Personalized Pet Stuffed Animals: Stuffed Mini Mes For Man’s Best Friends

Personalized Pet Stuffed Animals


Toy makers make customized stuffed toys that look like you or your loved one. They’ve also started making plush toys based on the doodles and drawings of your tiny tots. Now they’re moving on to the next market in line: pets.

Yep, that’s right: for almost two hundred bucks, you can get a stuffed version aka Cuddle Clone of your canine or feline best friend in all their plush glory. All you have to do is send them a picture of your furry pal and cough up the dough. Wait a while, and your Cuddle Clone will be delivered to your doorstep.

Larger pets (like dogs, cats, and horses) will cost $199, while smaller pets (like rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters) will set you back $129.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ TIWIB ]

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Stamp Yo Face, Watch Yourself: Custom Rubber Stamps of Your Face

Stamp Yo Face

You don’t have to be crafty or artsy to appreciate the awesomeness of Stamp Yo Face. The online business offers something that no other company has offered before: custom rubber stamps that bear your image and likeness.

You can use it to “sign” letters, personalize stationary, decorate labels, and basically just stamp stuff to revel in your good looks (and be appropriately embarrassed over your vanity.)

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For $65, Stamp Yo Face will create a custom portrait stamp that features your mug, as drawn and created from your desired photo. Aside from the stamp, you’ll also be getting the original hand-drawn portrait that they used to create your stamp, the digital file of your portrait, and a black ink pad.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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