.

Divided-stress-zone Cushion – This intelligent design ensures that your weight is evenly distributed, alleviating pressure on your thighs and promoting better blood circulation.

But wait, there’s more! NEWTRAL’s detachable laptop table lets you detach from your desk without actually detaching from your work or game. The built-in adjustable laptop stand lets you set up your computer just the way you like it, while holders for phones and tablets put your important apps and contacts within easy reach. There’s even a cup holder to make sure you stay hydrated with your favorite beverage. Why bend over backward to adjust to an ergonomic chair when there’s an ergonomic chair that can adjust to you? With the NEWTRAL MagicH auto-following ergonomic chair, you can say goodbye to pain and discomfort and say hello to healthy productivity, no matter which way you prefer to sit.

Click Here to Buy Now: $229 $429 ($200 off). Hurry, only 67/100 left! Raised over $1,300,000.

The post This brilliant ergonomic office chair brings comfort and support, no matter how you sit first appeared on Yanko Design.