A Chat With The Host of ‘Brain Games’: Nat Geo’s Highest-Rated Show Ever

Here’s the thing about Jason Silva, host of National Geographic Channel’s Brain Games: Off-camera, he’s exactly like you want him to be. (Disclaimer: I appeared on the unrelated Nat Geo series The 80...

A Digital-Life Lesson: How Steve Jobs Almost Ruined Neil Young

Neil Young played Carnegie Hall last week in a series of 4 critically acclaimed concerts. I was lucky enough to be at the second night. And what I saw, in addition to a show deserving all the praise...

5 Goals I’m Setting For My Business In 2014

We’re all guilty of it. We set our resolutions on the 31st of December, jazzed to make progress in our personal and professional lives, and then, by the middle of January, we’re bored. Our goals,...

Sick Of Sports: Why Rock Bands Are A Better Metaphor For Work Teams

Sports teams are the canonical metaphor for teamwork. We try to “pick winners” to score “slam dunks.” Team leaders “coach” team members and then “send in heavy hitters” who “step up to the plate”...

Reading A Novel Could Physically Change Your Brain (But What Does That Mean?)

It turns out that reading a novel can cause measurable changes in how connected portions of your brain are. That, at least, is a conclusion of a study performed at Emory University, which was...

Delight Your Customers By Giving Them What They Didn’t Ask For

When customers ask us for something, our first inclination is most likely to give it to them. Naturally, our goal is to deliver value to those who pay the bills. And the customer is always right,...

Five Crazy Easy Tricks To Boost Your Memory

If you think your memory is getting worse, you’re probably right. There’s considerable research that as we rely on technology for information retrieval, we’re losing our ability to keep content in...

Augmented Reality: Expanding the User Experience

Augmented reality and mobile apps have met before, but some developers contend that the next encounters will produce an even more sophisticated class of technology. The field of...