7 Reasons That Russia Is Not The Soviet Union

National Review published a rather overheated piece the other day that contained an entertaining line: “Russia has become the Soviet Union with a better suit”. The idea that Russia is fundamentally...

Germany’s Energy Goes Kaput, Threatening Economic Stability

If you want to do something big, you have to start small; and German innovation is well known around the world. Yet when it comes to energy policy, the country looks to have placed the cart before...

The French Try Another Tax On Facebook, Google And YouTube

Yes, it’s true, France is trying to impose another tax upon Facebook, Google and YouTube. Strangely though it’s not going to be a tax to try and fill the yawning budget deficit the country has, nor...

Quite The Strangest Argument Against Crowdfunding Yet Seen

It does tend to be The Guardian where the strange arguments turn up but this is bizarre even by the standards of that newspaper. Crowdfunding is a bad thing because we can’t be sure that the people...

The Next Ronald Reagan Is The Leader Who Rediscovers Something Very Basic

So let’s see where we are with a large and crucial sector of the American economy. Costs in this sector have been soaring for most of the previous decade, depressing income growth and significantly...

Apple’s China Mobile Deal: Another Move In The Chess Game

The timing of Apple’s deal to sell its iPhone on China’s Mobile, the world’s largest mobile carrier, is being hailed as two giants at last coming together. China Mobile, rolling out 4G services to...

Apple’s China Mobile Deal: Another Move In The Chess Game

The timing of Apple’s deal to sell its iPhone on China’s Mobile, the world’s largest mobile carrier, is being hailed as two giants at last coming together. China Mobile, rolling out 4G services to...